Commit af504fc6 by Christina Roberts Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13805 from edx/christina/ac-583

Christina/ac 583
parents a9960e93 e095da59
......@@ -74,6 +74,42 @@ class ProgressPage(CoursePage):
return text in self.q(css=".view-in-course").html[0]
def x_tick_label(self, tick_index):
Returns the label for the X-axis tick index,
and a boolean indicating whether or not it is aria-hidden
selector = self.q(css='#grade-detail-graph .xAxis .tickLabel')[tick_index]
tick_label = selector.find_elements_by_tag_name('span')[0]
return [tick_label.text, tick_label.get_attribute('aria-hidden')]
def x_tick_sr_text(self, tick_index):
Return an array of the sr text for a specific x-Axis tick on the
progress chart.
selector = self.q(css='#grade-detail-graph .tickLabel')[tick_index]
sr_fields = selector.find_elements_by_class_name('sr')
return [field.text for field in sr_fields]
def y_tick_label(self, tick_index):
Returns the label for the Y-axis tick index,
and a boolean indicating whether or not it is aria-hidden
selector = self.q(css='#grade-detail-graph .yAxis .tickLabel')[tick_index]
tick_label = selector.find_elements_by_tag_name('span')[0]
return [tick_label.text, tick_label.get_attribute('aria-hidden')]
def graph_overall_score(self):
Returns the sr-only text for overall score on the progress chart,
and the complete text for overall score (including the same sr-text).
selector = self.q(css='#grade-detail-graph .overallGrade')[0]
label = selector.find_elements_by_class_name('sr')[0]
return [label.text, selector.text]
def _chapter_index(self, title):
Return the CSS index of the chapter with `title`.
......@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ End-to-end tests for the LMS that utilize the
progress page.
from contextlib import contextmanager
import ddt
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from ..helpers import (
UniqueCourseTest, auto_auth, create_multiple_choice_problem, create_multiple_choice_xml, get_modal_alert
......@@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ class ProgressPageBaseTest(UniqueCourseTest):
XBlockFixtureDesc('sequential', self.SUBSECTION_NAME).add_children(
XBlockFixtureDesc('vertical', self.UNIT_NAME).add_children(self.problem1, self.problem2)
XBlockFixtureDesc('chapter', "Lab Section").add_children(
XBlockFixtureDesc('sequential', "Lab Subsection").add_children(
XBlockFixtureDesc('vertical', "Lab Unit").add_children(
create_multiple_choice_problem("Lab Exercise")
......@@ -268,16 +275,17 @@ class SubsectionGradingPolicyTest(ProgressPageBaseTest):
def setUp(self):
super(SubsectionGradingPolicyTest, self).setUp()
self._set_policy_for_subsection("Homework", 0)
self._set_policy_for_subsection("Lab", 1)
def _set_policy_for_subsection(self, policy):
def _set_policy_for_subsection(self, policy, section=0):
Set the grading policy for the
subsection in the test.
Set the grading policy for the first subsection in the specified section.
If a section index is not provided, 0 is assumed.
with self._logged_in_session(staff=True):
modal = self.course_outline.section_at(0).subsection_at(0).edit()
modal = self.course_outline.section_at(section).subsection_at(0).edit()
modal.policy = policy
......@@ -290,6 +298,93 @@ class SubsectionGradingPolicyTest(ProgressPageBaseTest):
self.assertEqual(self._get_section_score(), section_score)
def _check_tick_text(self, index, sr_text, label, label_hidden=True):
Check the label and sr text for a horizontal (X-axis) tick.
self.assertEqual(sr_text, self.progress_page.x_tick_sr_text(index))
self.assertEqual([label, 'true' if label_hidden else None], self.progress_page.x_tick_label(index))
def test_axis_a11y(self):
Tests that the progress chart axes have appropriate a11y (screenreader) markup.
