Commit b2fe7f5c by cahrens

Update documentation (per Toddi).

parent f0260757
......@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ class CapaFields(object):
attempts = StringyInteger(help="Number of attempts taken by the student on this problem", default=0, scope=Scope.user_state)
max_attempts = StringyInteger(
display_name="Maximum Attempts",
help="This specifies the number of times the student can try to answer this problem. If unset, infinite attempts are allowed.",
help="Defines the number of times a student can try to answer this problem. If the value is not set, infinite attempts are allowed.",
values = {"min" : 1 }, scope=Scope.settings
due = Date(help="Date that this problem is due by", scope=Scope.settings)
graceperiod = Timedelta(help="Amount of time after the due date that submissions will be accepted", scope=Scope.settings)
showanswer = String(
display_name="Show Answer",
help="Specifies when to show the answer to this problem. A default value can be set course-wide in Advanced Settings.",
help="Defines when to show the answer to the problem. A default value can be set in Advanced Settings.",
scope=Scope.settings, default="closed",
{"display_name": "Always", "value": "always"},
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class CapaFields(object):
force_save_button = Boolean(help="Whether to force the save button to appear on the page", scope=Scope.settings, default=False)
rerandomize = Randomization(
display_name="Randomization", help="Specifies whether variable inputs for this problem are randomized each time a student loads the problem. This only applies to problems that have randomly generated numeric variables. A default value can be set course-wide in Advanced Settings.",
display_name="Randomization", help="Defines how often inputs are randomized when a student loads the problem. This setting only applies to problems that can have randomly generated numeric values. A default value can be set in Advanced Settings.",
default="always", scope=Scope.settings, values=[{"display_name": "Always", "value": "always"},
{"display_name": "On Reset", "value": "onreset"},
{"display_name": "Never", "value": "never"},
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class CapaFields(object):
seed = StringyInteger(help="Random seed for this student", scope=Scope.user_state)
weight = StringyFloat(
display_name="Problem Weight",
help="Specifies the number of points the problem is worth. If unset, each response field in the problem is worth one point.",
help="Defines the number of points each problem is worth. If the value is not set, each response field in the problem is worth one point.",
values = {"min" : 0 , "step": .1},
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class VersionInteger(Integer):
class CombinedOpenEndedFields(object):
display_name = String(
display_name="Display Name",
help="Specifies the name for this component.",
help="This name appears in the horizontal navigation at the top of the page.",
default="Open Ended Grading", scope=Scope.settings
current_task_number = StringyInteger(help="Current task that the student is on.", default=0, scope=Scope.user_state)
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedFields(object):
data = String(help="XML data for the problem", scope=Scope.content)
weight = StringyFloat(
display_name="Problem Weight",
help="The number of points the problem is worth. By default, each problem is worth one point.",
help="Defines the number of points each problem is worth. If the value is not set, each problem is worth one point.",
scope=Scope.settings, values = {"min" : 0 , "step": ".1"}
markdown = String(help="Markdown source of this module", scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ class DiscussionFields(object):
discussion_id = String(scope=Scope.settings)
discussion_category = String(
help="Specifies a category name for this discussion. This name appears in the left pane of the discussion forum for your course.",
help="A category name for the discussion. This name appears in the left pane of the discussion forum for the course.",
discussion_target = String(
help="Specifies a subcategory name for this discussion. This name appears in the left pane of the discussion forum for your course.",
help="A subcategory name for the discussion. This name appears in the left pane of the discussion forum for the course.",
sort_key = String(scope=Scope.settings)
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class PeerGradingFields(object):
weight = StringyFloat(
display_name="Problem Weight",
help="Specifies the number of points the problem is worth. By default, each problem is worth one point.",
help="Defines the number of points each problem is worth. If the value is not set, each problem is worth one point.",
scope=Scope.settings, values={"min": 0, "step": ".1"}
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class WordCloudFields(object):
"""XFields for word cloud."""
num_inputs = StringyInteger(
help="Number of text boxes for student to input words/sentences.",
help="Number of text boxes available for students to input words/sentences.",
values = {"min" : 1 }
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class WordCloudFields(object):
display_student_percents = StringyBoolean(
display_name="Show Percents",
help="Show statistics for entered words near every word separately at the top.",
help="Statistics are shown for entered words near that word.",
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class HTMLSnippet(object):
class XModuleFields(object):
display_name = String(
display_name="Display Name",
help="Specifies the name for this component. The name appears in the course navigation at the top of the page.",
help="This name appears in the horizontal navigation at the top of the page.",
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