Commit b41b4597 by Victor Shnayder

update docstring on x_module.get_score to match reality

parent 4fd1a2fa
......@@ -233,17 +233,17 @@ class XModule(HTMLSnippet):
self._loaded_children = [c for c in children if c is not None]
return self._loaded_children
def get_children_locations(self):
Returns the locations of each of child modules.
Overriding this changes the behavior of get_children and
anything that uses get_children, such as get_display_items.
This method will not instantiate the modules of the children
unless absolutely necessary, so it is cheaper to call than get_children
These children will be the same children returned by the
descriptor unless descriptor.has_dynamic_children() is true.
......@@ -288,8 +288,20 @@ class XModule(HTMLSnippet):
return '{}'
def get_score(self):
''' Score the student received on the problem.
Score the student received on the problem, or None if there is no
{'score': integer, from 0 to get_max_score(),
'total': get_max_score()}
NOTE (vshnayder): not sure if this was the intended return value, but
that's what it's doing now. I suspect that we really want it to just
return a number. Would need to change (at least) capa and
modx_dispatch to match if we did that.
return None
def max_score(self):
......@@ -319,7 +331,7 @@ class XModule(HTMLSnippet):
get is a dictionary-like object '''
return ""
# cdodge: added to support dynamic substitutions of
# cdodge: added to support dynamic substitutions of
# links for courseware assets (e.g. images). <link> is passed through from lxml.html parser
def rewrite_content_links(self, link):
# see if we start with our format, e.g. 'xasset:<filename>'
......@@ -408,7 +420,7 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin, HTMLSnippet, ResourceTemplates):
# cdodge: this is a list of metadata names which are 'system' metadata
# and should not be edited by an end-user
system_metadata_fields = [ 'data_dir' ]
# A list of descriptor attributes that must be equal for the descriptors to
# be equal
equality_attributes = ('definition', 'metadata', 'location',
......@@ -562,18 +574,18 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin, HTMLSnippet, ResourceTemplates):
def has_dynamic_children(self):
Returns True if this descriptor has dynamic children for a given
student when the module is created.
Returns False if the children of this descriptor are the same
children that the module will return for any student.
children that the module will return for any student.
return False
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