Commit b6e5db02 by Valera Rozuvan

Addressing comments for PR 2176.

parent b3f0d1b2
...@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class StubYouTubeHandler(StubHttpRequestHandler): ...@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class StubYouTubeHandler(StubHttpRequestHandler):
'duration': 60, 'duration': 60,
}) })
}) })
response = callback + '({})'.format(json.dumps(data)) response = "{cb}({data})".format(cb=callback, data=json.dumps(data))
self.send_response(200, content=response, headers={'Content-type': 'text/html'}) self.send_response(200, content=response, headers={'Content-type': 'text/html'})
self.log_message("Youtube: sent response {}".format(message)) self.log_message("Youtube: sent response {}".format(message))
# Stub Youtube API
window.YT =
Player: ->
getDuration: ->
ready: (f) -> f()
window.STATUS = window.YT.PlayerState
oldAjaxWithPrefix = window.jQuery.ajaxWithPrefix
window.onTouchBasedDevice = ->
navigator.userAgent.match /iPhone|iPod|iPad/i
jasmine.stubbedCaption =
end: [3120, 6270, 8490, 21620, 24920, 25750, 27900, 34380, 35550, 40250]
start: [1180, 3120, 6270, 14910, 21620, 24920, 25750, 27900, 34380, 35550]
text: [
"MICHAEL CIMA: So let's do the first one here.",
"Vacancies, where do they come from?",
"Well, imagine a perfect crystal.",
"Now we know at any temperature other than absolute zero there's enough",
"energy going around that some atoms will have more energy",
"than others, right?",
"There's a distribution.",
"If I plot energy here and number, these atoms in the crystal will have a",
"distribution of energy.",
"And some will have quite a bit of energy, just for a moment."
# For our purposes, we need to make sure that the function $.ajaxWithPrefix
# does not fail when during tests a captions file is requested.
# It is originally defined in
# common/static/coffee/src/ajax_prefix.js
# We will replace it with a function that does:
# 1.) Return a hard coded captions object if the file name contains 'Z5KLxerq05Y'.
# 2.) Behaves the same a as the origianl in all other cases.
window.jQuery.ajaxWithPrefix = (url, settings) ->
if not settings
settings = url
url = settings.url
success = settings.success
data =
if url.match(/Z5KLxerq05Y/g) isnt null or url.match(/7tqY6eQzVhE/g) isnt null or url.match(/cogebirgzzM/g) isnt null
if window.jQuery.isFunction(success) is true
success jasmine.stubbedCaption
else if window.jQuery.isFunction(data) is true
data jasmine.stubbedCaption
oldAjaxWithPrefix.apply @, arguments
# Time waitsFor() should wait for before failing a test.
window.WAIT_TIMEOUT = 5000
jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath += 'fixtures'
jasmine.stubbedMetadata =
id: '7tqY6eQzVhE'
duration: 300
id: 'cogebirgzzM'
duration: 200
duration: 100
jasmine.fireEvent = (el, eventName) ->
if document.createEvent
event = document.createEvent "HTMLEvents"
event.initEvent eventName, true, true
event = document.createEventObject()
event.eventType = eventName
event.eventName = eventName
if document.createEvent
el.fireEvent("on" + event.eventType, event)
jasmine.stubbedHtml5Speeds = ['0.75', '1.0', '1.25', '1.50']
jasmine.stubRequests = ->
spyOn($, 'ajax').andCallFake (settings) ->
if match = settings.url.match /youtube\.com\/.+\/videos\/(.+)\?v=2&alt=jsonc/
status = match[1].split('_')
if status and status[0] is 'status'
always: (callback) ->, {}, status[1])
error: (callback) ->, {}, status[1])
done: (callback) ->, {}, status[1])
else if settings.success
# match[1] - it's video ID
settings.success data: jasmine.stubbedMetadata[match[1]]
else {
always: (callback) ->, {}, 'success')
done: (callback) ->, {}, 'success')
else if match = settings.url.match /static(\/.*)?\/subs\/(.+)\.srt\.sjson/
settings.success jasmine.stubbedCaption
else if settings.url.match /.+\/problem_get$/
settings.success html: readFixtures('problem_content.html')
else if settings.url == '/calculate' ||
settings.url.match(/.+\/goto_position$/) ||
settings.url.match(/event$/) ||
# do nothing
throw "External request attempted for #{settings.url}, which is not defined."
