Commit a730f918 by Felix Sun

Fixed numerous 500 errors that result from mal-formatted post requests.

Fixed tests to work with symbolic answer changes.
parent 199b6325
......@@ -173,6 +173,9 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
if out is None:
out = {'op': 'empty'}
elif 'error' in out:
# Error in processing.
out.update({'op': 'error'})
out.update({'op': dispatch})
return json.dumps({'contents': self.system.render_template('hinter_display.html', out)})
......@@ -288,14 +291,23 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
Returns key 'hint_and_votes', a list of (hint_text, #votes) pairs.
if self.user_voted:
return json.dumps({'contents': 'Sorry, but you have already voted!'})
return {'error': 'Sorry, but you have already voted!'}
ans = data['answer']
signature = self.answer_signature(ans)
if signature is None:
# Uh oh. Invalid answer.
log.exception('Failure in hinter tally_vote: Unable to parse answer: ' + ans)
return {'error': 'Failure in voting!'}
hint_pk = str(data['hint'])
pk_list = json.loads(data['pk_list'])
# We use temp_dict because we need to do a direct write for the database to update.
temp_dict = self.hints
temp_dict[signature][hint_pk][1] += 1
temp_dict[signature][hint_pk][1] += 1
except KeyError:
log.exception('Failure in hinter tally_vote: User voted for non-existant hint: Answer=' +
ans + ' pk=' + hint_pk)
return {'error': 'Failure in voting!'}
self.hints = temp_dict
# Don't let the user vote again!
self.user_voted = True
......@@ -303,7 +315,10 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
# Return a list of how many votes each hint got.
hint_and_votes = []
for vote_pk in pk_list:
except KeyError:
log.exception('In hinter tally_vote: pk_list contains non-existant pk: ' + str(vote_pk))
hint_and_votes.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True)
# Reset self.previous_answers.
......@@ -324,6 +339,9 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
hint = escape(data['hint'])
answer = data['answer']
signature = self.answer_signature(answer)
if signature is None:
log.exception('Failure in hinter submit_hint: Unable to parse answer: ' + answer)
return {'error': 'Could not submit answer'}
# Only allow a student to vote or submit a hint once.
if self.user_voted:
return {'message': 'Sorry, but you have already voted!'}
......@@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
Tests the crowdsourced hinter xmodule.
from mock import Mock
from mock import Mock, MagicMock
import unittest
import copy
from xmodule.crowdsource_hinter import CrowdsourceHinterModule
from xmodule.vertical_module import VerticalModule, VerticalDescriptor
from capa.responsetypes import StudentInputError
from . import get_test_system
import json
......@@ -94,12 +96,54 @@ class CHModuleFactory(object):
if moderate is not None:
model_data['moderate'] = moderate
descriptor = Mock(weight="1")
descriptor = Mock(weight='1')
# Make the descriptor have a capa problem child.
capa_descriptor = MagicMock() = 'capa'
descriptor.get_children = lambda: [capa_descriptor]
# Make a fake capa module.
capa_module = MagicMock()
capa_module.responders = {'responder0': MagicMock()}
capa_module.displayable_items = lambda: [capa_module]
system = get_test_system()
# Make the system have a marginally-functional get_module
def fake_get_module(descriptor):
A fake module-maker.
if == 'capa':
return capa_module
system.get_module = fake_get_module
module = CrowdsourceHinterModule(system, descriptor, model_data)
return module
def setup_formula_response(module):
Adds additional mock methods to the module, so that we can test
formula responses.
