Commit b58fc87e by Rocky Duan

moved datehelper in place

parent 44544503
This Python module contains some useful date-related methods inspired by rails.
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from time_ago_in_words import *
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from import tzlocal
import calendar
# only used for testing
def _timedelta(**kwargs):
kwargs['days'] = kwargs.get('days', 0)
if kwargs.get('years', False):
# not really a good solution since ignoring leap years
# but this is only for test anyways
kwargs['days'] += kwargs['years'] * 365
del kwargs['years']
if kwargs.get('months', False):
kwargs['days'] += kwargs['months'] * 30
del kwargs['months']
return timedelta(**kwargs)
def time_ago_in_words(from_time, include_seconds=False):
return distance_of_time_in_words(from_time,, include_seconds=False)
distance_of_time_in_words_to_now = time_ago_in_words
def _time_in_words(before_text, unit):
if before_text:
before_text += ' '
def time_in_words_generator(count):
if count <= 1:
if before_text == 'less than ':
if unit == 'hour':
count = 'an'
count = 'a'
return '{0}{1} {2}'.format(before_text, count, unit)
return '{0}{1} {2}s'.format(before_text, count, unit)
return time_in_words_generator
def distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, to_time=0, include_seconds=False, options = {}):
"""Return a rough description of the time interval between from_time and to_time.
This is a direct translation from rails in ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper.
>>> from_time =
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(minutes=50))
'about 1 hour'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(seconds=15))
'less than a minute'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(seconds=15), True)
'less than 20 seconds'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(years=3))
'about 3 years'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(hours=60))
'3 days'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(seconds=45), True)
'less than a minute'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(seconds=-45), True)
'less than a minute'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(seconds=76))
'1 minute'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(years=1, days=3))
'about 1 year'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(years=3, months=6))
'over 3 years'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time + _timedelta(years=4, days=9, minutes=30, seconds=5))
'about 4 years'
>>> to_time = from_time + _timedelta(years=6, days=19)
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, to_time, True)
'about 6 years'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(to_time, from_time, True)
'about 6 years'
>>> distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, from_time)
'less than a minute'
if isinstance(from_time, int):
from_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()+from_time)
if isinstance(to_time, int):
to_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()+to_time)
distance_in_minutes = int(round(abs((to_time - from_time).total_seconds()) / 60))
distance_in_seconds = int(round(abs((to_time - from_time).total_seconds())))
less_than_x_minutes = _time_in_words('less than', 'minute')
less_than_x_seconds = _time_in_words('less than', 'second')
half_a_minute = 'half a minute'
x_minutes = _time_in_words('', 'minute')
about_x_hours = _time_in_words('about', 'hour')
x_days = _time_in_words('', 'day')
about_x_months = _time_in_words('about', 'month')
x_months = _time_in_words('', 'month')
about_x_years = _time_in_words('about', 'year')
over_x_years = _time_in_words('over', 'year')
almost_x_years = _time_in_words('almost', 'year')
if 0 <= distance_in_minutes <= 1:
if not include_seconds:
if distance_in_minutes == 0:
return less_than_x_minutes(1)
return x_minutes(distance_in_minutes)
if 0 <= distance_in_seconds <= 4:
return less_than_x_seconds(5)
elif 5 <= distance_in_seconds <= 9:
return less_than_x_seconds(10)
elif 10 <= distance_in_seconds <= 19:
return less_than_x_seconds(20)
elif 20 <= distance_in_seconds <= 39:
return half_a_minute
elif 40 <= distance_in_seconds <= 59:
return less_than_x_minutes(1)
return x_minutes(1)
elif 2 <= distance_in_minutes <= 44:
return x_minutes(distance_in_minutes)
elif 45 <= distance_in_minutes <= 89:
return about_x_hours(1)
elif 90 <= distance_in_minutes <= 1439:
return about_x_hours(int(round(float(distance_in_minutes) / 60.0)))
elif 1440 <= distance_in_minutes <= 2519:
return x_days(1)
elif 2520 <= distance_in_minutes <= 43199:
return x_days(int(round(float(distance_in_minutes) / 1440.0)))
elif 43200 <= distance_in_minutes <= 86399:
return about_x_months(1)
elif 86400 <= distance_in_minutes <= 525599:
return x_months(int(round(float(distance_in_minutes) / 43200.0)))
fyear = from_time.year
if from_time.month >= 3:
fyear += 1
tyear = to_time.year
if to_time.month < 3:
tyear -= 1
leap_years = 0 if fyear > tyear else len([x for x in range(fyear, tyear + 1) if calendar.isleap(x)])
minute_offset_for_leap_year = leap_years * 1440
# Discount the leap year days when calculating year distance.
# e.g. if there are 20 leap year days between 2 dates having the same day
# and month then the based on 365 days calculation
# the distance in years will come out to over 80 years when in written
# english it would read better as about 80 years.
minutes_with_offset = distance_in_minutes - minute_offset_for_leap_year
remainder = (minutes_with_offset % 525600)
distance_in_years = (minutes_with_offset / 525600)
if remainder < 131400:
return about_x_years(distance_in_years)
elif remainder < 394200:
return over_x_years(distance_in_years)
return almost_x_years(distance_in_years + 1)
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