Commit aee7d856 by Brian Wilson

fix bug in tabs

parent b5ab7660
......@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ VALID_TAB_TYPES = {
'external_link': TabImpl(key_checker(['name', 'link']), _external_link),
'textbooks': TabImpl(null_validator, _textbooks),
'pdf_textbooks': TabImpl(null_validator, _pdf_textbooks),
'html_textbooks': TabImpl(null_validator, _html_textbooks),
'progress': TabImpl(need_name, _progress),
'static_tab': TabImpl(key_checker(['name', 'url_slug']), _static_tab),
'peer_grading': TabImpl(null_validator, _peer_grading),
<%inherit file="main.html" />
<%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/>
<%block name="title">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<title>${course.number} Textbook</title>
<%block name="headextra">
<%static:css group='course'/>
<%static:js group='courseware'/>
<%block name="js_extra">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {};
%if 'url' in textbook:
options.url = "${textbook['url']}";
%if 'chapters' in textbook:
var chptrs = [];
%for chap in textbook['chapters']:
options.chapters = chptrs;
%if chapter is not None:
options.chapterNum = ${chapter};
%if page is not None:
options.pageNum = ${page};
<%include file="/courseware/course_navigation.html" args="active_page='htmltextbook/{0}'.format(book_index)" />
<div id="outerContainer">
<div id="mainContainer" class="book-wrapper">
%if 'chapters' in textbook:
<section aria-label="Textbook Navigation" class="book-sidebar">
<ul id="booknav" class="treeview-booknav">
<%def name="print_entry(entry, index_value)">
<li id="htmlchapter-${index_value}">
<a class="chapter">
% for (index, entry) in enumerate(textbook['chapters']):
${print_entry(entry, index+1)}
% endfor
<section id="viewerContainer" class="book">
<!-- <section class="page"> -->
<iframe class="page" id="bookpage" src="${ textbook['chapters'][0]['url'] }">
<!-- </section> -->
</div> <!-- mainContainer -->
</div> <!-- outerContainer -->
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