Commit accdbdd6 by David Ormsbee Committed by Calen Pennington

Check that blank answers are never marked correct (because of NaN issues)

parent 0a5e6ce6
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ def command_test(problem):
sys.stderr = StringIO()
"captured stdout from {0}".format(problem))
......@@ -63,6 +64,21 @@ def command_test(problem):
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = old_stdout, old_stderr
def check_that_blanks_fail(problem):
"""Leaving it blank should never work. Neither should a space."""
blank_answers = dict((answer_id, u"")
for answer_id in problem.get_question_answers())
grading_results = problem.grade_answers(blank_answers)
assert(all(result == 'incorrect' for result in grading_results.values()))
except AssertionError:
log.error("Blank accepted as correct answer in {0} for {1}"
[answer_id for answer_id, result
in sorted(grading_results.items())
if result != 'incorrect']))
def check_that_suggested_answers_work(problem):
"""Split this up so that we're only used for formula/numeric answers.
......@@ -78,12 +94,12 @@ def check_that_suggested_answers_work(problem):
real_answers = problem.get_question_answers()
# all_answers is real_answers + blanks for other answer_ids for which the
# responsetypes can't provide us pre-canned answers (customresopnse)
# responsetypes can't provide us pre-canned answers (customresponse)
all_answer_ids = problem.get_answer_ids()
all_answers = dict((answer_id, real_answers.get(answer_id, ""))
for answer_id in all_answer_ids)
log.debug("Real answers: {0}".format(real_answers))
if real_answers:
real_results = dict((answer_id, result) for answer_id, result
......@@ -93,11 +109,13 @@ def check_that_suggested_answers_work(problem):
assert(all(result == 'correct'
for answer_id, result in real_results.items()))
except AssertionError:
log.error("The following generated answers were not accepted:")
log.error("The following generated answers were not accepted for {0}:"
for question_id, result in sorted(real_results.items()):
if result != 'correct':
log.error(" {0} = {1}".format(question_id, real_answers[question_id]))
except Exception as ex:
log.error("Uncaught error in {0}".format(problem))
def log_captured_output(output_stream, stream_name):
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