jasmine.stubYoutubePlayer = ->
YT.Player = ->
obj = jasmine.createSpyObj 'YT.Player', ['cueVideoById', 'getVideoEmbedCode',
'getCurrentTime', 'getPlayerState', 'getVolume', 'setVolume', 'loadVideoById',
'playVideo', 'pauseVideo', 'seekTo', 'getDuration', 'getAvailablePlaybackRates', 'setPlaybackRate']
obj['getDuration'] = jasmine.createSpy('getDuration').andReturn 60
obj['getAvailablePlaybackRates'] = jasmine.createSpy('getAvailablePlaybackRates').andReturn [0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5]
jasmine.stubVideoPlayer = (context, enableParts, html5=false) ->
suite = context.suite
currentPartName = suite.description while suite = suite.parentSuite
if html5 == false
loadFixtures 'video.html'
loadFixtures 'video_html5.html'
YT.Player = undefined
window.OldVideoPlayer = undefined
return new Video '#example', '.75:7tqY6eQzVhE,1.0:cogebirgzzM'
# Add custom matchers
beforeEach ->
toHaveAttrs: (attrs) ->
element = @.actual
result = true
if $.isEmptyObject attrs
return false
$.each attrs, (name, value) ->
result = result && element.attr(name) == value
return result
toBeInRange: (min, max) ->
return min <= @.actual && @.actual <= max
toBeInArray: (array) ->
return $.inArray(@.actual, array) > -1
@addMatchers imagediff.jasmine
# Stub jQuery.cookie
$.cookie = jasmine.createSpy('jQuery.cookie').andReturn '1.0'
# Stub jQuery.qtip
$.fn.qtip = jasmine.createSpy 'jQuery.qtip'
# Stub jQuery.scrollTo
$.fn.scrollTo = jasmine.createSpy 'jQuery.scrollTo'
(function ($, undefined) {
var oldAjaxWithPrefix = $.ajaxWithPrefix;
// Stub YouTube API.
window.YT = {
Player: function () {
var Player = jasmine.createSpyObj(
'cueVideoById', 'getVideoEmbedCode', 'getCurrentTime',
'getPlayerState', 'getVolume', 'setVolume',
'loadVideoById', 'getAvailablePlaybackRates', 'playVideo',
'pauseVideo', 'seekTo', 'getDuration', 'setPlaybackRate',
Player.getAvailablePlaybackRates.andReturn(['0.50', '1.0', '1.50', '2.0']);
return Player;
PlayerState: {
ready: function (f) {
return f();
window.STATUS = window.YT.PlayerState;
window.onTouchBasedDevice = function () {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPod|iPad/i);
jasmine.stubbedCaption = {
end: [
3120, 6270, 8490, 21620, 24920, 25750, 27900, 34380, 35550, 40250
start: [
1180, 3120, 6270, 14910, 21620, 24920, 25750, 27900, 34380, 35550
text: [
'MICHAEL CIMA: So let\'s do the first one here.',
'Vacancies, where do they come from?',
'Well, imagine a perfect crystal.',
'Now we know at any temperature other than absolute zero ' +
'there\'s enough',
'energy going around that some atoms will have more energy',
'than others, right?',
'There\'s a distribution.',
'If I plot energy here and number, these atoms in the crystal ' +
'will have a',
'distribution of energy.',
'And some will have quite a bit of energy, just for a moment.'
// For our purposes, we need to make sure that the function
// $.ajaxWithPrefix does not fail when during tests a captions file is
// requested. It is originally defined in file:
// common/static/coffee/src/ajax_prefix.js
// We will replace it with a function that does:
// 1.) Return a hard coded captions object if the file name contains
// 'Z5KLxerq05Y'.
// 2.) Behaves the same a as the original function in all other cases.
$.ajaxWithPrefix = function (url, settings) {
var data, success;
if (!settings) {
settings = url;
url = settings.url;
success = settings.success;
data =;
if (
url.match(/Z5KLxerq05Y/g) ||
url.match(/7tqY6eQzVhE/g) ||
) {
if ($.isFunction(success)) {
return success(jasmine.stubbedCaption);
} else if ($.isFunction(data)) {
return data(jasmine.stubbedCaption);
} else {
return oldAjaxWithPrefix.apply(this, arguments);
// Time waitsFor() should wait for before failing a test.
