Commit a94f69f9 by ichuang

dogfood - deal with course.xml cache properly

parent 5251bb2a
......@@ -80,7 +80,11 @@ def df_capa_problem(request, id=None):
# Grab the XML corresponding to the request from course.xml
module = 'problem'
xml = content_parser.module_xml(request.user, module, 'id', id, coursename)
xml = content_parser.module_xml(request.user, module, 'id', id, coursename)
except Exception,err:
print "[lib.dogfood.df_capa_problem] error in calling content_parser: %s" % err
xml = None
# if problem of given ID does not exist, then create it
# do this only if course.xml has a section named "DogfoodProblems"
......@@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ def df_capa_problem(request, id=None):
fn = settings.DATA_DIR + xp + 'course.xml'
xml = etree.parse(fn)
seq = xml.find('chapter/section[@name="DogfoodProblems"]/sequential') # assumes simplistic course.xml structure!
if not seq:
if seq==None:
raise Exception,"[lib.dogfood.views.df_capa_problem] missing DogfoodProblems section in course.xml!"
newprob = etree.Element('problem')
......@@ -110,16 +114,30 @@ def df_capa_problem(request, id=None):
# now create new problem file
update_problem(pfn,'<problem>\n<text>\nThis is a new problem\n</text>\n</problem>\n',coursename,overwrite=False)
# update_problem(pfn,'<problem>\n<text>\nThis is a new problem\n</text>\n</problem>\n',coursename,overwrite=False)
# flush cache entry
# reset cache entry
user = request.user
groups = content_parser.user_groups(user)
options = {'dev_content':settings.DEV_CONTENT,
'groups' : groups}
filename = xp + 'course.xml'
cache_key = filename + "_processed?dev_content:" + str(options['dev_content']) + "&groups:" + str(sorted(groups))
print '[lib.dogfood.df_capa_problem] cache_key = %s' % cache_key
tree = content_parser.course_xml_process(xml) # add ID tags
# settings.DEFAULT_GROUPS.append('dev') # force content_parser.course_file to not use cache
xml = content_parser.module_xml(request.user, module, 'id', id, coursename)
if not xml:
print "[lib.dogfood.df_capa_problem] problem xml not found!"
# hand over to quickedit to do the rest
html = quickedit(request,id=id,qetemplate='dogfood.html',coursename=coursename)
return html
except Exception, err:
print '[lib.dogfood.df_capa_problem] Error generating html on first pass: %s' % err
return quickedit(request,id=id,qetemplate='dogfood.html',coursename=coursename)
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