Commit b38a36d4 by Vik Paruchuri

Fix test

parent 8a6c8b5a
......@@ -630,9 +630,9 @@ class OpenEndedModuleXmlTest(unittest.TestCase, DummyModulestore):
module.handle_ajax("reset", {})
self.assertEqual(module.state, "initial")
class OpenEndedModuleXmlTest(unittest.TestCase, DummyModulestore):
class OpenEndedModuleXmlAttemptTest(unittest.TestCase, DummyModulestore):
Test the student flow in the combined open ended xmodule
Test if student is able to reset the problem
problem_location = Location(["i4x", "edX", "open_ended", "combinedopenended", "SampleQuestion1Attempt"])
answer = "blah blah"
......@@ -649,6 +649,7 @@ class OpenEndedModuleXmlTest(unittest.TestCase, DummyModulestore):
def test_reset_fail(self):
Test the flow of the module if we complete the self assessment step and then reset
Since the problem only allows one attempt, should fail.
assessment = [0, 1]
......@@ -675,8 +676,11 @@ class OpenEndedModuleXmlTest(unittest.TestCase, DummyModulestore):
html = module.get_html()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(html, basestring))
#Module should now be done
rubric = module.handle_ajax("get_combined_rubric", {})
self.assertTrue(isinstance(rubric, basestring))
self.assertEqual(module.state, "done")
#Try to reset, should fail because only 1 attempt is allowed
reset_data = json.loads(module.handle_ajax("reset", {}))
self.assertEqual(reset_data['success'], False)
......@@ -270,6 +270,11 @@ def get_problem_list(request, course_id):
problem_list = response['problem_list']
valid_problem_list = []
for i in xrange(0,len(problem_list)):
#Needed to ensure that the 'location' key can be accessed
problem_list[i] = json.loads(problem_list[i])
except Exception:
if does_location_exist(course_id, problem_list[i]['location']):
response['problem_list'] = valid_problem_list
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