Commit a660cd85 by Jay Zoldak Committed by Carson Gee

Set up page objects and base test file for staff view and staff debug.

parent 64a9ec5b
Staff view of courseware
from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject
class StaffPage(PageObject):
View of courseware pages while logged in as course staff
url = None
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return self.q(css='#staffstatus').present
def staff_status(self):
Return the current status, either Staff view or Student view
return self.q(css='#staffstatus').text[0]
def open_staff_debug_info(self):
Open the staff debug window
Return the page object for it.
staff_debug_page = StaffDebugPage(self.browser)
return staff_debug_page
class StaffDebugPage(PageObject):
Staff Debug modal
url = None
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return self.q(css='section.staff-modal').present
def _click_link(self, link_text):
for link in self.q(css='section.staff-modal a').execute():
if link.text == link_text:
raise Exception('Could not find the {} link to click on.'.format(
def reset_attempts(self):
self._click_link('Reset Attempts')
def idash_msg(self):
return self.q(css='#idash_msg').text
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
E2E tests for the LMS.
from .helpers import UniqueCourseTest
from import AutoAuthPage
from ..pages.lms.courseware import CoursewarePage
from ..pages.lms.staff_view import StaffPage
from ..fixtures.course import CourseFixture, XBlockFixtureDesc
from textwrap import dedent
class StaffDebugTest(UniqueCourseTest):
Tests that verify the staff debug info.
def setUp(self):
super(StaffDebugTest, self).setUp()
self.courseware_page = CoursewarePage(self.browser, self.course_id)
# Install a course with sections/problems, tabs, updates, and handouts
course_fix = CourseFixture(
self.course_info['org'], self.course_info['number'],
self.course_info['run'], self.course_info['display_name']
problem_data = dedent("""
<problem markdown="Simple Problem" max_attempts="" weight="">
<p>Choose Yes.</p>
<checkboxgroup direction="vertical">
<choice correct="true">Yes</choice>
XBlockFixtureDesc('chapter', 'Test Section').add_children(
XBlockFixtureDesc('sequential', 'Test Subsection').add_children(
XBlockFixtureDesc('problem', 'Test Problem 1', data=problem_data)
# Auto-auth register for the course.
# Do this as global staff so that you will see the Staff View
AutoAuthPage(self.browser, course_id=self.course_id, staff=True).visit()
def test_staff_debug(self):
staff_page = StaffPage(self.browser)
self.assertEqual(staff_page.staff_status, 'Staff view')
staff_debug_page = staff_page.open_staff_debug_info()
msg = staff_debug_page.idash_msg
self.assertEqual('foo', msg) # Not sure what is supposed to happen
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