Commit afdd8d68 by thedeadparrot Committed by Julia Hansbrough

Better dashboard display behavior

* Don't show sidebar if only one language is present
* only add in the default language code if it's not already present
parent f6e14e62
......@@ -472,7 +472,8 @@ def dashboard(request):
language_options = DarkLangConfig.current().released_languages_list
if settings.LANGUAGE_CODE not in language_options:
cur_lang_code = UserPreference.get_preference(request.user, LANGUAGE_KEY)
if cur_lang_code:
......@@ -206,7 +206,9 @@
</span> <span class="data">${ | h }</span>
%if len(language_options) > 1:
<%include file='dashboard/_dashboard_info_language.html' />
% if external_auth_map is None or 'shib' not in external_auth_map.external_domain:
<li class="controls--account">
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