Commit b0c2bc21 by Tim Babych

make use of xblock.get_parent()

parent f8a048d6
......@@ -107,46 +107,15 @@ def send_request(user, course_id, path="", query_string=None):
return response
def get_parent_xblock(xblock):
Returns the xblock that is the parent of the specified xblock, or None if it has no parent.
# TODO: replace with xblock.get_parent() when it lands
store = modulestore()
if store.request_cache is not None:
parent_cache ='edxnotes-parent-cache', {})
parent_cache = None
locator = xblock.location
if parent_cache and unicode(locator) in parent_cache:
return parent_cache[unicode(locator)]
parent_location = store.get_parent_location(locator)
if parent_location is None:
return None
xblock = store.get_item(parent_location)
# .get_parent_location(locator) returns locators w/o branch and version
# and for uniformity we remove them from children locators
xblock.children = [child.for_branch(None) for child in xblock.children]
if parent_cache is not None:
for child in xblock.children:
parent_cache[unicode(child)] = xblock
return xblock
def get_parent_unit(xblock):
Find vertical that is a unit, not just some container.
while xblock:
xblock = get_parent_xblock(xblock)
xblock = xblock.get_parent()
if xblock is None:
return None
parent = get_parent_xblock(xblock)
parent = xblock.get_parent()
if parent is None:
return None
if parent.category == 'sequential':
......@@ -200,7 +169,7 @@ def preprocess_collection(user, course, collection):
log.debug("Unit not found: %s", usage_key)
section = get_parent_xblock(unit)
section = unit.get_parent()
if not section:
log.debug("Section not found: %s", usage_key)
......@@ -214,7 +183,7 @@ def preprocess_collection(user, course, collection):
chapter = get_parent_xblock(section)
chapter = section.get_parent()
if not chapter:
log.debug("Chapter not found: %s", usage_key)
......@@ -249,11 +218,14 @@ def get_module_context(course, item):
'location': unicode(item.location),
'display_name': item.display_name_with_default,
if item.category == 'chapter':
if item.category == 'chapter' and item.get_parent():
# course is a locator w/o branch and version
# so for uniformity we replace it with one that has them
course = item.get_parent()
item_dict['index'] = get_index(item_dict['location'], course.children)
elif item.category == 'vertical':
section = get_parent_xblock(item)
chapter = get_parent_xblock(section)
section = item.get_parent()
chapter = section.get_parent()
# Position starts from 1, that's why we add 1.
position = get_index(unicode(item.location), section.children) + 1
item_dict['url'] = reverse('courseware_position', kwargs={
......@@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ class EdxNotesHelpersTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
Setup a dummy course content.
super(EdxNotesHelpersTest, self).setUp()
modulestore() = {}
self.course = CourseFactory.create()
self.chapter = ItemFactory.create(category="chapter", parent_location=self.course.location)
......@@ -577,7 +576,7 @@ class EdxNotesHelpersTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
Tests the result if the unit does not exist.
store = MagicMock()
store.get_parent_location.return_value = None
store.get_item().get_parent.return_value = None
mock_modulestore.return_value = store
mock_has_access.return_value = True
initial_collection = [{
......@@ -591,17 +590,6 @@ class EdxNotesHelpersTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
[], helpers.preprocess_collection(self.user, self.course, initial_collection)
def test_get_parent_xblock(self):
Tests `get_parent_xblock` method to return parent xblock or None
for _ in range(2):
# repeat the test twice to make sure caching does not interfere
self.assertEqual(helpers.get_parent_xblock(self.html_module_1).location, self.vertical.location)
self.assertEqual(helpers.get_parent_xblock(self.sequential).location, self.chapter.location)
self.assertEqual(helpers.get_parent_xblock(self.chapter).location, self.course.location)
def test_get_parent_unit(self):
Tests `get_parent_unit` method for the successful result.
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