Commit ae7020cb by Matthew Piatetsky

Add Media Kit and move sitemap in footer

parent 863aa78b
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ def _footer_navigation_links():
("contact", marketing_link("CONTACT"), _("Contact")),
("careers", marketing_link("CAREERS"), _("Careers")),
("donate", marketing_link("DONATE"), _("Donate")),
("sitemap", marketing_link("SITE_MAP"), _("Sitemap")),
("media_kit", marketing_link("MEDIA_KIT"), _("Media Kit"))
if link_url and link_url != "#"
......@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ def _footer_legal_links():
("terms_of_service_and_honor_code", marketing_link("TOS_AND_HONOR"), _("Terms of Service & Honor Code")),
("privacy_policy", marketing_link("PRIVACY"), _("Privacy Policy")),
("accessibility_policy", marketing_link("ACCESSIBILITY"), _("Accessibility Policy")),
("sitemap", marketing_link("SITE_MAP"), _("Sitemap")),
# Backwards compatibility: If a combined "terms of service and honor code"
# encoding: utf-8
"""Tests of Branding API """
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.test import TestCase
import mock
from branding.api import get_logo_url
from branding.api import get_logo_url, get_footer
class TestHeader(TestCase):
......@@ -21,3 +22,70 @@ class TestHeader(TestCase):
logo_url = get_logo_url()
self.assertEqual(logo_url, cdn_url)
class TestFooter(TestCase):
"""Test retrieving the footer. """
@mock.patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ENABLE_MKTG_SITE': True})
@mock.patch.dict('django.conf.settings.MKTG_URLS', {
"ROOT": "",
"ABOUT": "/about-us",
"NEWS": "/news-announcements",
"CONTACT": "/contact",
"FAQ": "/student-faq",
"BLOG": "/edx-blog",
"DONATE": "/donate",
"JOBS": "/jobs",
"SITE_MAP": "/sitemap",
"TOS_AND_HONOR": "/edx-terms-service",
"PRIVACY": "/edx-privacy-policy",
"ACCESSIBILITY": "/accessibility",
"MEDIA_KIT": "/media-kit"
def test_get_footer(self):
actual_footer = get_footer(is_secure=True)
expected_footer = {
'copyright': '\xa9 \xe9dX. All rights reserved except where noted. EdX, Open edX and the edX and Open'
' EdX logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of edX Inc.',
'navigation_links': [
{'url': '', 'name': 'about', 'title': 'About'},
{'url': '', 'name': 'blog', 'title': 'Blog'},
{'url': '', 'name': 'news', 'title': 'News'},
{'url': '', 'name': 'help-center', 'title': 'Help Center'},
{'url': '', 'name': 'contact', 'title': 'Contact'},
{'url': '', 'name': 'donate', 'title': 'Donate'},
{'url': '', 'name': 'media_kit', 'title': 'Media Kit'}
'legal_links': [
{'url': '',
'name': 'terms_of_service_and_honor_code',
'title': 'Terms of Service & Honor Code'},
{'url': '', 'name': 'privacy_policy', 'title': 'Privacy Policy'},
{'url': '',
'name': 'accessibility_policy',
'title': 'Accessibility Policy'},
{'url': '', 'name': 'sitemap', 'title': 'Sitemap'}
'social_links': [
{'url': '#', 'action': 'Like \xe9dX on Facebook', 'name': 'facebook',
'icon-class': 'fa-facebook-square', 'title': 'Facebook'},
{'url': '#', 'action': 'Follow \xe9dX on Twitter', 'name': 'twitter',
'icon-class': 'fa-twitter', 'title': 'Twitter'},
{'url': '#', 'action': 'Subscribe to the \xe9dX YouTube channel',
'name': 'youtube', 'icon-class': 'fa-youtube', 'title': 'Youtube'},
{'url': '#', 'action': 'Follow \xe9dX on LinkedIn', 'name': 'linkedin',
'icon-class': 'fa-linkedin-square', 'title': 'LinkedIn'},
{'url': '#', 'action': 'Follow \xe9dX on Google+', 'name': 'google_plus',
'icon-class': 'fa-google-plus-square', 'title': 'Google+'},
{'url': '#', 'action': 'Subscribe to the \xe9dX subreddit',
'name': 'reddit', 'icon-class': 'fa-reddit', 'title': 'Reddit'}
'mobile_links': [],
'logo_image': '',
'openedx_link': {
'url': '',
'image': '',
'title': 'Powered by Open edX'
self.assertEqual(actual_footer, expected_footer)
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