Commit b6626620 by Ned Batchelder

Merge pull request #9477 from edx/ned/clarify-advanced-component-types

Add a comment explaining what ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES should be.
parents 15ce2e10 65a31795
......@@ -935,6 +935,25 @@ DEFAULT_COURSE_LANGUAGE = "en"
################ ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES ###############
# These strings are entry-point names from the of the XBlock.
# For example:
# setup(
# name='xblock-foobar',
# version='0.1',
# packages=[
# 'foobar_xblock',
# ],
# entry_points={
# 'xblock.v1': [
# 'foobar-block = foobar_xblock:FoobarBlock',
# # ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the one you want.
# ]
# },
# )
# To use this block, add 'foobar-block' to the ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES list.
'textannotation', # module for annotating text (with annotation table)
......@@ -975,17 +994,24 @@ ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES = [
# Adding components in this list will disable the creation of new problem for those
# compoenents in studio. Existing problems will work fine and one can edit them in studio
# Adding components in this list will disable the creation of new problem for
# those components in Studio. Existing problems will work fine and one can edit
# them in Studio.
# Specify xblocks that should be treated as advanced problems. Each entry is a tuple
# specifying the xblock name and an optional YAML template to be used.
# Specify XBlocks that should be treated as advanced problems. Each entry is a
# dict:
# 'component': the entry-point name of the XBlock. See the comment for
# ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES for details of where to find this
# name.
# 'boilerplate_name': an optional YAML template to be used. Specify as
# None to omit.
'component': 'openassessment',
'boilerplate_name': None,
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