Commit b4c4d18e by stv

Fix Pylint: W0110: (deprecated-lambda)

divide_chemical_expression: map/filter on lambda could be replaced by
parent 11020cf1
......@@ -340,11 +340,10 @@ def divide_chemical_expression(s1, s2, ignore_state=False):
return False
if any(
lambda x, y: x / y - treedic['1 factors'][0] / treedic['2 factors'][0],
treedic['1 factors'],
treedic['2 factors'],
x / y - treedic['1 factors'][0] / treedic['2 factors'][0]
for (x, y) in zip(treedic['1 factors'], treedic['2 factors'])
# factors are not proportional
return False
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