Read the question carefully. Some instructors include important information in the question, such as how long your response must be or specific topics your response must cover.
.. note:: Your response must contain fewer than 10,000 words (approximately the equivalent of 20 pages of 8.5x11 paper, with text single-spaced).
After you compose a response, type it into the response field under **Your Response**, and then click **Submit your response and move to the next step**. If you can't finish your response all at once, you can click **Save Your Progress** to save a draft of your response, and then come back and submit it later.
After you submit your response, if no other students have submitted responses yet, you'll see the following message:
@@ -92,4 +94,46 @@ If you want to, you can provide feedback on the scores that you received under *
Assess Additional Peer Responses (optional)
If you've assessed the required number of peer responses and completed your self assessment, and the you can assess additional peer responses. To do this, click the **Assess Peers** heading. If any responses remain to be assessed, a new response opens.
If you've assessed the required number of peer responses and completed your self assessment, you can assess additional peer responses. To do this, click the **Assess Peers** heading. If any responses remain to be assessed, a new response opens.
Peer Assessment Scoring
Peer assessments are scored by criteria. An individual criterion's score is the median of the scores that each peer assessor gave that criterion. For example, if the Ideas criterion in a peer assessment receives a 10 from one student, a 7 from a second student, and an 8 from a third student, the Ideas criterion's score is 8.
A student's final score for a peer assessment is the sum of the median scores for each individual criterion.
For example, a response may receive the following scores from peer assessors:
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 10 10 10 10
:stub-columns: 1
:header-rows: 1
* - Criterion Name
- Peer 1
- Peer 2
- Peer 3
- Median
* - Ideas (out of 10)
- 10
- 7
- 8
- **8**
* - Content (out of 10)
- 7
- 9
- 8
- **8**
* - Grammar (out of 5)
- 4
- 4
- 5
- **4**
To calculate the final score, the system adds the median scores for each criterion:
**Ideas median (8/10) + Content median (8/10) + Grammar median (4/5) = final score (20/25)**
Note, again, that final scores are calculated by criteria, not by individual assessor. Thus the response's score is not the median of the scores that each individual peer assessor gave the response.