Commit aa4b6118 by dcadams

Some cleanup.

parent b62b4ac2
......@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ class TestInstructorEnrollsStudent(LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
self.student2 = ''
self.password = 'bar'
self.create_account('s1_2', self.student2, self.password)
......@@ -146,7 +145,6 @@ class TestInstructorEnrollsStudent(LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
self.student = ''
self.password = 'bar'
self.create_account('s2_2', self.student, self.password)
......@@ -1030,36 +1030,6 @@ def _do_enroll_students(course_id, students, overload=False, auto_enroll=False):
return data
@cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
def enroll_students(request, course_id):
"""Allows a staff member to enroll students in a course.
This is a short-term hack for Berkeley courses launching fall
2012. In the long term, we would like functionality like this, but
we would like both the instructor and the student to agree. Right
now, this allows any instructor to add students to their course,
which we do not want.
It is poorly written and poorly tested, but it's designed to be
stripped out.
course = get_course_with_access(request.user, course_id, 'staff')
existing_students = [ for ce in CourseEnrollment.objects.filter(course_id=course_id)]
new_students = request.POST.get('new_students')
ret = _do_enroll_students(course, course_id, new_students)
added_students = ret['added']
rejected_students = ret['rejected']
return render_to_response("enroll_students.html", {'course': course_id,
'existing_students': existing_students,
'added_students': added_students,
'rejected_students': rejected_students,
'debug': new_students})
def _do_unenroll_students(course_id, students):
"""Do the actual work of un-enrolling multiple students, presented as a string
......@@ -1072,7 +1042,7 @@ def _do_unenroll_students(course_id, students):
isok = False
cea = CourseEnrollmentAllowed.objects.filter(course_id=course_id, email=student)
#Safe to get the first entry as there is a unique key on email + course_id
#Will be 0 or 1 records as there is a unique key on email + course_id
if cea:
status[student] = "un-enrolled"
......@@ -1084,7 +1054,7 @@ def _do_unenroll_students(course_id, students):
nce = CourseEnrollment.objects.filter(user=user, course_id=course_id)
#Safe to get the first entry as there is a unique key on user + course_id
#Will be 0 or 1 records as there is a unique key on user + course_id
if nce:
......@@ -236,8 +236,6 @@ if settings.COURSEWARE_ENABLED:
'instructor.views.gradebook', name='gradebook'),
'instructor.views.grade_summary', name='grade_summary'),
'instructor.views.enroll_students', name='enroll_students'),
'open_ended_grading.views.staff_grading', name='staff_grading'),
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