Commit af1af8c6 by Diana Huang

Address code review feedback:

- improve docstrings
- only pass in the state for a particular input and
not the whole dictionary
- refactor some common code
- minor syntax cleanup
parent 10c6e761
......@@ -91,8 +91,12 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
- problem_text (string): xml defining the problem
- id (string): identifier for this problem; often a filename (no spaces)
- state (dict): student state
- seed (int): random number generator seed (int)
- state (dict): containing the following keys:
- 'seed' - (int) random number generator seed
- 'student_answers' - (dict) maps input id to the stored answer for that input
- 'correct_map' (CorrectMap) a map of each input to their 'correctness'
- 'done' - (bool) indicates whether or not this problem is considered done
- 'input_state' - (dict) maps input_id to a dictionary that holds the state for that input
- system (ModuleSystem): ModuleSystem instance which provides OS,
rendering, and user context
......@@ -104,27 +108,16 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
self.system = system
if self.system is None:
raise Exception()
self.seed = seed
self.input_state = None
if state:
if 'seed' in state:
self.seed = state['seed']
if 'student_answers' in state:
self.student_answers = state['student_answers']
if 'correct_map' in state:
if 'done' in state:
self.done = state['done']
if 'input_state' in state:
self.input_state = state['input_state']
# TODO: Does this deplete the Linux entropy pool? Is this fast enough?
if not self.seed:
self.seed = struct.unpack('i', os.urandom(4))[0]
if not self.input_state:
self.input_state = {}
state = state if state else {}
self.seed = seed if seed else state.get('seed', struct.unpack('i', os.urandom(4))[0])
self.student_answers = state.get('student_answers', {})
if 'correct_map' in state:
self.done = state.get('done', False)
self.input_state = state.get('input_state', {})
# Convert startouttext and endouttext to proper <text></text>
problem_text = re.sub("startouttext\s*/", "text", problem_text)
......@@ -240,13 +233,14 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
def ungraded_response(self, xqueue_msg, queuekey):
Handle any responses from the xqueue that are not related to grading
Handle any responses from the xqueue that do not contain grades
Will try to pass the queue message to all inputtypes that can handle ungraded responses
Does not return any value
# check against each inputtype
for the_input in self.inputs.values():
# if the input type has an xqueue_response function, pass in the values
# if the input type has an ungraded function, pass in the values
if hasattr(the_input, 'ungraded_response'):
the_input.ungraded_response(xqueue_msg, queuekey)
......@@ -542,11 +536,14 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
if self.student_answers and problemid in self.student_answers:
value = self.student_answers[problemid]
if input_id not in self.input_state:
self.input_state[input_id] = {}
# do the rendering
state = {'value': value,
'status': status,
'id': input_id,
'input_state': self.input_state,
'input_state': self.input_state[input_id],
'feedback': {'message': msg,
'hint': hint,
'hintmode': hintmode, }}
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class InputTypeBase(object):
self.msg = feedback.get('message', '')
self.hint = feedback.get('hint', '')
self.hintmode = feedback.get('hintmode', None)
self.input_state_dict = state.get('input_state', {})
self.input_state = state.get('input_state', {})
# put hint above msg if it should be displayed
if self.hintmode == 'always':
......@@ -591,14 +591,14 @@ class CodeInput(InputTypeBase):
Attribute('tabsize', 4, transform=int),
def setup(self):
def setup_code_response_rendering(self):
Implement special logic: handle queueing state, and default input.
# if no student input yet, then use the default input given by the
# problem
if not self.value:
self.value = self.xml.text
if not self.value and self.xml.text:
self.value = self.xml.text.strip()
# Check if problem has been queued
self.queue_len = 0
......@@ -609,6 +609,11 @@ class CodeInput(InputTypeBase):
self.queue_len = self.msg
self.msg = self.submitted_msg
def setup(self):
''' setup this input type '''
def _extra_context(self):
"""Defined queue_len, add it """
return {'queue_len': self.queue_len, }
......@@ -623,8 +628,10 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
InputType for handling Matlab code input
TODO: API_KEY will go away once we have a way to specify it per-course
<matlabinput rows="10" cols="80" tabsize="4">
Initial Text
......@@ -633,51 +640,56 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
template = "matlabinput.html"
tags = ['matlabinput']
# pulled out for testing
submitted_msg = ("Submitted. As soon as your submission is"
" graded, this message will be replaced with the grader's feedback.")
