Commit b2cd6915 by Slater-Victoroff

Draft 1 of cross-platform bash script is complete, but more testing needs to be done

parent 5883ee8a
......@@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ clone_repos() {
cd "$BASE"
if [[ -d "$BASE/edx_platform/.git" ]]; then
if [[ -d "$BASE/edx-platform/.git" ]]; then
output "Pulling edx platform"
cd "$BASE/edx_platform"
cd "$BASE/edx-platform"
git pull
output "Cloning edx platform"
if [[ -d "$BASE/edx_platform" ]]; then
if [[ -d "$BASE/edx-platform" ]]; then
output "Creating backup for existing edx platform"
mv "$BASE/edx_platform" "${BASE}/edx_platform.bak.$$"
mv "$BASE/edx-platform" "${BASE}/edx-platform.bak.$$"
git clone
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ EO
error "Unsupported platform. Try switching to either Mac or a Debian-based linux distribution (Ubuntu or Mint)"
error "Unsupported platform. Try switching to either Mac or a Debian-based linux distribution (Ubuntu, Debian, or Mint)"
exit 1
......@@ -287,11 +287,16 @@ esac
# Sanity check to make sure the repo layout hasn't changed
if [[ -d $BASE/edx_platform/scripts]]; then
ouput "Installing system-level dependencies"
if [[ -d $BASE/edx-platform/scripts]]; then
output "Installing system-level dependencies"
bash $BASE/edx-platform/scripts/
error "It appears that our directory structure has changed and somebody failed to update this script.
raise an issue on Github and someone should fix it."
exit 1
# Install system-level dependencies
bash $BASE/edx_platform/scripts/
output "Installing RVM, Ruby, and required gems"
......@@ -331,8 +336,8 @@ case `uname -s` in
# Let the repo override the version of Ruby to install
if [[ -r $BASE/mitx/.ruby-version ]]; then
RUBY_VER=`cat $BASE/mitx/.ruby-version`
if [[ -r $BASE/edx-platform/.ruby-version ]]; then
RUBY_VER=`cat $BASE/edx-platform/.ruby-version`
# Current stable version of RVM (1.19.0) requires the following to build Ruby:
......@@ -348,14 +353,15 @@ fi
# any required libs are missing.
LESS="-E" rvm install $RUBY_VER --with-readline
# Create the "mitx" gemset
rvm use "$RUBY_VER@mitx" --create
# Create the "edx" gemset
rvm use "$RUBY_VER" --create
rvm rubygems latest
output "Installing gem bundler"
gem install bundler
output "Installing ruby packages"
bundle install --gemfile $BASE/mitx/Gemfile
bundle install --gemfile $BASE/edx-platform/Gemfile
# Install Python virtualenv
......@@ -378,17 +384,17 @@ if [[ `type -t mkvirtualenv` != "function" ]]; then
source `which`
# Create MITx virtualenv and link it to repo
# Create edX virtualenv and link it to repo
# virtualenvwrapper automatically sources the activation script
if [[ $systempkgs ]]; then
mkvirtualenv -a "$BASE/mitx" --system-site-packages mitx || {
mkvirtualenv -a "$BASE/edx-platform" --system-site-packages edx-platform || {
error "mkvirtualenv exited with a non-zero error"
return 1
# default behavior for virtualenv>1.7 is
# --no-site-packages
mkvirtualenv -a "$BASE/mitx" mitx || {
mkvirtualenv -a "$BASE/edx-platform" edx-platform || {
error "mkvirtualenv exited with a non-zero error"
return 1
......@@ -417,10 +423,30 @@ if [[ -n $compile ]]; then
rm -rf numpy-${NUMPY_VER} scipy-${SCIPY_VER}
output "Building correct version of distribute"
# building correct version of distribute from source
output "Building Distribute"
SITE_PACKAGES = $PYTHON_DIR/edx-platform/lib/python2.7/site-packages
curl -O${DISTRIBUTE_VER}.tar.gz
tar -xzvf distribute-${DISTRIBUTE_VER}.tar.gz
cd distribute-${DISTRIBUTE_VER}
python install
cd ..
rm distribute-${DISTRIBUTE_VER}.tar.gz
DISTRIBUTE_VERSION=`pip freeze | grep distribute`
if [[ "$DISTRIBUTE_VERSION" == "distribute==0.6.28" ]]; then
output "Distribute successfully installed"
error "Distribute failed to build correctly. This script requires a working version of Distribute 0.6.28 in your virtualenv's python installation"
case `uname -s` in
# on mac os x get the latest distribute and pip
curl | python
pip install -U pip
# need latest pytz before compiling numpy and scipy
pip install -U pytz
......@@ -432,13 +458,21 @@ case `uname -s` in
output "Installing MITx pre-requirements"
pip install -r $BASE/mitx/pre-requirements.txt
output "Installing MITx requirements"
# Need to be in the mitx dir to get the paths to local modules right
cd $BASE/mitx
pip install -r requirements.txt
output "Installing edX pre-requirements"
pip install -r $BASE/edx-platform/requirements/pre.txt
output "Installing edX requirements"
# Install prereqs
cd $BASE/edx-platform
rvm use $RUBY_VER
rake install_prereqs
# Final dependecy
output "Finishing Touches"
cd $BASE
pip install argcomplete
cd $BASE/edx-platform
bundle install
mkdir "$BASE/log" || true
mkdir "$BASE/db" || true
......@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ pip install -U numpy
pip install cython
# fixes problem with scipy on 10.8
pip install -e git+
#Installing django
pip install django
# Install prereqs
echo "Installing prereqs"
......@@ -72,10 +72,13 @@ EO
output "Installing OSX requirements"
if [[ ! -r $BREW_FILE ]]; then
error "$BREW_FILE does not exist, needed to install brew"
error "$BREW_FILE does not exist, please include the brew formulas file in the requirements/system/mac_os_x directory"
exit 1
# for some reason openssl likes to be installed by itself first
brew install openssl
# brew errors if the package is already installed
for pkg in $(cat $BREW_FILE); do
grep $pkg <(brew list) &>/dev/null || {
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