Commit b35994f1 by Valera Rozuvan

Merge pull request #3090 from edx/valera/update_youtube_stub_server_doc

Update doc string for YouTube stub server.
parents 30f7f1cf f03a94b0
Stub implementation of YouTube for acceptance tests.
To start this stub server on its own from Vagrant:
1.) Locally, modify your Vagrantfile so that it contains: :forwarded_port, guest: 8031, host: 8031
2.) From within Vagrant dev environment do:
cd common/djangoapps/terrain
python -m stubs.start youtube 8031
3.) Locally, try accessing http://localhost:8031/ and see that
you get "Unused url" message inside the browser.
from .http import StubHttpRequestHandler, StubHttpService
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