plot_submitted_msg = ("Submitted. As soon as a response is returned, "
"this message will be replaced by that feedback.")
def setup(self):
Handle matlab-specific parsing
# if we don't have state for this input type yet, make one
if not in self.input_state_dict:
self.input_state_dict[] = {}
self.input_state = self.input_state_dict[]
xml = self.xml
self.plot_payload = xml.findtext('./plot_payload')
# if no student input yet, then use the default input given by the
# problem
if not self.value:
self.value = self.xml.text
# Check if problem has been queued
self.queue_len = 0
self.queuename = 'matlab'
# Flag indicating that the problem has been queued, 'msg' is length of
self.queue_msg = ''
if 'queue_msg' in self.input_state and self.status in ['incomplete', 'unsubmitted']:
self.queue_msg = self.input_state['queue_msg']
if 'queued' in self.input_state and self.input_state['queuestate'] is not None:
self.status = 'queued'
self.queue_len = 1
# queue
if self.status == 'incomplete':
self.status = 'queued'
self.queue_len = self.msg
self.msg = self.submitted_msg
self.msg = self.plot_submitted_msg
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
''' Handle AJAX calls directed to this input'''
Handle AJAX calls directed to this input
- dispatch (str) - indicates how we want this ajax call to be handled
- get (dict) - dictionary of key-value pairs that contain useful data
if dispatch == 'plot':
return self._plot_data(get)
return {}
def ungraded_response(self, queue_msg, queuekey):
''' Handle any XQueue responses that have to be saved and rendered '''
Handle the response from the XQueue
Stores the response in the input_state so it can be rendered later
- queue_msg (str) - message returned from the queue. The message to be rendered
- queuekey (str) - a key passed to the queue. Will be matched up to verify that this is the response we're waiting for
# check the queuekey against the saved queuekey
if('queuestate' in self.input_state and self.input_state['queuestate'] == 'queued'
and self.input_state['queuekey'] == queuekey):
......@@ -697,9 +709,11 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
def _parse_data(self, queue_msg):
takes a queue_msg returned from the queue and parses it and returns
whatever is stored in msg
returns string msg
Parses the message out of the queue message
queue_msg (str) - a JSON encoded string
returns the value for the the key 'msg' in queue_msg
result = json.loads(queue_msg)
......@@ -712,42 +726,50 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
def _plot_data(self, get):
''' send data via xqueue to the mathworks backend'''
AJAX handler for the plot button
get (dict) - should have key 'submission' which contains the student submission
dict - 'success' - whether or not we successfully queued this submission
- 'message' - message to be rendered in case of error
# only send data if xqueue exists
if self.system.xqueue is not None:
# pull relevant info out of get
response = get['submission']
# construct xqueue headers
qinterface = self.system.xqueue['interface']
qtime = datetime.strftime(, xqueue_interface.dateformat)
callback_url = self.system.xqueue['construct_callback']('ungraded_response')
anonymous_student_id = self.system.anonymous_student_id
queuekey = xqueue_interface.make_hashkey(str(self.system.seed) + qtime +
anonymous_student_id +
xheader = xqueue_interface.make_xheader(
lms_callback_url = callback_url,
lms_key = queuekey,
queue_name = self.queuename)
# save the input state
self.input_state['queuekey'] = queuekey
self.input_state['queuestate'] = 'queued'
# construct xqueue body
student_info = {'anonymous_student_id': anonymous_student_id,
'submission_time': qtime}
contents = {'grader_payload': self.plot_payload,
'student_info': json.dumps(student_info),
'student_response': response}
(error, msg) = qinterface.send_to_queue(header=xheader,
body = json.dumps(contents))
return {'success': error == 0, 'message': msg}
return {'success': False, 'message': 'Cannot connect to the queue'}
if self.system.xqueue is None:
return {'success': False, 'message': 'Cannot connect to the queue'}
# pull relevant info out of get
response = get['submission']
# construct xqueue headers
qinterface = self.system.xqueue['interface']
qtime = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), xqueue_interface.dateformat)
