Commit b58de56a by Carol Tong

DOC-3822 Make 2 steps more obvious in credit eligible email

parent 6088725d
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text
<!DOCTYPE html>
......@@ -36,39 +39,51 @@
% if providers:
${_(u"Congratulations! You are eligible to receive course credit from {providers} for successfully completing your {platform_name} course! {link_start}Get your credit now.{link_end}").format(
link_start=u'<a href="{dashboard_url}">'.format(
${Text(_(u"Congratulations! You are now eligible to receive course credit from {providers} for successfully completing your {platform_name} course! {link_start}Purchase credit now.{link_end}")).format(
link_start=HTML(u'<a href="{dashboard_url}">').format(
% else:
${_(u"Congratulations! You are eligible to receive course credit for successfully completing your {platform_name} course! {link_start}Get your credit now.{link_end}").format(
link_start=u'<a href="{dashboard_url}">'.format(
${Text(_(u"Congratulations! You are now eligible to receive course credit for successfully completing your {platform_name} course! {link_start}Purchase credit now.{link_end}")).format(
link_start=HTML(u'<a href="{dashboard_url}">').format(
% endif
${_(u"Course credit can help you get a jump start on your university degree, finish a degree already started, or fulfill requirements at a different academic institution.")}
${Text(_(u"Course credit can help you get a jump start on your university degree, finish a degree already started, or fulfill requirements at a different academic institution."))}
${_(u'To get course credit, simply go to your {link_start}{platform_name} dashboard{link_end} and click the <b>Get Credit</b> button. After you receive your credit, you will also have an official academic transcript at the institution that granted the credit.').format(
link_start=u'<a href="{dashboard_url}">'.format(
${Text(_(u'There are 2 steps to getting course credit.'))}
${Text(_(u'Purchase credit by going to your {link_start}{platform_name} dashboard{link_end} and clicking the {bold_start}Get Credit{bold_end} button below the course title.')).format(
link_start=HTML(u'<a href="{dashboard_url}">').format(
${Text(_(u'When your payment is complete, return to the dashboard and click the {bold_start}Request Credit{bold_end} button under the course title to request an official academic transcript at the institution that granted the credit.')).format(
${_(u"We hope you enjoyed the course, and we hope to see you in future {platform_name} courses!").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}<br/>
${_(u"The {platform_name} Team").format(platform_name=settings.PLATFORM_NAME)}
......@@ -81,9 +96,9 @@
<td class="cn-footer-content">
${_(u"{link_start}Click here for more information on credit at {platform_name}{link_end}.").format(
link_start=u'<a href="">',
${Text(_(u"{link_start}Click here for more information on credit at {platform_name}{link_end}.")).format(
link_start=HTML(u'<a href="">'),
......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ ${_(u"Hi,")}
% endif
% if providers:
${_(u"Congratulations! You are eligible to receive course credit from {providers} for successfully completing your edX course!").format(providers=providers)}
${_(u"Congratulations! You are now eligible to receive course credit from {providers} for successfully completing your edX course!").format(providers=providers)}
% else:
${_(u"Congratulations! You are eligible to receive course credit for successfully completing your edX course!")}
${_(u"Congratulations! You are now eligible to receive course credit for successfully completing your edX course!")}
% endif
${_(u"Click on the link below to get your credit now:")}
......@@ -17,7 +17,13 @@ ${dashboard_link}
${_(u"Course credit can help you get a jump start on your university degree, finish a degree already started, or fulfill requirements at a different academic institution.")}
${_(u'To get course credit, simply go to your edX dashboard and click the "Get Credit" button. After you receive your credit, you will also have an official academic transcript at the institution that granted the credit.')}
${_(u'There are 2 steps to getting course credit.')}
${_(u'1. Purchase credit by going to your edX dashboard and clicking the "Get Credit" button below the course title.')}'
${_(u'2. When your payment is complete, return to the dashboard and click the "Request Credit" button under the course title to request an official academic transcript at the institution that granted the credit.')}
${_(u"We hope you enjoyed the course, and we hope to see you in future edX courses!")}
${_(u"The edX team")}
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