gettext('We have sent an email message with password reset instructions to the email address you provided. If you do not receive this message, {anchorStart}contact technical support{anchorEnd}.'),{// eslint-disable-line max-len
gettext('{paragraphStart}You entered {boldStart}{email}{boldEnd}. If this email address is associated with an edX account, we will send a message with password reset instructions to this email address.{paragraphEnd}'+// eslint-disable-line max-len
'{paragraphStart}If you do not receive a password reset message, verify that you entered the correct email address, or check your spam folder.{paragraphEnd}'+// eslint-disable-line max-len
'{paragraphStart}If you need further assistance, {anchorStart}contact technical support{anchorEnd}.{paragraphEnd}'),{// eslint-disable-line max-len