window.WAIT_TIMEOUT = 5000;
jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath += 'fixtures';
jasmine.stubbedMetadata = {
'7tqY6eQzVhE': {
id: '7tqY6eQzVhE',
duration: 300
'cogebirgzzM': {
id: 'cogebirgzzM',
duration: 200
bogus: {
duration: 100
jasmine.fireEvent = function (el, eventName) {
var event;
if (document.createEvent) {
event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
} else {
event = document.createEventObject();
event.eventType = eventName;
event.eventName = eventName;
if (document.createEvent) {
} else {
el.fireEvent('on' + event.eventType, event);
jasmine.stubbedHtml5Speeds = ['0.75', '1.0', '1.25', '1.50'];
jasmine.stubRequests = function () {
return spyOn($, 'ajax').andCallFake(function (settings) {
var match, status, callCallback;
if (
match = settings.url
) {
status = match[1].split('_');
if (status && status[0] === 'status') {
callCallback = function (callback) {, {}, status[1]);
return {
always: callCallback,
error: callCallback,
done: callCallback
} else if (settings.success) {
return settings.success({
data: jasmine.stubbedMetadata[match[1]]
} else {
return {
always: function (callback) {
return, {}, 'success');
done: function (callback) {
return, {}, 'success');
} else if (
match = settings.url
) {
return settings.success(jasmine.stubbedCaption);
} else if (settings.url.match(/.+\/problem_get$/)) {
return settings.success({
html: readFixtures('problem_content.html')
} else if (
settings.url === '/calculate' ||
settings.url.match(/.+\/goto_position$/) ||
settings.url.match(/event$/) ||
) {
// Do nothing.
} else {
throw 'External request attempted for ' +
settings.url +
', which is not defined.';
// Add custom Jasmine matchers.
beforeEach(function () {
toHaveAttrs: function (attrs) {
var element = this.actual,
result = true;
if ($.isEmptyObject(attrs)) {
return false;
$.each(attrs, function (name, value) {
return result = result && element.attr(name) === value;
return result;
toBeInRange: function (min, max) {
return min <= this.actual && this.actual <= max;
toBeInArray: function (array) {
return $.inArray(this.actual, array) > -1;
return this.addMatchers(imagediff.jasmine);
// Stub jQuery.cookie module.
$.cookie = jasmine.createSpy('jQuery.cookie').andReturn('1.0');
// # Stub jQuery.qtip module.
$.fn.qtip = jasmine.createSpy('jQuery.qtip');
// Stub jQuery.scrollTo module.
$.fn.scrollTo = jasmine.createSpy('jQuery.scrollTo');
jasmine.initializePlayer = function (fixture, params) {
var state;
if (_.isString(fixture)) {
// `fixture` is a name of a fixture file.
} else {
// `fixture` is not a string. The first parameter is an object?
if (_.isObject(fixture)) {
// The first parameter contains attributes for the main video
// DIV element.
params = fixture;
// "video_all.html" is the default HTML template for HTML5 video.
// If `params` is an object, assign it's properties as data attributes
// to the main video DIV element.
if (_.isObject(params)) {
state = new Video('#example');
state.resizer = (function () {
var methods = [
obj = {};
$.each(methods, function (index, method) {
obj[method] = jasmine.createSpy(method).andReturn(obj);
return obj;
// We return the `state` object of the newly initialized Video.
return state;
jasmine.initializePlayerYouTube = function () {
// "video.html" contains HTML template for a YouTube video.
