Commit b1be80b8 by David Ormsbee

Extend message signing code to work with dicts, lists.

parent 3b44ec11
......@@ -127,9 +127,7 @@ def generate_signed_message(method, headers_dict, body_dict, access_key, secret_
Returns a (message, signature) pair.
headers_str = "{}\n\n{}".format(method, header_string(headers_dict))
body_str = body_string(body_dict)
message = headers_str + body_str
message = signing_format_message(method, headers_dict, body_dict)
# hmac needs a byte string for it's starting key, can't be unicode.
hashed ='utf-8'), message, sha256)
......@@ -139,6 +137,18 @@ def generate_signed_message(method, headers_dict, body_dict, access_key, secret_
message += '\n'
return message, signature, authorization_header
def signing_format_message(method, headers_dict, body_dict):
Given a dictionary of headers and a dictionary of the JSON for the body,
will return a str that represents the normalized version of this messsage
that will be used to generate a signature.
headers_str = "{}\n\n{}".format(method, header_string(headers_dict))
body_str = body_string(body_dict)
message = headers_str + body_str
return message
def header_string(headers_dict):
"""Given a dictionary of headers, return a canonical string representation."""
header_list = []
......@@ -152,7 +162,7 @@ def header_string(headers_dict):
return "".join(header_list) # Note that trailing \n's are important
def body_string(body_dict):
def body_string(body_dict, prefix=""):
This version actually doesn't support nested lists and dicts. The code for
that was a little gnarly and we don't use that functionality, so there's no
......@@ -160,9 +170,18 @@ def body_string(body_dict):
body_list = []
for key, value in sorted(body_dict.items()):
if value is None:
value = "null"
body_list.append(u"{}:{}\n".format(key, value).encode('utf-8'))
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
for i, arr in enumerate(value):
if isinstance(arr, dict):
body_list.append(body_string(arr, u"{}.{}.".format(key, i)))
body_list.append(u"{}.{}:{}\n".format(key, i, arr).encode('utf-8'))
elif isinstance(value, dict):
body_list.append(body_string(value, key + ":"))
if value is None:
value = "null"
body_list.append(u"{}{}:{}\n".format(prefix, key, value).encode('utf-8'))
return "".join(body_list) # Note that trailing \n's are important
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