# Do a bunch of monkey patching, to mock the lon-capa problem.
responder = MagicMock()
responder.randomize_variables = MagicMock(return_value=4)
def fake_hash_answers(answer, test_values):
""" A fake answer hasher """
if test_values == 4 and answer == 'x*y^2':
return 'good'
raise StudentInputError
responder.hash_answers = fake_hash_answers
lcp = MagicMock()
lcp.responders = {'responder0': responder}
module.get_display_items()[0].lcp = lcp
return module
class VerticalWithModulesFactory(object):
......@@ -226,6 +270,44 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue('Test numerical problem.' in out_html)
self.assertTrue('Another test numerical problem.' in out_html)
def test_numerical_answer_to_str(self):
Tests the get request to string converter for numerical responses.
mock_module = CHModuleFactory.create()
get = {'response1': '4'}
parsed = mock_module.numerical_answer_to_str(get)
self.assertTrue(parsed == '4.0')
def test_formula_answer_to_str(self):
Tests the get request to string converter for formula responses.
mock_module = CHModuleFactory.create()
get = {'response1': 'x*y^2'}
parsed = mock_module.formula_answer_to_str(get)
self.assertTrue(parsed == 'x*y^2')
def test_formula_answer_signature(self):
Tests the answer signature generator for formula responses.
mock_module = CHModuleFactory.create()
mock_module = CHModuleFactory.setup_formula_response(mock_module)
answer = 'x*y^2'
out = mock_module.formula_answer_signature(answer)
self.assertTrue(out == 'good')
def test_formula_answer_signature_failure(self):
Makes sure that bad answer strings return None as a signature.
mock_module = CHModuleFactory.create()
mock_module = CHModuleFactory.setup_formula_response(mock_module)
answer = 'fish'
out = mock_module.formula_answer_signature(answer)
self.assertTrue(out is None)
def test_gethint_0hint(self):
Someone asks for a hint, when there's no hint to give.
......@@ -343,6 +425,44 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(['Best hint', 40] in dict_out['hint_and_votes'])
self.assertTrue(['Another hint', 31] in dict_out['hint_and_votes'])
def test_vote_unparsable(self):
A user somehow votes for an unparsable answer.
Should return a friendly error.
(This is an unusual exception path - I don't know how it occurs,
except if you manually make a post request. But, it seems to happen
mock_module = CHModuleFactory.create()
# None means that the answer couldn't be parsed.
mock_module.answer_signature = lambda text: None
json_in = {'answer': 'fish', 'hint': 3, 'pk_list': '[]'}
dict_out = mock_module.tally_vote(json_in)
print dict_out
self.assertTrue(dict_out == {'error': 'Failure in voting!'})
def test_vote_nohint(self):
A user somehow votes for a hint that doesn't exist.
Should return a friendly error.
mock_module = CHModuleFactory.create()
json_in = {'answer': '24.0', 'hint': '25', 'pk_list': '[]'}
dict_out = mock_module.tally_vote(json_in)
self.assertTrue(dict_out == {'error': 'Failure in voting!'})
def test_vote_badpklist(self):
Some of the pk's specified in pk_list are invalid.
Should just skip those.
mock_module = CHModuleFactory.create()
json_in = {'answer': '24.0', 'hint': '0', 'pk_list': json.dumps([0, 12])}
hint_and_votes = mock_module.tally_vote(json_in)['hint_and_votes']
self.assertTrue(['Best hint', 41] in hint_and_votes)
self.assertTrue(len(hint_and_votes) == 1)
def test_submithint_nopermission(self):
A user tries to submit a hint, but he has already voted.
......@@ -399,6 +519,17 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(mock_module.hints['29.0']['0'][0] == u'<script> alert("Trololo"); </script>')
def test_submithint_unparsable(self):
mock_module = CHModuleFactory.create()
mock_module.answer_signature = lambda text: None
json_in = {'answer': 'fish', 'hint': 'A hint'}
dict_out = mock_module.submit_hint(json_in)
print dict_out
print mock_module.hints
self.assertTrue('error' in dict_out)
self.assertTrue(None not in mock_module.hints)
self.assertTrue('fish' not in mock_module.hints)
def test_template_gethint(self):
Test the templates for get_hint.
......@@ -137,6 +137,10 @@ What would you say to help someone who got this wrong answer?
% endif
% if op == "error":
% endif
% if op == "vote":
% endif
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