return jasmine.initializePlayer('video.html');
}).call(this, window.jQuery);
(function () { (function (undefined) {
describe('VideoPlayer Events', function () { describe('VideoPlayer Events', function () {
var state, videoPlayer, player, videoControl, videoCaption, var state, oldOTBD;
videoProgressSlider, videoSpeedControl, videoVolumeControl,
function initialize(fixture, params) {
if (_.isString(fixture)) {
} else {
if (_.isObject(fixture)) {
params = fixture;
if (_.isObject(params)) {
state = new Video('#example');
state.videoEl = $('video, iframe');
videoPlayer = state.videoPlayer;
player = videoPlayer.player;
videoControl = state.videoControl;
videoCaption = state.videoCaption;
videoProgressSlider = state.videoProgressSlider;
videoSpeedControl = state.videoSpeedControl;
videoVolumeControl = state.videoVolumeControl;
state.resizer = (function () {
var methods = [
obj = {};
$.each(methods, function (index, method) {
obj[method] = jasmine.createSpy(method).andReturn(obj);
return obj; describe('HTML5', function () {
}()); beforeEach(function () {
} oldOTBD = window.onTouchBasedDevice;
window.onTouchBasedDevice = jasmine
function initializeYouTube() { .createSpy('onTouchBasedDevice')
initialize('video.html'); .andReturn(null);
beforeEach(function () {
oldOTBD = window.onTouchBasedDevice;
window.onTouchBasedDevice = jasmine.createSpy('onTouchBasedDevice')
this.oldYT = window.YT;
window.YT = {
Player: function () {
return {
getPlaybackQuality: function () {},
getDuration: function () { return 60; }
PlayerState: this.oldYT.PlayerState,
ready: function (callback) {
afterEach(function () { jasmine.stubRequests();
window.onTouchBasedDevice = oldOTBD; state = jasmine.initializePlayer();
window.YT = this.oldYT;
it('initialize', function(){ state.videoEl = $('video, iframe');
runs(function () {
}); });
waitsFor(function () { afterEach(function () {
return state.el.hasClass('is-initialized'); $('source').remove();
}, 'Player is not initialized.', WAIT_TIMEOUT); window.onTouchBasedDevice = oldOTBD;
it('initialize', function () {
waitsFor(function () {
return state.el.hasClass('is-initialized');
}, 'Player is not initialized.', WAIT_TIMEOUT);
runs(function () { runs(function () {
expect('initialize').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video'); expect('initialize').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video');
}); });
it('ready', function() { it('ready', function () {
runs(function () { waitsFor(function () {
initialize(); return state.el.hasClass('is-initialized');
}, 'Player is not initialized.', WAIT_TIMEOUT);
runs(function () {
}); });
waitsFor(function () { it('play', function () {
return state.el.hasClass('is-initialized');;
}, 'Player is not initialized.', WAIT_TIMEOUT); expect('play').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video');
runs(function () { it('pause', function () {
}); });
it('play', function() { it('volumechange', function () {
initialize(); state.videoPlayer.onVolumeChange(60);;
it('pause', function() { expect('volumechange').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video');
initialize(); });;
it('volumechange', function() { it('speedchange', function () {
initialize(); state.videoPlayer.onSpeedChange('2.0');
expect('volumechange').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video'); expect('speedchange').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video');
}); });
it('speedchange', function() { it('seek', function () {
initialize(); state.videoPlayer.onCaptionSeek({
videoPlayer.onSpeedChange('2.0'); time: 1,
type: 'any'
expect('speedchange').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video'); expect('seek').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video');
}); });
it('qualitychange', function() { it('ended', function () {
initializeYouTube(); state.videoPlayer.onEnded();
expect('qualitychange').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video'); expect('ended').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video');
}); });
it('seek', function() { describe('YouTube', function () {
initialize(); beforeEach(function () {
videoPlayer.onCaptionSeek({ oldOTBD = window.onTouchBasedDevice;
time: 1, window.onTouchBasedDevice = jasmine
type: 'any' .createSpy('onTouchBasedDevice')
state = jasmine.initializePlayerYouTube();
}); });
expect('seek').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video'); afterEach(function () {
}); $('source').remove();
window.onTouchBasedDevice = oldOTBD;
it('ended', function() { it('qualitychange', function () {
initialize(); state.videoPlayer.onPlaybackQualityChange();
expect('ended').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video'); expect('qualitychange').not.toHaveBeenTriggeredOn('.video');
}); });
}); });
}).call(this); }).call(this);
(function () { (function (undefined) {
describe('Video', function () { describe('Video', function () {
var oldOTBD; var oldOTBD;
...@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ ...@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
}); });
afterEach(function () { afterEach(function () {
window.OldVideoPlayer = undefined;
$('source').remove(); $('source').remove();
}); });
...@@ -30,10 +29,6 @@ ...@@ -30,10 +29,6 @@
expect(this.state.videoType).toEqual('youtube'); expect(this.state.videoType).toEqual('youtube');
}); });
it('reset the current video player', function () {
it('set the elements', function () { it('set the elements', function () {
expect(this.state.el).toBe('#video_id'); expect(this.state.el).toBe('#video_id');
}); });
...@@ -76,10 +71,6 @@ ...@@ -76,10 +71,6 @@
expect(state.videoType).toEqual('html5'); expect(state.videoType).toEqual('html5');
}); });
it('reset the current video player', function () {