callback_url = self.system.xqueue['construct_callback']('ungraded_response')
anonymous_student_id = self.system.anonymous_student_id
queuekey = xqueue_interface.make_hashkey(str(self.system.seed) + qtime +
anonymous_student_id +
xheader = xqueue_interface.make_xheader(
lms_callback_url = callback_url,
lms_key = queuekey,
queue_name = self.queuename)
# save the input state
self.input_state['queuekey'] = queuekey
self.input_state['queuestate'] = 'queued'
# construct xqueue body
student_info = {'anonymous_student_id': anonymous_student_id,
'submission_time': qtime}
contents = {'grader_payload': self.plot_payload,
'student_info': json.dumps(student_info),
'student_response': response}
(error, msg) = qinterface.send_to_queue(header=xheader,
body = json.dumps(contents))
return {'success': error == 0, 'message': msg}
......@@ -1147,10 +1147,10 @@ def sympy_check2():
correct = []
messages = []
for input_dict in input_list:
correct.append('correct' if input_dict[
'ok'] else 'incorrect')
msg = self.clean_message_html(input_dict[
'msg']) if 'msg' in input_dict else None
if input_dict['ok'] else 'incorrect')
msg = (self.clean_message_html(input_dict['msg'])
if 'msg' in input_dict else None)
# Otherwise, we do not recognize the dictionary
......@@ -1164,8 +1164,8 @@ def sympy_check2():
# indicating whether all inputs should be marked
# correct or incorrect
correct = ['correct'] * len(
idset) if ret else ['incorrect'] * len(idset)
n = len(idset)
correct = ['correct'] * n if ret else ['incorrect'] * n
# build map giving "correct"ness of the answer(s)
correct_map = CorrectMap()
......@@ -1174,8 +1174,8 @@ def sympy_check2():
for k in range(len(idset)):
npoints = self.maxpoints[idset[
k]] if correct[k] == 'correct' else 0
npoints = (self.maxpoints[idset[k]]
if correct[k] == 'correct' else 0)
correct_map.set(idset[k], correct[k], msg=messages[k],
return correct_map
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_rendering_with_state(self):
state = {'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'incomplete',
'input_state': {'prob_1_2': {'queue_msg': 'message'}},
'input_state': {'queue_msg': 'message'},
'feedback': {'message': '3'}, }
elt = etree.fromstring(self.xml)
......@@ -543,8 +543,16 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
def handle_ungraded_response(self, get):
Delivers a response to the capa problem where the expectation where this response does
not have relevant grading information
Delivers a response from the XQueue to the capa problem
The score of the problem will not be updated
- get (dict) must contain keys:
queuekey - a key specific to this response
xqueue_body - the body of the response
empty dictionary
No ajax return is needed, so an empty dict is returned
......@@ -557,8 +565,12 @@ class CapaModule(CapaFields, XModule):
def handle_input_ajax(self, get):
Passes information down to the capa problem so that it can handle its own ajax calls
Returns the response from the capa problem
Handle ajax calls meant for a particular input in the problem
- get (dict) - data that should be passed to the input
- dict containing the response from the input
response = self.lcp.handle_input_ajax(get)
# save any state changes that may occur
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class OpenEndedModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.test_system.location = self.location
self.mock_xqueue = MagicMock()
self.mock_xqueue.send_to_queue.return_value = (None, "Message")
def constructed_callback(dispatch = "score_update"):
def constructed_callback(dispatch="score_update"):
return dispatch
self.test_system.xqueue = {'interface': self.mock_xqueue, 'construct_callback': constructed_callback, 'default_queuename': 'testqueue',
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ def get_module_for_descriptor(user, request, descriptor, model_data_cache, cours
proto=request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'https' if request.is_secure() else 'http')
def make_xqueue_callback(dispatch = 'score_update'):
def make_xqueue_callback(dispatch='score_update'):
# Fully qualified callback URL for external queueing system
xqueue_callback_url = '{proto}://{host}'.format(
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