Commit a91d90cb by Will Daly

Merge branch 'release'

parents 9018088c ea52f4d8
......@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@ from .views import (
USER_PATTERN = '(?P<user>[\w.@+-]+)'
USERNAME_PATTERN = '(?P<username>[\w.@+-]+)'
urlpatterns = patterns(
r'^enrollment/{user},{course_key}$'.format(user=USER_PATTERN, course_key=settings.COURSE_ID_PATTERN),
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ consist primarily of authentication, request validation, and serialization.
from ipware.ip import get_ip
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from opaque_keys import InvalidKeyError
from course_modes.models import CourseMode
......@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ from enrollment.errors import (
CourseNotFoundError, CourseEnrollmentError,
CourseModeNotFoundError, CourseEnrollmentExistsError
from student.models import User
class EnrollmentCrossDomainSessionAuth(SessionAuthenticationAllowInactiveUser, SessionAuthenticationCrossDomainCsrf):
......@@ -104,11 +106,10 @@ class EnrollmentView(APIView, ApiKeyPermissionMixIn):
permission_classes = ApiKeyHeaderPermissionIsAuthenticated,
throttle_classes = EnrollmentUserThrottle,
# Since the course about page on the marketing site
# uses this API to auto-enroll users, we need to support
# cross-domain CSRF.
# Since the course about page on the marketing site uses this API to auto-enroll users,
# we need to support cross-domain CSRF.
def get(self, request, course_id=None, user=None):
def get(self, request, course_id=None, username=None):
"""Create, read, or update enrollment information for a user.
HTTP Endpoint for all CRUD operations for a user course enrollment. Allows creation, reading, and
......@@ -119,27 +120,29 @@ class EnrollmentView(APIView, ApiKeyPermissionMixIn):
information for the current user and the specified course.
course_id (str): URI element specifying the course location. Enrollment information will be
returned, created, or updated for this particular course.
user (str): The user username associated with this enrollment request.
username (str): The username associated with this enrollment request.
A JSON serialized representation of the course enrollment.
user = user if user else request.user.username
if request.user.username != user and not self.has_api_key_permissions(request):
username = username or request.user.username
if request.user.username != username and not self.has_api_key_permissions(request):
# Return a 404 instead of a 403 (Unauthorized). If one user is looking up
# other users, do not let them deduce the existence of an enrollment.
return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
return Response(api.get_enrollment(user, course_id))
return Response(api.get_enrollment(username, course_id))
except CourseEnrollmentError:
return Response(
"message": (
u"An error occurred while retrieving enrollments for user "
u"'{user}' in course '{course_id}'"
).format(user=user, course_id=course_id)
u"'{username}' in course '{course_id}'"
).format(username=username, course_id=course_id)
......@@ -295,20 +298,20 @@ class EnrollmentListView(APIView, ApiKeyPermissionMixIn):
Gets a list of all course enrollments for the currently logged in user.
user = request.GET.get('user', request.user.username)
if request.user.username != user and not self.has_api_key_permissions(request):
username = request.GET.get('user', request.user.username)
if request.user.username != username and not self.has_api_key_permissions(request):
# Return a 404 instead of a 403 (Unauthorized). If one user is looking up
# other users, do not let them deduce the existence of an enrollment.
return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
return Response(api.get_enrollments(user))
return Response(api.get_enrollments(username))
except CourseEnrollmentError:
return Response(
"message": (
u"An error occurred while retrieving enrollments for user '{user}'"
u"An error occurred while retrieving enrollments for user '{username}'"
......@@ -317,14 +320,15 @@ class EnrollmentListView(APIView, ApiKeyPermissionMixIn):
Enrolls the currently logged in user in a course.
# Get the User, Course ID, and Mode from the request.
user = request.DATA.get('user', request.user.username)
username = request.DATA.get('user', request.user.username)
course_id = request.DATA.get('course_details', {}).get('course_id')
if 'course_details' not in request.DATA or 'course_id' not in request.DATA['course_details']:
if not course_id:
return Response(
data={"message": u"Course ID must be specified to create a new enrollment."}
course_id = request.DATA['course_details']['course_id']
course_id = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)
except InvalidKeyError:
......@@ -340,9 +344,9 @@ class EnrollmentListView(APIView, ApiKeyPermissionMixIn):
has_api_key_permissions = self.has_api_key_permissions(request)
# Check that the user specified is either the same user, or this is a server-to-server request.
if not user:
user = request.user.username
if user != request.user.username and not has_api_key_permissions:
if not username:
username = request.user.username
if username != request.user.username and not has_api_key_permissions:
# Return a 404 instead of a 403 (Unauthorized). If one user is looking up
# other users, do not let them deduce the existence of an enrollment.
return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
......@@ -357,14 +361,22 @@ class EnrollmentListView(APIView, ApiKeyPermissionMixIn):
# Lookup the user, instead of using request.user, since request.user may not match the username POSTed.
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return Response(
'message': u'The user {} does not exist.'.format(username)
# Check whether any country access rules block the user from enrollment
# We do this at the view level (rather than the Python API level)
# because this check requires information about the HTTP request.
redirect_url = embargo_api.redirect_if_blocked(
course_id, user=user,
course_id, user=user, ip_address=get_ip(request), url=request.path)
if redirect_url:
return Response(
......@@ -384,11 +396,11 @@ class EnrollmentListView(APIView, ApiKeyPermissionMixIn):
# Only server-to-server calls will currently be allowed to modify the mode for existing enrollments. All
# other requests will go through add_enrollment(), which will allow creating of new enrollments, and
# re-activating enrollments
enrollment = api.get_enrollment(user, unicode(course_id))
enrollment = api.get_enrollment(username, unicode(course_id))
if has_api_key_permissions and enrollment and enrollment['mode'] != mode:
response = api.update_enrollment(user, unicode(course_id), mode=mode)
response = api.update_enrollment(username, unicode(course_id), mode=mode)
response = api.add_enrollment(user, unicode(course_id), mode=mode)
response = api.add_enrollment(username, unicode(course_id), mode=mode)
email_opt_in = request.DATA.get('email_opt_in', None)
if email_opt_in is not None:
org =
......@@ -418,7 +430,7 @@ class EnrollmentListView(APIView, ApiKeyPermissionMixIn):
"message": (
u"An error occurred while creating the new course enrollment for user "
u"'{user}' in course '{course_id}'"
).format(user=user, course_id=course_id)
u"'{username}' in course '{course_id}'"
).format(username=username, course_id=course_id)
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