Commit adaa8463 by Julian Arni

Removed commented-out fn

parent 414c6211
......@@ -38,24 +38,6 @@ class Score(models.Model):
return (-score) * 10 + 8000 * sum_of
# TODO: delete this, incorporate it in get_tops_n
#def get_top_n(puzzle_id, n):
#puzzle_id (int): id of the puzzle for which to look
#n (int): number of top scores to return.
#The top (lowest energy, highest display score) n scores for the puzzle. If
#there are fewer than n, returns all. Output is a list of dictionaries, sorted
#by display_score:
#[ {username: 'a_user',
#score: 8500}, ...]
#scores = Score.objects.filter(puzzle_id=puzzle_id).order_by('-best_score')[:n]
#return [{'username': s.user.username, 'score': Score.display_score(s.best_score)}
#for s in scores]
def get_tops_n(n, puzzles=['994559']):
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