Commit a9d3736c by jmvt

Replace all calls to analytics service to use the get methods (pulls from…

Replace all calls to analytics service to use the get methods (pulls from mongodb). Added error handling.
parent d230c1b0
......@@ -289,31 +289,43 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
from_day = to_day - timedelta(days=7)
# WARNING: do not use req.json because the preloaded json doesn't preserve the order of the original record
# use instead: json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students enrolled in this course
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get_analytics?aname=StudentsEnrolled&course_id=%s" % course_id)
students_enrolled_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsEnrolled&course_id=%s" % course_id)
if req.content != 'None':
students_enrolled_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students active in the past 7 days (including current day), i.e. with at least one activity for the period
#req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get_analytics?aname=StudentsActive&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get_analytics?aname=StudentsActive&course_id=%s" % (course_id,)) # default is active past 7 days
students_active_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsActive&course_id=%s" % (course_id,)) # default is active past 7 days
if req.content != 'None':
students_active_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students per problem who have problem graded correct
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get_analytics?aname=StudentsPerProblemCorrect&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
students_per_problem_correct_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsPerProblemCorrect&course_id=%s" % (course_id,))
if req.content != 'None':
students_per_problem_correct_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students per problem who have problem graded correct <<< THIS IS FOR ACTIVE STUDENTS
# req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsPerProblemCorrect&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
# if req.content != 'None':
# students_per_problem_correct_json = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# grade distribution for the course +++ this is not the desired distribution +++
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get_analytics?aname=OverallGradeDistribution&course_id=%s" % (course_id,))
overall_grade_distribution = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=OverallGradeDistribution&course_id=%s" % (course_id,))
if req.content != 'None':
overall_grade_distribution = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students distribution drop off per day
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get_analytics?aname=StudentsDropoffPerDay&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
dropoff_per_day = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsDropoffPerDay&course_id=%s&from=%s" % (course_id,from_day))
if req.content != 'None':
dropoff_per_day = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students per problem who attempted this problem at least once
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get_analytics?aname=StudentsAttemptedProblems&course_id=%s" % course_id)
attempted_problems = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
req = requests.get(settings.ANALYTICS_SERVER_URL + "get?aname=StudentsAttemptedProblems&course_id=%s" % course_id)
if req.content != 'None':
attempted_problems = json.loads(req.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# number of students active in the past 7 days (including current day) --- online version! experimental
......@@ -218,10 +218,29 @@ function goto( mode)
%if modeflag.get('Analytics'):
Number of students enrolled: ${students_enrolled_json['data']['value']}
Number of students enrolled:
% if students_enrolled_json is not None:
% if students_enrolled_json['status'] == 'success':
% else:
<i> ${students_enrolled_json['error']} </i>
% endif
% else:
<i> null data </i>
% endif
Number of active students for the past 7 days: ${students_active_json['data']['value']}
Number of active students for the past 7 days:
% if students_active_json is not None:
% if students_active_json['status'] == 'success':
% else:
<i> ${students_active_json['error']} </i>
% endif
% else:
<i> null data </i>
% endif
......@@ -253,78 +272,103 @@ function goto( mode)
<p>Number of active students per problems who have this problem graded as correct:</p>
<table class="stat_table">
<tr><th>Problem</td><th>Number of students</td></tr>
% for k,v in students_per_problem_correct_json['data'].items():
<td>${k}</td> <td>${v}</td>
% endfor
<p>Grade distribution:</p>
% if students_per_problem_correct_json is not None:
% if students_per_problem_correct_json['status'] == 'success':
<div class="divScroll">
<table class="stat_table">
<tr><th>Grade</th><th>Number of students</th></tr>
% for k,v in overall_grade_distribution['data'].items():
<td>${k}</td> <td>${v}</td>
% endfor
<p>Number of students who dropped off per day before becoming inactive:</p>
<div class="divScroll">
<table class="stat_table">
<tr><th>Day</th><th>Number of students</th></tr>
% for k,v in dropoff_per_day['data'].items():
<td>${k}</td> <td>${v}</td>
<tr><th>Problem</th><th>Number of students</th></tr>
% for k,v in students_per_problem_correct_json['data'].items():
<tr> <td>${k}</td> <td>${v}</td> </tr>
% endfor
% else:
<i> ${students_per_problem_correct_json['error']}</i>
% endif
% else:
<i> null data </i>
% endif
<p>Students who attempted at least one exercise:</p>
## <p>
## <p>Students who attempted at least one exercise:</p>
## % if attempted_problems is not None:
## % if attempted_problems['status'] == 'success':
## <div class="divScroll">
## <table class="stat_table">
## <tr><th>Module</th><th>Number of students</th></tr>
## % for k,v in attempted_problems['data'].items():
## <tr> <td>${k}</td> <td>${v}</td> </tr>
## % endfor
## </table>
## </div>
## % else:
## <i> ${attempted_problems['error']}</i>
## % endif
## % else:
## <i> null data </i>
## % endif
## </p>
## <p>
## <p>Number of students who dropped off per day before becoming inactive:</p>
## % if dropoff_per_day is not None:
## % if dropoff_per_day['status'] == 'success':
## <div class="divScroll">
## <table class="stat_table">
## <tr><th>Day</th><th>Number of students</th></tr>
## % for k,v in dropoff_per_day['data'].items():
## <tr> <td>${k}</td> <td>${v}</td> </tr>
## % endfor
## </table>
## </div>
## % else:
## <i> ${dropoff_per_day['error']}</i>
## % endif
## % else:
## <i> null data </i>
## % endif
## </p>
## <p>
## <p>Grade distribution:</p>
## % if overall_grade_distribution is not None:
## % if overall_grade_distribution['status'] == 'success':
## <div class="divScroll">
## <table class="stat_table">
## <tr><th>Grade</th><th>Number of students</th></tr>
## % for k,v in overall_grade_distribution['data'].items():
## <tr> <td>${k}</td> <td>${v}</td> </tr>
## % endfor
## </table>
## </div>
## % else:
## <i> ${dropoff_per_day['error']}</i>
## % endif
## % else:
## <i> null data </i>
## % endif
## </p>
## <p>
## <h2>Daily activity (online version):</h2>
## <table class="stat_table">
## <tr><th>Day</td><th>Number of students</td></tr>
## % for k,v in daily_activity_json['data'].items():
## <tr>
## <td>${k}</td> <td>${v}</td>
## </tr>
## % endfor
## </table>
## </p>
<div class="divScroll">
<table class="stat_table">
<tr><th>Module</th><th>Number of students</th></tr>
% for k,v in attempted_problems['data'].items():
<td>${k}</td> <td>${v}</td>
% endfor
<h2>Daily activity (online version):</h2>
<table class="stat_table">
<tr><th>Day</td><th>Number of students</td></tr>
% for k,v in daily_activity_json['data'].items():
<td>${k}</td> <td>${v}</td>
% endfor
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