Commit b4207471 by Brian Talbot Committed by David Baumgold

Studio: updates keyframes/animations syntax for all animations

parent 40585b2b
...@@ -2,35 +2,51 @@ ...@@ -2,35 +2,51 @@
// ==================== // ====================
// rotate clockwise // rotate clockwise
@mixin rotateClockwise { @include keyframes(rotateCW) {
0% { 0% {
@include transform(rotate(0deg)); @include transform(rotate(0deg));
} }
50% {
@include transform(rotate(180deg));
100% { 100% {
@include transform(rotate(360deg)); @include transform(rotate(360deg));
} }
} }
@-moz-keyframes rotateClockwise { @include rotateClockwise(); } // ====================
@-webkit-keyframes rotateClockwise { @include rotateClockwise(); }
@-o-keyframes rotateClockwise { @include rotateClockwise(); } // canned rotate clockwise animation - use if you want out of the box/non-customized anim
@keyframes rotateClockwise { @include rotateClockwise();} .anim-rotateCW {
@include animation(rotateCW 1.0s linear inifinte);
@mixin anim-rotateClockwise($duration, $timing: ease-in-out, $count: 1, $delay: 0) { // rotate counter-clockwise
@include animation-name(rotateClockwise); @include keyframes(rotateCCW) {
@include animation-duration($duration); 0% {
@include animation-delay($delay); @include transform(rotate(0deg));
@include animation-timing-function($timing); }
@include animation-iteration-count($count);
@include animation-fill-mode(both);
50% {
@include transform(rotate(-180deg));
100% {
@include transform(rotate(-360deg));
// canned rotate counter-clockwise animation - use if you want out of the box/non-customized anim
.anim-rotateCCW {
@include animation(rotateCCW 1.0s linear inifinte);
} }
// ==================== // ====================
// notifications slide up // notifications slide up
@mixin notificationsSlideUp { @include keyframes(notificationSlideUp) {
0% { 0% {
@include transform(translateY(0)); @include transform(translateY(0));
} }
...@@ -44,25 +60,10 @@ ...@@ -44,25 +60,10 @@
} }
} }
@-moz-keyframes notificationsSlideUp { @include notificationsSlideUp(); }
@-webkit-keyframes notificationsSlideUp { @include notificationsSlideUp(); }
@-o-keyframes notificationsSlideUp { @include notificationsSlideUp(); }
@keyframes notificationsSlideUp { @include notificationsSlideUp();}
@mixin anim-notificationsSlideUp($duration, $timing: ease-in-out, $count: 1, $delay: 0) {
@include animation-name(notificationsSlideUp);
@include animation-duration($duration);
@include animation-delay($delay);
@include animation-timing-function($timing);
@include animation-iteration-count($count);
@include animation-fill-mode(both);
// ==================== // ====================
// notifications slide down // notifications slide down
@mixin notificationsSlideDown { @include keyframes(notificationSlideDown) {
0% { 0% {
@include transform(translateY(-($notification-height*0.99))); @include transform(translateY(-($notification-height*0.99)));
} }
...@@ -76,24 +77,10 @@ ...@@ -76,24 +77,10 @@
} }
} }
@-moz-keyframes notificationsSlideDown { @include notificationsSlideDown(); }
@-webkit-keyframes notificationsSlideDown { @include notificationsSlideDown(); }
@-o-keyframes notificationsSlideDown { @include notificationsSlideDown(); }
@keyframes notificationsSlideDown { @include notificationsSlideDown();}
@mixin anim-notificationsSlideDown($duration, $timing: ease-in-out, $count: 1, $delay: 0) {
@include animation-name(notificationsSlideDown);
@include animation-duration($duration);
@include animation-delay($delay);
@include animation-timing-function($timing);
@include animation-iteration-count($count);
@include animation-fill-mode(both);
// ==================== // ====================
// bounce in // bounce in
@mixin bounceIn { @include keyframes(bounceIn) {
0% { 0% {
opacity: 0.0; opacity: 0.0;
@include transform(scale(0.3)); @include transform(scale(0.3));
...@@ -109,38 +96,15 @@ ...@@ -109,38 +96,15 @@
} }
} }
@-moz-keyframes bounceIn { @include bounceIn(); } // canned bounce in animation - use if you want out of the box/non-customized anim
@-webkit-keyframes bounceIn { @include bounceIn(); } .anim-bounceIn {
@-o-keyframes bounceIn { @include bounceIn(); } @include animation(bounceIn 0.5s ease-in-out 1);
@keyframes bounceIn { @include bounceIn();}
@mixin anim-bounceIn($duration, $timing: ease-in-out, $count: 1, $delay: 0) {
@include animation-name(bounceIn);
@include animation-duration($duration);
@include animation-delay($delay);
@include animation-timing-function($timing);
@include animation-iteration-count($count);
@include animation-fill-mode(both);
} }
// ==================== // ====================
// bounce in // bounce out
@mixin bounceOut { @include keyframes(bounceOut) {
0% {
opacity: 0.0;
@include transform(scale(0.3));
50% {
opacity: 1.0;
@include transform(scale(1.05));
100% {
@include transform(scale(1));
0% { 0% {
@include transform(scale(1)); @include transform(scale(1));
} }
...@@ -156,16 +120,7 @@ ...@@ -156,16 +120,7 @@
} }
} }
@-moz-keyframes bounceOut { @include bounceOut(); } // canned bounce in animation - use if you want out of the box/non-customized anim
@-webkit-keyframes bounceOut { @include bounceOut(); } .anim-bounceOut {
@-o-keyframes bounceOut { @include bounceOut(); } @include animation(bounceOut 0.5s ease-in-out 1);
@keyframes bounceOut { @include bounceOut();}
@mixin anim-bounceOut($duration, $timing: ease-in-out, $count: 1, $delay: 0) {
@include animation-name(bounceOut);
@include animation-duration($duration);
@include animation-delay($delay);
@include animation-timing-function($timing);
@include animation-iteration-count($count);
@include animation-fill-mode(both);
} }
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