Commit a7624825 by ichuang

fix quickedit (request.user_is_staff is not a function); small edit to problem.html

to show quickedit when settings.QUICKEDIT is True.  add
mathjax_include.html because that is needed by quickedit.html
parent 22c75cf7
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ def quickedit(request, id=None):
print "In deployed use, this will only edit on one server"
print "We need a setting to disable for production where there is"
print "a load balanacer"
if not request.user.is_staff():
if not request.user.is_staff:
return redirect('/')
# get coursename if stored
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
// MathJax.Hub.Config({
// tex2jax: {inlineMath: [["\\(","\\)"]],
// displayMath: [["\\[","\\]"]]}
// });
// (function () {
var QUEUE = MathJax.Hub.queue; // shorthand for the queue
var math = null;
var jaxset = {}; // associative array of the element jaxs for the math output.
var mmlset = {}; // associative array of mathml from each jax
// constructs mathML of the specified jax element
function toMathML(jax,callback) {
var mml;
try {
mml = jax.root.toMathML("");
} catch(err) {
if (!err.restart) {throw err} // an actual error
return MathJax.Callback.After([toMathML,jax,callback],err.restart);
// function to queue in MathJax to get put the MathML expression in in the right document element
function UpdateMathML(jax,id) {
toMathML(jax,function (mml) {
// document.getElementById(id+'_fromjs').value=math.originalText+ "\n\n=>\n\n"+ mml;
delem = document.getElementById("input_" + id + "_fromjs");
if (delem) { delem.value=mml; };
mmlset[id] = mml;
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [
displayMath: [
// Get the element jax when MathJax has produced it.
// QUEUE.Push(function () {
// {% for id in jsids %}
// math = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax("{{id}}_display")[0];
// jaxset["{{id}}"] = math;
// math.Text(document.getElementById("{{id}}").defaultValue);
// UpdateMathML(math,"{{id}}");
// {% endfor %}
// });
// The onchange event handler that typesets the
// math entered by the user
window.UpdateMath = function (Am,id) {
// })();
function DoUpdateMath(inputId) {
var str = document.getElementById("input_"+inputId).value;
// make sure the input field is in the jaxset
if ($.inArray(inputId,jaxset) == -1){
//alert('missing '+inputId);
if (document.getElementById("display_" + inputId)){
MathJax.Hub.queue.Push(function () {
math = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax("display_" + inputId)[0];
if (math){
jaxset[inputId] = math;
<%block name="headextra"/>
<!-- This must appear after all mathjax-config blocks, so it is after the imports from the other templates -->
<!-- TODO: move to settings -->
<script type="text/javascript"
......@@ -2,6 +2,15 @@
% if problem['weight']:
: ${ problem['weight'] } points
% endif
% if settings.QUICKEDIT:
<span class="staff">
<font size=-2><a href=${MITX_ROOT_URL}/quickedit/${id}>Quick
Edit Problem</a></font></span>
% endif
<section class="problem">
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