Commit b137f8d7 by Don Mitchell

Explain query counts

Fix trivial excesses (2 splits configured & don't fetch courses if there are none)
LMS-11220, LMS-11391, LMS-11390
parent e18e18a8
......@@ -200,12 +200,14 @@ class TestCourseListing(ModuleStoreTestCase):
self.assertGreaterEqual(iteration_over_courses_time_2.elapsed, iteration_over_groups_time_2.elapsed)
# Now count the db queries
store = modulestore()._get_modulestore_by_type(ModuleStoreEnum.Type.mongo)
with check_mongo_calls(USER_COURSES_COUNT):
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why this takes 6 calls
with check_mongo_calls(6):
# Calls:
# 1) query old mongo
# 2) get_more on old mongo
# 3) query split (but no courses so no fetching of data)
with check_mongo_calls(3):
def test_get_course_list_with_same_course_id(self):
......@@ -276,7 +278,7 @@ class TestCourseListing(ModuleStoreTestCase):
course_location = SlashSeparatedCourseKey('testOrg', 'erroredCourse', 'RunBabyRun')
course = self._create_course_with_access_groups(course_location, self.user)
course_db_record = store._find_one(course.location)
course_db_record.setdefault('metadata', {}).get('tabs', []).append({"type": "wiko", "name": "Wiki" })
course_db_record.setdefault('metadata', {}).get('tabs', []).append({"type": "wiko", "name": "Wiki"})
{'_id': course.location.to_deprecated_son()},
{'$set': {
......@@ -73,17 +73,6 @@ STATICFILES_STORAGE=''
STATIC_URL = "/static/"
# Add split as another store for testing
'NAME': 'split',
'ENGINE': 'xmodule.modulestore.split_mongo.split_draft.DraftVersioningModuleStore',
'render_template': 'edxmako.shortcuts.render_to_string',
# Update module store settings per defaults for tests
......@@ -681,6 +681,9 @@ class SplitMongoModuleStore(SplitBulkWriteMixin, ModuleStoreWriteBase):
id_version_map[version_guid] = course_index
if not version_guids:
return []
matching_structures = self.find_structures_by_id(version_guids)
# get the blocks for each course index (s/b the root)
......@@ -89,11 +89,21 @@ class TestPublish(SplitWMongoCourseBoostrapper):
vert_location = self.old_course_key.make_usage_key('vertical', block_id='Vert1')
item = self.draft_mongo.get_item(vert_location, 2)
# Vert1 has 3 children; so, publishes 4 nodes which may mean 4 inserts & 1 bulk remove
# TODO: LMS-11220: Document why find count is 25
# 25-June-2014 find calls are 19. Probably due to inheritance recomputation?
# 02-July-2014 send calls are 7. 5 from above, plus 2 for updating subtree edit info for Chapter1 and course
# find calls are 22. 19 from above, plus 3 for finding the parent of Vert1, Chapter1, and course
# Finds:
# 1 get draft vert,
# 2-10 for each child: (3 children x 3 queries each)
# get draft and then published child
# compute inheritance
# 11 get published vert
# 12-15 get each ancestor (count then get): (2 x 2),
# 16 then fail count of course parent (1)
# 17 compute inheritance
# 18 get last error
# 19-20 get draft and published vert
# Sends:
# delete the subtree of drafts (1 call),
# update the published version of each node in subtree (4 calls),
# update the ancestors up to course (2 calls)
with check_mongo_calls(20, 7):
self.draft_mongo.publish(item.location, self.user_id)
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