Commit a71919ef by muhammad-ammar

Merge pull request #4422 from edx/ammar/fix-handout-tests

Add promise to ensure unit visibility is changed
parents cd2315c1 b2e08ddc
......@@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ class UnitPage(PageObject):
self.q(css='select[name="visibility-select"] option[value="{}"]'.format(visibility))
selector = '.edit-button'
if visibility == 'private':
check_func = lambda: self.q(css=selector).visible
elif visibility == 'public':
check_func = lambda: not self.q(css=selector).visible
EmptyPromise(check_func, 'Unit Visibility is {}'.format(visibility)).fulfill()
'advanced_tab': '.editor-tabs li.inner_tab_wrap:nth-child(2) > a',
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