it('set the elements', function () { it('set the elements', function () {
expect(state.el).toBe('#video_id'); expect(state.el).toBe('#video_id');
}); });
(function (requirejs, require, define) { (function (requirejs, require, define, undefined) {
require( require(
['video/00_resizer.js'], ['video/00_resizer.js'],
...@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function (Resizer) { ...@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function (Resizer) {
beforeEach(function () { beforeEach(function () {
var spiesCount = _.range(3); var spiesCount = _.range(3);
spiesList = $.map(spiesCount, function() { spiesList = $.map(spiesCount, function () {
return jasmine.createSpy(); return jasmine.createSpy();
}); });
...@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ function (Resizer) { ...@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ function (Resizer) {
it('callbacks are called', function () { it('callbacks are called', function () {
$.each(spiesList, function(index, spy) { $.each(spiesList, function (index, spy) {
resizer.callbacks.add(spy); resizer.callbacks.add(spy);
}); });
resizer.align(); resizer.align();
$.each(spiesList, function(index, spy) { $.each(spiesList, function (index, spy) {
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();
}); });
}); });
...@@ -135,20 +135,20 @@ function (Resizer) { ...@@ -135,20 +135,20 @@ function (Resizer) {
}); });
it('All callbacks are removed', function () { it('All callbacks are removed', function () {
$.each(spiesList, function(index, spy) { $.each(spiesList, function (index, spy) {
resizer.callbacks.add(spy); resizer.callbacks.add(spy);
}); });
resizer.callbacks.removeAll(); resizer.callbacks.removeAll();
resizer.align(); resizer.align();
$.each(spiesList, function(index, spy) { $.each(spiesList, function (index, spy) {
expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
}); });
}); });
it('Specific callback is removed', function () { it('Specific callback is removed', function () {
$.each(spiesList, function(index, spy) { $.each(spiesList, function (index, spy) {
resizer.callbacks.add(spy); resizer.callbacks.add(spy);
}); });
...@@ -158,14 +158,17 @@ function (Resizer) { ...@@ -158,14 +158,17 @@ function (Resizer) {
expect(spiesList[1]).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spiesList[1]).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
}); });
it('Error message is shown when wrong argument type is passed', function () { it(
'Error message is shown when wrong argument type is passed',
function ()
var methods = ['add', 'once'], var methods = ['add', 'once'],
errorMessage = 'TypeError: Argument is not a function.', errorMessage = 'TypeError: Argument is not a function.',
arg = {}; arg = {};
spyOn(console, 'error'); spyOn(console, 'error');
$.each(methods, function(index, methodName) { $.each(methods, function (index, methodName) {
resizer.callbacks[methodName](arg); resizer.callbacks[methodName](arg);
expect(console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(errorMessage); expect(console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(errorMessage);
//reset spy //reset spy
(function () { (function (undefined) {
describe('Video FocusGrabber', function () { describe('Video FocusGrabber', function () {
var state; var state;
(function() { (function (undefined) {
describe('VideoQualityControl', function() { describe('VideoQualityControl', function () {
var state, videoControl, videoQualityControl, oldOTBD; var state, oldOTBD;
beforeEach(function () {
oldOTBD = window.onTouchBasedDevice;
window.onTouchBasedDevice = jasmine
function initialize() { afterEach(function () {
loadFixtures('video.html'); $('source').remove();
state = new Video('#example'); window.onTouchBasedDevice = oldOTBD;
videoControl = state.videoControl; });
videoQualityControl = state.videoQualityControl;
beforeEach(function() { describe('constructor', function () {
oldOTBD = window.onTouchBasedDevice; beforeEach(function () {
window.onTouchBasedDevice = jasmine state = jasmine.initializePlayer('video.html');
.createSpy('onTouchBasedDevice') });
afterEach(function() { it('render the quality control', function () {
$('source').remove(); var container = state.videoControl.secondaryControlsEl;
window.onTouchBasedDevice = oldOTBD;
describe('constructor', function() { expect(container).toContain('a.quality_control');
var oldYT = window.YT; });
beforeEach(function() { it('add ARIA attributes to quality control', function () {
window.YT = { var qualityControl = $('a.quality_control');
Player: function () {
return { getDuration: function () { return 60; } };
PlayerState: oldYT.PlayerState,
ready: function(f){f();}
initialize(); expect(qualityControl).toHaveAttrs({
}); 'role': 'button',
'title': 'HD off',
'aria-disabled': 'false'
afterEach(function () { it('bind the quality control', function () {
window.YT = oldYT; var handler = state.videoQualityControl.toggleQuality;
it('render the quality control', function() { expect($('a.quality_control')).toHandleWith('click', handler);
var container = videoControl.secondaryControlsEl; });
it('add ARIA attributes to quality control', function () {
var qualityControl = $('a.quality_control');
'role': 'button',
'title': 'HD off',
'aria-disabled': 'false'
}); });
it('bind the quality control', function() {
var handler = videoQualityControl.toggleQuality;
expect($('a.quality_control')).toHandleWith('click', handler);
}); });
}).call(this); }).call(this);
...@@ -559,16 +559,32 @@ function (VideoPlayer) { ...@@ -559,16 +559,32 @@ function (VideoPlayer) {
// example the length of the video can be determined from the meta // example the length of the video can be determined from the meta
// data. // data.
