Commit a7590252 by Matthew Mongeau

Move files.

parent a08838a2
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from import check_course
def index(request, course_id, page=0):
course = check_course(course_id)
return render_to_response('staticbook.html', {'page': int(page), 'course': course})
return render_to_response('staticbook/staticbook.html', {'page': int(page), 'course': course})
def index_shifted(request, course_id, page):
......@@ -158,4 +158,4 @@
<%include file="../video_modal.html" />
<%include file="../common/video_modal.html" />
<%inherit file="main.html" />
<%inherit file="../common/main.html" />
<%block name="bodyclass">courseware</%block>
<%block name="title"><title>Courseware – edX</title></%block>
<%include file="course_navigation.html" args="active_page='courseware'" />
<%include file="../common/course_navigation.html" args="active_page='courseware'" />
<section class="main-content">
<section class="outside-app">
<%inherit file="main.html" />
<%namespace name='static' file='static_content.html'/>
<%inherit file="../common/main.html" />
<%namespace name='static' file='../static_content.html'/>
<%block name="bodyclass">courseware</%block>
<%block name="title"><title>Courseware – MITx 6.002x</title></%block>
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
<%include file="course_navigation.html" args="active_page='courseware'" />
<%include file="../common/course_navigation.html" args="active_page='courseware'" />
<section class="container">
<div class="course-wrapper">
<%inherit file="main.html" />
<%include file="course_navigation.html" args="active_page='info'" />
<%inherit file="../common/main.html" />
<%include file="../common/course_navigation.html" args="active_page='info'" />
from import get_course_info_section
<%inherit file="main.html" />
<%block name="js_extra">
//if(!page) {
// cookie_page = $.cookie("book_page");
// if(cookie_page) {
// goto_page(cookie_page);
// }
$(".handouts ol").treeview({collapsed:true, unique:true/*, cookieId: "treeview-book-nav", persist: "cookie"*/});
<%block name="title"><title>MITx Home</title></%block>
<%include file="navigation.html" args="active_page='info'" />
<section class="main-content">
<div class="info-wrapper">
<section class="updates">
<h2>Welcome to MITx</h2>
<hr width="100%">
<h3>Courses available:</h3>
% for coursename, info in courseinfo.items():
% if info['active']:
<li><a href=${ MITX_ROOT_URL }/courseware/${coursename}/>${info['title']} (${coursename})</a></li>
% endif
% endfor
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
<%block name="bodyextra">
%if course:
<%include file="../course_navigation.html" args="active_page='wiki'" />
<%include file="../common/course_navigation.html" args="active_page='wiki'" />
<section class="main-content">
<%inherit file="main.html" />
<%inherit file="../common/main.html" />
<%block name="title"><title>Textbook – MITx 6.002x</title></%block>
<%block name="js_extra">
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ $("#open_close_accordion a").click(function(){
<%include file="course_navigation.html" args="active_page='book'" />
<%include file="../common/course_navigation.html" args="active_page='book'" />
<section class="main-content">
<div class="book-wrapper">
<h1>Using the system</h1>
<p>During video playback, use the subtitles and the scroll bar to navigate. Clicking the subtitles is a fast way to skip forwards and backwards by small amounts.</p>
<p>If you are on a low-resolution display, the left navigation bar can be hidden by clicking on the set of three left arrows next to it.</p>
<p>If you need bigger or smaller fonts, use your browsers settings to scale them up or down. Under Google Chrome, this is done by pressing ctrl-plus, or ctrl-minus at the same time.</p>
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