Commit ab2570a7 by Peter Baratta

Add docs for changes in #726

parent 6c5d3e66
...@@ -473,12 +473,39 @@ Answers with scripts ...@@ -473,12 +473,39 @@ Answers with scripts
.. image:: ../Images/numericalresponse.png .. image:: ../Images/numericalresponse.png
| Attribute | Description | Notes |
| ``answer`` | A value to which student input must be | Note that any numeric |
| | equivalent. Note that this expression can be | expression provided by the |
| | expressed in terms of a variable that is | student will be automatically |
| | computed in a script provided in the problem | simplified on the grader's |
| | by preceding the appropriate variable name | backend. |
| | with a dollar sign. | |
| | | |
| | This answer will be evaluated similar to a | |
| | student's input. Thus '1/3' and 'sin(pi/5)' | |
| | are valid, as well as simpler expressions, | |
| | such as '0.3' and '42' | |
| Children | Description | Notes |
| ``responseparam`` | used to specify a tolerance on the accepted| |
| | values of a number. See description below. | |
|``formulaequationinput``| An input specifically for taking math | |
| | input from students. See below. | |
| ``textline`` | A format to take input from students, see | Deprecated for NumericalResponse. |
| | description below. | Use ``formulaequationinput`` instead.|
.. image:: ../Images/numericalresponse2.png
Children may include ``<formulaequationinput/>``.
<responseparam> <responseparam>
...@@ -494,7 +521,9 @@ size (optional) defines the size (i.e. the width) ...@@ -494,7 +521,9 @@ size (optional) defines the size (i.e. the width)
typing their math expression. typing their math expression.
========= ============================================= ===== ========= ============================================= =====
<textline> (While <textline /> is supported, its use is extremely discouraged. We urge usage of <formulaequationinput />. See the opening paragraphs of the Numerical Response section for more information.) <textline> (While <textline /> is supported, its use is extremely discouraged.
We urge usage of <formulaequationinput />. See the opening paragraphs of the
`Numerical Response`_ section for more information.)
.. image:: ../Images/numericalresponse5.png .. image:: ../Images/numericalresponse5.png
...@@ -563,7 +592,8 @@ by ``||``. For example, an input of ``1 || 2`` would represent the resistance ...@@ -563,7 +592,8 @@ by ``||``. For example, an input of ``1 || 2`` would represent the resistance
of a pair of parallel resistors (of resistance 1 and 2 ohms), evaluating to 2/3 of a pair of parallel resistors (of resistance 1 and 2 ohms), evaluating to 2/3
(ohms). (ohms).
At the time of writing, factorials written in the form '3!' are invalid, but there is a workaround. Students can specify ``fact(3)`` or ``factorial(3)`` to At the time of writing, factorials written in the form '3!' are invalid, but
there is a workaround. Students can specify ``fact(3)`` or ``factorial(3)`` to
access the factorial function. access the factorial function.
The default included functions are the following: The default included functions are the following:
...@@ -573,7 +603,8 @@ The default included functions are the following: ...@@ -573,7 +603,8 @@ The default included functions are the following:
- Other common functions: sqrt, log10, log2, ln, exp, abs - Other common functions: sqrt, log10, log2, ln, exp, abs
- Factorial: ``fact(3)`` or ``factorial(3)`` are valid. However, you must take - Factorial: ``fact(3)`` or ``factorial(3)`` are valid. However, you must take
care to only input integers. For example, ``fact(1.5)`` would fail. care to only input integers. For example, ``fact(1.5)`` would fail.
- Hyperbolic trig functions and their inverses: sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, csch, coth, arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh, arcsech, arccsch, arccoth - Hyperbolic trig functions and their inverses: sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, csch,
coth, arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh, arcsech, arccsch, arccoth
.. raw:: latex .. raw:: latex
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