Commit b44e8fe8 by Miles Steele

add regrade & rescore & task api tests, clean api

parent 7905e7d2
......@@ -456,19 +456,26 @@ def get_student_progress_url(request, course_id):
@cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
student_email="email of student for whom to reset attempts"
problem_to_reset="problem urlname to reset"
def reset_student_attempts(request, course_id):
Resets a students attempts counter or starts a task to reset all students attempts counters. Optionally deletes student state for a problem.
Limited to staff access. Some sub-methods limited to instructor access.
Takes either of the following query paremeters
Resets a students attempts counter or starts a task to reset all students
attempts counters. Optionally deletes student state for a problem. Limited
to staff access. Some sub-methods limited to instructor access.
Takes some of the following query paremeters
- problem_to_reset is a urlname of a problem
- student_email is an email
- all_students is a boolean (requires instructor access) (mutually exclusive with delete_module)
- delete_module is a boolean (requires instructor access) (mutually exclusive with all_students)
- all_students is a boolean
requires instructor access
mutually exclusive with delete_module
mutually exclusive with delete_module
- delete_module is a boolean
requires instructor access
mutually exclusive with all_students
course = get_course_with_access(
request.user, course_id, 'staff', depth=None
......@@ -479,15 +486,20 @@ def reset_student_attempts(request, course_id):
all_students = request.GET.get('all_students', False) in ['true', 'True', True]
delete_module = request.GET.get('delete_module', False) in ['true', 'True', True]
if not (problem_to_reset and (all_students or student_email)):
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
if delete_module and all_students:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
# parameter combinations
if all_students and student_email:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
"all_students and student_email are mutually exclusive."
if all_students and delete_module:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
"all_students and delete_module are mutually exclusive."
# require instructor access for some queries
# instructor authorization
if all_students or delete_module:
if not has_access(request.user, course, 'instructor'):
HttpResponseBadRequest("requires instructor accesss.")
return HttpResponseForbidden("Requires instructor access.")
module_state_key = _msk_from_problem_urlname(course_id, problem_to_reset)
......@@ -527,14 +539,19 @@ def rescore_problem(request, course_id):
- student_email is an email
- all_students is a boolean
all_students will be ignored if student_email is present
all_students and student_email cannot both be present.
problem_to_reset = request.GET.get('problem_to_reset')
student_email = request.GET.get('student_email', False)
all_students = request.GET.get('all_students') in ['true', 'True', True]
if not (problem_to_reset and (all_students or student_email)):
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
return HttpResponseBadRequest("Missing query parameters.")
if all_students and student_email:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
"Cannot rescore with all_students and student_email."
module_state_key = _msk_from_problem_urlname(course_id, problem_to_reset)
......@@ -566,15 +583,19 @@ def list_instructor_tasks(request, course_id):
List instructor tasks.
Limited to instructor access.
Takes either of the following query paremeters
- (optional) problem_urlname (same format as problem_to_reset in other api methods)
- (optional) student_email
Takes optional query paremeters.
- With no arguments, lists running tasks.
- `problem_urlname` lists task history for problem
- `problem_urlname` and `student_email` lists task
history for problem AND student (intersection)
problem_urlname = request.GET.get('problem_urlname', False)
student_email = request.GET.get('student_email', False)
if student_email and not problem_urlname:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
return HttpResponseBadRequest(
"student_email must accompany problem_urlname"
if problem_urlname:
module_state_key = _msk_from_problem_urlname(course_id, problem_urlname)
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