Commit b5cd0184 by Calen Pennington

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into cpennington/lms-descriptors

parents 312dda76 ff96fbf5
Course settings module. All settings in the global_settings are
first applied, and then any settings in the settings.DATA_DIR/course_settings.json
are applied. A setting must be in ALL_CAPS.
Settings are used by calling
from courseware.course_settings import course_settings
Note that courseware.course_settings.course_settings is not a module -- it's an object. So
importing individual settings is not possible:
from courseware.course_settings.course_settings import GRADER # This won't work.
import json
import logging
from django.conf import settings
from xmodule import graders
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
global_settings_json = """
"GRADER" : [
"type" : "Homework",
"min_count" : 12,
"drop_count" : 2,
"short_label" : "HW",
"weight" : 0.15
"type" : "Lab",
"min_count" : 12,
"drop_count" : 2,
"category" : "Labs",
"weight" : 0.15
"type" : "Midterm",
"name" : "Midterm Exam",
"short_label" : "Midterm",
"weight" : 0.3
"type" : "Final",
"name" : "Final Exam",
"short_label" : "Final",
"weight" : 0.4
"A" : 0.87,
"B" : 0.7,
"C" : 0.6
class Settings(object):
def __init__(self):
# Load the global settings as a dictionary
global_settings = json.loads(global_settings_json)
# Load the course settings as a dictionary
course_settings = {}
with open( settings.DATA_DIR + "/course_settings.json") as course_settings_file:
course_settings_string =
course_settings = json.loads(course_settings_string)
except IOError:
log.warning("Unable to load course settings file from " + str(settings.DATA_DIR) + "/course_settings.json")
# Override any global settings with the course settings
# Now, set the properties from the course settings on ourselves
for setting in global_settings:
setting_value = global_settings[setting]
setattr(self, setting, setting_value)
# Here is where we should parse any configurations, so that we can fail early
self.GRADER = graders.grader_from_conf(self.GRADER)
course_settings = Settings()
'type' : "Homework",
'min_count' : 12,
'drop_count' : 2,
'short_label' : "HW",
'weight' : 0.15,
'type' : "Lab",
'min_count' : 12,
'drop_count' : 2,
'category' : "Labs",
'weight' : 0.15
'type' : "Midterm",
'name' : "Midterm Exam",
'short_label' : "Midterm",
'weight' : 0.3,
'type' : "Final",
'name' : "Final Exam",
'short_label' : "Final",
'weight' : 0.4,
Course settings module. The settings are based of django.conf. All settings in
courseware.global_course_settings are first applied, and then any settings
in the settings.DATA_DIR/ are applied. A setting must be
Settings are used by calling
from courseware import course_settings
Note that courseware.course_settings is not a module -- it's an object. So
importing individual settings is not possible:
from courseware.course_settings import GRADER # This won't work.
import random
import imp
import logging
import types
from django.conf import settings
from courseware import global_course_settings
from courseware.course_settings import course_settings
from xmodule import graders
from xmodule.graders import Score
from models import StudentModule
......@@ -30,37 +11,6 @@ from models import StudentModule
_log = logging.getLogger("mitx.courseware")
class Settings(object):
def __init__(self):
# update this dict from global settings (but only for ALL_CAPS settings)
for setting in dir(global_course_settings):
if setting == setting.upper():
setattr(self, setting, getattr(global_course_settings, setting))
data_dir = settings.DATA_DIR
fp = None
fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module("course_settings", [data_dir])
mod = imp.load_module("course_settings", fp, pathname, description)
except Exception as e:
_log.exception("Unable to import course settings file from " + data_dir + ". Error: " + str(e))
mod = types.ModuleType('course_settings')
if fp:
for setting in dir(mod):
if setting == setting.upper():
setting_value = getattr(mod, setting)
setattr(self, setting, setting_value)
# Here is where we should parse any configurations, so that we can fail early
self.GRADER = graders.grader_from_conf(self.GRADER)
course_settings = Settings()
def grade_sheet(student, course, student_module_cache):
This pulls a summary of all problems in the course. It returns a dictionary with two datastructures:
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