Commit a628b62d by brianhw

Merge pull request #511 from edx/feature/brian/audit-log

Use audit logger for logging of logins in external_auth...
parents 3d87dd8c 635d36fc
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ These are notable changes in edx-platform. This is a rolling list of changes,
in roughly chronological order, most recent first. Add your entries at or near
the top. Include a label indicating the component affected.
Common: Add additional logging to cover login attempts and logouts.
Studio: Send e-mails to new Studio users (on edge only) when their course creator
status has changed. This will not be in use until the course creator table
is enabled.
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from random import randint
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.signals import user_logged_in, user_logged_out
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
......@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ from pytz import UTC
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
AUDIT_LOG = logging.getLogger("audit")
class UserProfile(models.Model):
......@@ -779,3 +781,20 @@ def update_user_information(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.discussion")
log.error("update user info to discussion failed for user with id: " + str(
# Define login and logout handlers here in the models file, instead of the views file,
# so that they are more likely to be loaded when a Studio user brings up the Studio admin
# page to login. These are currently the only signals available, so we need to continue
# identifying and logging failures separately (in views).
def log_successful_login(sender, request, user, **kwargs):
"""Handler to log when logins have occurred successfully.""""Login success - {0} ({1})".format(user.username,
def log_successful_logout(sender, request, user, **kwargs):
"""Handler to log when logouts have occurred successfully.""""Logout - {0}".format(request.user))
Tests for student activation and login
import json
from mock import patch
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.client import Client
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from courseware.tests.factories import UserFactory, RegistrationFactory, UserProfileFactory
import json
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory, RegistrationFactory, UserProfileFactory
class LoginTest(TestCase):
......@@ -29,30 +31,37 @@ class LoginTest(TestCase):
self.client = Client()
# Store the login url
self.url = reverse('login')
self.url = reverse('login_post')
except NoReverseMatch:
self.url = reverse('login')
def test_login_success(self):
response = self._login_response('', 'test_password')
response, mock_audit_log = self._login_response('', 'test_password', patched_audit_log='student.models.AUDIT_LOG')
self._assert_response(response, success=True)
self._assert_audit_log(mock_audit_log, 'info', [u'Login success', u''])
def test_login_success_unicode_email(self):
unicode_email = u'' + unichr(40960)
unicode_email = u'test' + unichr(40960) + u'' = unicode_email
response = self._login_response(unicode_email, 'test_password')
response, mock_audit_log = self._login_response(unicode_email, 'test_password', patched_audit_log='student.models.AUDIT_LOG')
self._assert_response(response, success=True)
self._assert_audit_log(mock_audit_log, 'info', [u'Login success', unicode_email])
def test_login_fail_no_user_exists(self):
response = self._login_response('', 'test_password')
nonexistent_email = u''
response, mock_audit_log = self._login_response(nonexistent_email, 'test_password')
self._assert_response(response, success=False,
value='Email or password is incorrect')
self._assert_audit_log(mock_audit_log, 'warning', [u'Login failed', u'Unknown user email', nonexistent_email])
def test_login_fail_wrong_password(self):
response = self._login_response('', 'wrong_password')
response, mock_audit_log = self._login_response('', 'wrong_password')
self._assert_response(response, success=False,
value='Email or password is incorrect')
self._assert_audit_log(mock_audit_log, 'warning', [u'Login failed', u'password for', u'', u'invalid'])
def test_login_not_activated(self):
# De-activate the user
......@@ -60,24 +69,38 @@ class LoginTest(TestCase):
# Should now be unable to login
response = self._login_response('', 'test_password')
response, mock_audit_log = self._login_response('', 'test_password')
self._assert_response(response, success=False,
value="This account has not been activated")
self._assert_audit_log(mock_audit_log, 'warning', [u'Login failed', u'Account not active for user'])
def test_login_unicode_email(self):
unicode_email = u'' + unichr(40960)
response = self._login_response(unicode_email, 'test_password')
response, mock_audit_log = self._login_response(unicode_email, 'test_password')
self._assert_response(response, success=False)
self._assert_audit_log(mock_audit_log, 'warning', [u'Login failed', unicode_email])
def test_login_unicode_password(self):
unicode_password = u'test_password' + unichr(1972)
response = self._login_response('', unicode_password)
response, mock_audit_log = self._login_response('', unicode_password)
self._assert_response(response, success=False)
self._assert_audit_log(mock_audit_log, 'warning', [u'Login failed', u'password for', u'', u'invalid'])
def test_logout_logging(self):
response, _ = self._login_response('', 'test_password')
self._assert_response(response, success=True)
logout_url = reverse('logout')
with patch('student.models.AUDIT_LOG') as mock_audit_log:
response =
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
self._assert_audit_log(mock_audit_log, 'info', [u'Logout', u'test'])
def _login_response(self, email, password):
def _login_response(self, email, password, patched_audit_log='student.views.AUDIT_LOG'):
''' Post the login info '''
post_params = {'email': email, 'password': password}
return, post_params)
with patch(patched_audit_log) as mock_audit_log:
result =, post_params)
return result, mock_audit_log
def _assert_response(self, response, success=None, value=None):
......@@ -105,3 +128,16 @@ class LoginTest(TestCase):
msg = ("'%s' did not contain '%s'" %
(str(response_dict['value']), str(value)))
self.assertTrue(value in response_dict['value'], msg)
def _assert_audit_log(self, mock_audit_log, level, log_strings):
Check that the audit log has received the expected call.
method_calls = mock_audit_log.method_calls
self.assertEquals(len(method_calls), 1)
name, args, _kwargs = method_calls[0]
self.assertEquals(name, level)
self.assertEquals(len(args), 1)
format_string = args[0]
for log_string in log_strings:
self.assertIn(log_string, format_string)
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