function fetchMetadata() { function fetchMetadata() {
var _this = this; var _this = this,
metadataXHRs = [];
this.metadata = {}; this.metadata = {};
$.each(this.videos, function (speed, url) { $.each(this.videos, function (speed, url) {
_this.getVideoMetadata(url, function (data) { var xhr = _this.getVideoMetadata(url, function (data) {
if ( { if ( {
_this.metadata[] =; _this.metadata[] =;
} }
}); });
$.when.apply(this, metadataXHRs).done(function () {
// Not only do we trigger the "metadata_received" event, we also
// set a flag to notify that metadata has been received. This
// allows for code that will miss the "metadata_received" event
// to know that metadata has been received. This is important in
// cases when some code will subscribe to the "metadata_received"
// event after it has been triggered.
_this.youtubeMetadataReceived = true;
}); });
} }
...@@ -176,52 +176,21 @@ function (HTML5Video, Resizer) { ...@@ -176,52 +176,21 @@ function (HTML5Video, Resizer) {
_resize(state, videoWidth, videoHeight); _resize(state, videoWidth, videoHeight);
// We wait for metadata to arrive, before we request the update // After initialization, update the VCR with total time.
// of the VCR video time, and of the start-end time region. // At this point only the metadata duration is available (not
// Metadata contains duration of the video. We wait for 2 // very precise), but it is better than having 00:00:00 for
// seconds, and then abandon our attempts to update the VCR // total time.
// video time (and the start-end time region) using metadata. if (state.youtubeMetadataReceived) {
(function () { // Metadata was already received, and is available.
var checkInterval = window.setInterval( _updateVcrAndRegion(state);
checkForMetadata, 50 } else {
), // We wait for metadata to arrive, before we request the update
numberOfChecks = 0; // of the VCR video time, and of the start-end time region.
// Metadata contains duration of the video.
return; state.el.on('metadata_received', function () {
function checkForMetadata() { });
if (state.metadata && state.metadata[state.youtubeId()]) { }
duration = state.videoPlayer.duration();
// After initialization, update the VCR with total time.
// At this point only the metadata duration is available (not
// very precise), but it is better than having 00:00:00 for
// total time.
time: 0,
duration: duration
duration: duration
} else {
numberOfChecks += 1;
if (numberOfChecks === 40) {
}); });
} }
...@@ -230,7 +199,26 @@ function (HTML5Video, Resizer) { ...@@ -230,7 +199,26 @@ function (HTML5Video, Resizer) {
} }
} }
function _resize (state, videoWidth, videoHeight) { function _updateVcrAndRegion(state) {
var duration = state.videoPlayer.duration();
time: 0,
duration: duration
duration: duration
function _resize(state, videoWidth, videoHeight) {
state.resizer = new Resizer({ state.resizer = new Resizer({
element: state.videoEl, element: state.videoEl,
elementRatio: videoWidth/videoHeight, elementRatio: videoWidth/videoHeight,
...@@ -783,7 +771,17 @@ function (HTML5Video, Resizer) { ...@@ -783,7 +771,17 @@ function (HTML5Video, Resizer) {
* This instability is internal to the player API (or browser internals). * This instability is internal to the player API (or browser internals).
*/ */
function duration() { function duration() {
var dur = this.videoPlayer.player.getDuration(); var dur;
// Sometimes the YouTube API doesn't finish instantiating all of it's
// methods, but the execution point arrives here.
// This happens when you have start and end times set, and click "Edit"
// in Studio, and then "Save". The Video editor dialog closes, the
// video reloads, but the start-end range is not visible.
if (this.videoPlayer.player.getDuration) {
dur = this.videoPlayer.player.getDuration();
// For YouTube videos, before the video starts playing, the API // For YouTube videos, before the video starts playing, the API
// function player.getDuration() will return 0. This means that the VCR // function player.getDuration() will return 0. This means that the VCR
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