with self._logged_in_session():
# Answer the first HW problem (the unit contains 2 problems, only one will be answered correctly)
# Answer the first Lab problem (unit only contains a single problem)
# Verify that y-Axis labels are aria-hidden
self.assertEqual(['100%', 'true'], self.progress_page.y_tick_label(0))
self.assertEqual(['0%', 'true'], self.progress_page.y_tick_label(1))
self.assertEqual(['Pass 50%', 'true'], self.progress_page.y_tick_label(2))
# Verify x-Axis labels and sr-text
self._check_tick_text(0, [u'Homework 1 - Test Subsection 1 - 50% (1/2)'], u'HW 01')
# Homeworks 2-10 are checked in the for loop below.
[u'Homework 11 Unreleased - 0% (?/?)', u'The lowest 2 Homework scores are dropped.'],
u'HW 11'
[u'Homework 12 Unreleased - 0% (?/?)', u'The lowest 2 Homework scores are dropped.'],
u'HW 12'
self._check_tick_text(12, [u'Homework Average = 5%'], u'HW Avg')
self._check_tick_text(13, [u'Lab 1 - Lab Subsection - 100% (1/1)'], u'Lab 01')
# Labs 2-10 are checked in the for loop below.
[u'Lab 11 Unreleased - 0% (?/?)', u'The lowest 2 Lab scores are dropped.'],
u'Lab 11'
[u'Lab 12 Unreleased - 0% (?/?)', u'The lowest 2 Lab scores are dropped.'],
u'Lab 12'
self._check_tick_text(25, [u'Lab Average = 10%'], u'Lab Avg')
self._check_tick_text(26, [u'Midterm Exam = 0%'], u'Midterm')
self._check_tick_text(27, [u'Final Exam = 0%'], u'Final')
[u'Homework = 0.75% of a possible 15.00%', u'Lab = 1.50% of a possible 15.00%'],
False # The label "Total" should NOT be aria-hidden
# The grading policy has 12 Homeworks and 12 Labs. Most of them are unpublished,
# with no additional information.
for i in range(1, 10):
[u'Homework {index} Unreleased - 0% (?/?)'.format(index=i + 1)],
u'HW 0{index}'.format(index=i + 1) if i < 9 else u'HW {index}'.format(index=i + 1)
i + 13,
[u'Lab {index} Unreleased - 0% (?/?)'.format(index=i + 1)],
u'Lab 0{index}'.format(index=i + 1) if i < 9 else u'Lab {index}'.format(index=i + 1)
# Verify the overall score. The first element in the array is the sr-only text, and the
# second is the total text (including the sr-only text).
self.assertEqual(['Overall Score', 'Overall Score\n2%'], self.progress_page.graph_overall_score())
def test_subsection_grading_policy_on_progress_page(self):
with self._logged_in_session():
self._check_scores_and_page_text([(0, 1), (0, 1)], (0, 2), "Homework 1 - Test Subsection 1 - 0% (0/2)")
......@@ -306,5 +401,20 @@ class SubsectionGradingPolicyTest(ProgressPageBaseTest):
self.assertFalse(self.progress_page.text_on_page("Homework 1 - Test Subsection 1"))
with self._logged_in_session():
self._check_scores_and_page_text([(1, 1), (0, 1)], (1, 2), "Homework 1 - Test Subsection 1 - 50% (1/2)")
class ProgressPageA11yTest(ProgressPageBaseTest):
Class to test the accessibility of the progress page.
def test_progress_page_a11y(self):
Test the accessibility of the progress page.
......@@ -332,14 +332,7 @@ def check_progress(_step, text):
@step('I see graph with total progress "([^"]*)"$')
def see_graph(_step, progress):
selector = 'grade-detail-graph'
xpath = '//div[@id="{parent}"]//div[text()="{progress}"]'.format(
node = world.browser.find_by_xpath(xpath)
assert node
assert_equal(progress, world.css_find('#grade-detail-graph .overallGrade').first.text.split('\n')[1])
@step('I see in the gradebook table that "([^"]*)" is "([^"]*)"$')
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