Commit a95e8098 by Alexander Kryklia

documentation extended

parent 2d67ee47
......@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ class DragAndDrop(object):
# 'number' rule special case
# for reusable draggables we may get in self.user_groups
# {'1': [u'2', u'2', u'2'], '0': [u'1', u'1'], '2': [u'3']}
# if +number in rule - do not remove duplicates but clean rule
# if '+number' is in rule - do not remove duplicates and strip
# '+number' from rule
current_rule = self.correct_positions[groupname].keys()[0]
if 'number' in current_rule:
rule_values = self.correct_positions[groupname][current_rule]
......@@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ class DragAndDrop(object):
""" Populates DragAndDrop variables from user_answer and correct_answer.
If correct_answer is dict, converts it to list.
Correct answer in dict form is simpe structure for fast and simple
grading. Example of corrrect answer dict example::
grading. Example of correct answer dict example::
correct_answer = {'name4': 't1',
'name_with_icon': 't1',
......@@ -255,10 +256,10 @@ class DragAndDrop(object):
It is draggable_name: dragable_position mapping.
Complex form converted from simple form uses 'exact' rule
Advanced form converted from simple form uses 'exact' rule
for matching.
Correct answer in list form is designed for complex cases::
Correct answer in list form is designed for advanced cases::
correct_answers = [
......@@ -273,10 +274,17 @@ class DragAndDrop(object):
Correct answer in list form is list of dicts, and every dict must have
Advanced answer in list form is list of dicts, and every dict must have
3 keys: 'draggables', 'targets' and 'rule'. 'Draggables' value is
list of draggables ids, 'targes' values are list of targets ids, 'rule'
value is 'exact' or 'anyof'.
value one of 'exact', 'anyof', 'unordered_equal', 'anyof+number',
Advanced form uses "all dicts must match with their rule" logic.
Same draggable cannot appears more that in one dict.
Behavior is more widely explained in sphinx documentation.
user_answer: json
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