Commit b19c80cc by Will Daly

Merge pull request #1957 from edx/fix/will/bug_392

Added unit tests for safe_key() to resolve bug 392.
parents fb4685fe aaa383b8
......@@ -8,15 +8,42 @@ import urllib
def fasthash(string):
m ="md4")
return m.hexdigest()
Hashes `string` into a string representation of a 128-bit digest.
md4 ="md4")
return md4.hexdigest()
def cleaned_string(val):
Converts `val` to unicode and URL-encodes special characters
(including quotes and spaces)
return urllib.quote_plus(smart_str(val))
def safe_key(key, key_prefix, version):
safe_key = urllib.quote_plus(smart_str(key))
Given a `key`, `key_prefix`, and `version`,
return a key that is safe to use with memcache.
`key`, `key_prefix`, and `version` can be numbers, strings, or unicode.
# Clean for whitespace and control characters, which
# cause memcache to raise an exception
key = cleaned_string(key)
key_prefix = cleaned_string(key_prefix)
version = cleaned_string(version)
# Attempt to combine the prefix, version, and key
combined = ":".join([key_prefix, version, key])
if len(safe_key) > 250:
safe_key = fasthash(safe_key)
# If the total length is too long for memcache, hash it
if len(combined) > 250:
combined = fasthash(combined)
return ":".join([key_prefix, str(version), safe_key])
# Return the result
return combined
Tests for memcache in util app
from django.test import TestCase
from django.core.cache import get_cache
from django.conf import settings
from util.memcache import safe_key
class MemcacheTest(TestCase):
Test memcache key cleanup
# Test whitespace, control characters, and some non-ASCII UTF-16
UNICODE_CHAR_CODES = ([c for c in range(0, 30)] + [127] +
[129, 500, 2 ** 8 - 1, 2 ** 8 + 1, 2 ** 16 - 1])
def setUp(self):
self.cache = get_cache('default')
def test_safe_key(self):
key = safe_key('test', 'prefix', 'version')
self.assertEqual(key, 'prefix:version:test')
def test_numeric_inputs(self):
# Numeric key
self.assertEqual(safe_key(1, 'prefix', 'version'), 'prefix:version:1')
# Numeric prefix
self.assertEqual(safe_key('test', 5, 'version'), '5:version:test')
# Numeric version
self.assertEqual(safe_key('test', 'prefix', 5), 'prefix:5:test')
def test_safe_key_long(self):
# Choose lengths close to memcached's cutoff (250)
for length in [248, 249, 250, 251, 252]:
# Generate a key of that length
key = 'a' * length
# Make the key safe
key = safe_key(key, '', '')
# The key should now be valid
msg="Failed for key length {0}".format(length))
def test_long_key_prefix_version(self):
# Long key
key = safe_key('a' * 300, 'prefix', 'version')
# Long prefix
key = safe_key('key', 'a' * 300, 'version')
# Long version
key = safe_key('key', 'prefix', 'a' * 300)
def test_safe_key_unicode(self):
for unicode_char in self.UNICODE_CHAR_CODES:
# Generate a key with that character
key = unichr(unicode_char)
# Make the key safe
key = safe_key(key, '', '')
# The key should now be valid
msg="Failed for unicode character {0}".format(unicode_char))
def test_safe_key_prefix_unicode(self):
for unicode_char in self.UNICODE_CHAR_CODES:
# Generate a prefix with that character
prefix = unichr(unicode_char)
# Make the key safe
key = safe_key('test', prefix, '')
# The key should now be valid
msg="Failed for unicode character {0}".format(unicode_char))
def test_safe_key_version_unicode(self):
for unicode_char in self.UNICODE_CHAR_CODES:
# Generate a version with that character
version = unichr(unicode_char)
# Make the key safe
key = safe_key('test', '', version)
# The key should now be valid
msg="Failed for unicode character {0}".format(unicode_char))
def _is_valid_key(self, key):
Test that a key is memcache-compatible.
Based on Django's validator in core.cache.backends.base
# Check the length
if len(key) > 250:
return False
# Check that there are no spaces or control characters
for char in key:
if ord(char) < 33 or ord(char) == 127:
return False
return True
"""Tests for the util package"""
"""Tests for the Zendesk"""
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
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