Commit b2a17b35 by E. Kolpakov

Validation warning if library content XBlock configured to fetch more problems

than libraries and filtering allow
parent 620ba8a1
......@@ -388,6 +388,11 @@ class LibraryContentDescriptor(LibraryContentFields, MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDe
return False
return True
def _set_validation_error_if_empty(self, validation, summary):
""" Helper method to only set validation summary if it's empty """
if validation.empty:
def validate(self):
Validates the state of this Library Content Module Instance. This
......@@ -408,19 +413,20 @@ class LibraryContentDescriptor(LibraryContentFields, MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDe
return validation
lib_tools = self.runtime.service(self, 'library_tools')
has_children_matching_filter = False
matching_children_count = 0
for library_key, version in self.source_libraries:
if not self._validate_library_version(validation, lib_tools, version, library_key):
library = lib_tools.get_library(library_key)
children_matching_filter = lib_tools.get_filtered_children(library, self.capa_type)
# get_filtered_children returns generator, so we're basically checking if there are at least one child
# that satisfy filtering. Children are never equal to None, so None is returned only if generator was empty
has_children_matching_filter |= next(children_matching_filter, None) is not None
# get_filtered_children returns generator, so can't use len.
# And we don't actually need those children, so no point of constructing a list
matching_children_count += sum(1 for child in children_matching_filter)
if not has_children_matching_filter and validation.empty:
if matching_children_count == 0:
_(u'There are no content matching configured filters in the selected libraries.'),
......@@ -429,6 +435,18 @@ class LibraryContentDescriptor(LibraryContentFields, MakoModuleDescriptor, XmlDe
if matching_children_count < self.max_count:
_(u'Configured to fetch {count} blocks, library and filter settings yield only {actual} blocks.')
.format(actual=matching_children_count, count=self.max_count),
action_label=_(u"Edit block configuration")
return validation
def editor_saved(self, user, old_metadata, old_content):
......@@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ class StudioLibraryContainerTest(StudioLibraryTest, UniqueCourseTest):
When I go to studio unit page for library content block
And I set Problem Type selector so that no libraries have matching content
Then I can see that "No matching content" warning is shown
When I set Problem Type selector so that there are matching content
Then I can see that warning messages are not shown
expected_text = 'There are no content matching configured filters in the selected libraries. ' \
'Edit Problem Type Filter'
......@@ -213,3 +215,28 @@ class StudioLibraryContainerTest(StudioLibraryTest, UniqueCourseTest):
# Library should contain single Dropdown problem, so now there should be no errors again
def test_not_enough_children_blocks(self):
Scenario: Given I have a library, a course and library content xblock in a course
When I go to studio unit page for library content block
And I set Problem Type selector so "Any"
Then I can see that "No matching content" warning is shown
expected_tpl = "Configured to fetch {count} blocks, library and filter settings yield only {actual} blocks."
library_container = self._get_library_xblock_wrapper(self.unit_page.xblocks[0])
# precondition check - assert block is configured fine
edit_modal = StudioLibraryContentXBlockEditModal(library_container.edit())
edit_modal.count = 50
expected_tpl.format(count=50, actual=len(self.library_fixture.children)),
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