Commit a9b35ab2 by Sarina Canelake

Clean up i18n paver commands

parent 1b37c0b4
......@@ -141,13 +141,21 @@ def i18n_robot_pull():
Pull source strings, generate po and mo files, and validate
sh('git clean -fdX conf/locale')
sh('paver test_i18n')
sh('git add conf/locale')
# sh('paver test_i18n') # tests were removed from repo, but there should still be tests that cover the translations...
'git commit --message="Update translations '
'(autogenerated message)" --edit'
# Validate the recently pulled translations, and give a bail option
cmd = "i18n_tool validate"
con = raw_input("Continue with committing these translations (y/n)? ")
if con.lower() == 'y':
sh('git add conf/locale')
'git commit --message="Update translations '
'(autogenerated message)" --edit'
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