Commit adfca9d4 by Awais Jibran

TNL-2223 Inline discussion jumps to the bottom of the page when thread is expanded.

parent 4c5215b0
......@@ -118,6 +118,12 @@ if Backbone?
loadResponses: (responseLimit, elem, firstLoad) ->
# takeFocus take the page focus to response loading element while responses are being fetched.
# - When viewing in the Discussions tab, responses are loaded automatically, Do not scroll to the
# element(TNL-1530)
# - When viewing inline in courseware, user clicks 'expand' to open responses, Its ok to scroll to the
# element (Default)
takeFocus = if @mode == "tab" then false else true
@responsesRequest = DiscussionUtil.safeAjax
url: DiscussionUtil.urlFor('retrieve_single_thread', @model.get('commentable_id'),
......@@ -125,7 +131,7 @@ if Backbone?
resp_limit: responseLimit if responseLimit
$elem: elem
$loading: elem
takeFocus: false
takeFocus: takeFocus
complete: =>
@responsesRequest = null
success: (data, textStatus, xhr) =>
......@@ -144,7 +150,6 @@ if Backbone?
@trigger "thread:responses:rendered"
@loadedResponses = true
$(".thread-wrapper").focus() # Sends focus to the conversation once the thread finishes loading
error: (xhr, textStatus) =>
return if textStatus == 'abort'
......@@ -135,6 +135,20 @@ class MultipleThreadFixture(DiscussionContentFixture):
threads_list = {thread['id']: thread for thread in self.threads}
return {"threads": json.dumps(threads_list), "comments": '{}'}
def add_response(self, response, comments, thread):
Add responses to the thread
response['children'] = comments
if thread["thread_type"] == "discussion":
response_list_attr = "children"
elif response["endorsed"]:
response_list_attr = "endorsed_responses"
response_list_attr = "non_endorsed_responses"
thread.setdefault(response_list_attr, []).append(response)
thread['comments_count'] += len(comments) + 1
class UserProfileViewFixture(DiscussionContentFixture):
......@@ -464,6 +464,13 @@ class InlineDiscussionThreadPage(DiscussionThreadPage):
def is_thread_anonymous(self):
return not self.q(css=".posted-details > .username").present
def check_if_selector_is_focused(self, selector):
Check if selector is focused
return self.browser.execute_script("return $('{}').is(':focus')".format(selector))
class DiscussionUserProfilePage(CoursePage):
......@@ -582,6 +582,7 @@ class InlineDiscussionTest(UniqueCourseTest, DiscussionResponsePaginationTestMix
def setUp(self):
super(InlineDiscussionTest, self).setUp()
self.thread_ids = []
self.discussion_id = "test_discussion_{}".format(uuid4().hex)
self.additional_discussion_id = "test_discussion_{}".format(uuid4().hex)
self.course_fix = CourseFixture(**self.course_info).add_children(
......@@ -616,6 +617,38 @@ class InlineDiscussionTest(UniqueCourseTest, DiscussionResponsePaginationTestMix
self.thread_page = InlineDiscussionThreadPage(self.browser, thread_id) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
def setup_multiple_inline_threads(self, thread_count):
Set up multiple treads on the page by passing 'thread_count'
threads = []
for i in range(thread_count):
thread_id = "test_thread_{}_{}".format(i, uuid4().hex)
Thread(id=thread_id, commentable_id=self.discussion_id),
thread_fixture = MultipleThreadFixture(threads)
[Comment(id="comment1", user_id="other"), Comment(id="comment2", user_id=self.user_id)],
def test_page_while_expanding_inline_discussion(self):
Tests for the Inline Discussion page with multiple treads. Page should not focus 'thread-wrapper'
after loading responses.
thread_page = InlineDiscussionThreadPage(self.browser, self.thread_ids[0])
# Check if 'thread-wrapper' is focused after expanding thread
def test_initial_render(self):
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