Commit b3271e3b by raeeschachar

Fixes test_page_scroll_on_thread_change_view failing on chrome

parent a0db0d82
......@@ -354,12 +354,11 @@ class DiscussionTabSingleThreadPage(CoursePage):
with self.thread_page._secondary_action_menu_open(".forum-thread-main-wrapper"):
self._find_within(".forum-thread-main-wrapper .action-close")
def is_window_on_top(self):
def is_focused_on_element(self, selector):
Check if window's scroll is at top
Check if the focus is on element
return self.browser.execute_script("return $('html, body').offset().top") == 0
return self.browser.execute_script("return $('{}').is(':focus')".format(selector))
def _thread_is_rendered_successfully(self, thread_id):
return self.q(css=".discussion-article[data-id='{}']".format(thread_id)).visible
......@@ -381,13 +380,13 @@ class DiscussionTabSingleThreadPage(CoursePage):
return len(self.q(css=".forum-nav-thread").results) == thread_count
def check_window_is_on_top(self):
def check_focus_is_set(self, selector):
Check window is on top of the page
Check focus is set
"Window is on top"
lambda: self.is_focused_on_element(selector),
"Focus is on other element"
......@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ class DiscussionTabMultipleThreadTest(BaseDiscussionTestCase):
def test_page_scroll_on_thread_change_view(self):
Check switching between threads changes the page to scroll to bottom
Check switching between threads changes the page focus
# verify threads are rendered on the page
......@@ -327,8 +327,8 @@ class DiscussionTabMultipleThreadTest(BaseDiscussionTestCase):
# Verify that window is on top of page.
# Verify that the focus is changed
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