Commit a6068201 by Vik Paruchuri

Add in a staff warning message about duplicates

parent 5658e6bc
......@@ -386,7 +386,8 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedV1Module():
'accept_file_upload': self.accept_file_upload,
'location': self.location,
'legend_list': LEGEND_LIST,
'human_state': HUMAN_STATES.get(self.state, "Not started.")
'human_state': HUMAN_STATES.get(self.state, "Not started."),
'is_staff': self.system.user_is_staff
return context
......@@ -807,7 +807,11 @@ def _msk_from_problem_urlname(course_id, urlname):
if urlname.endswith(".xml"):
urlname = urlname[:-4]
urlname = "problem/" + urlname
# Combined open ended problems also have state that can be deleted. However,
# appending "problem" will only allow capa problems to be reset.
# Get around this for combinedopenended problems.
if "combinedopenended" not in urlname:
urlname = "problem/" + urlname
(org, course_name, __) = course_id.split("/")
module_state_key = "i4x://" + org + "/" + course_name + "/" + urlname
......@@ -56,5 +56,10 @@
<div class="result-container">
% if is_staff:
<div class="staff-info">
Staff Warning: Please note that if you submit a duplicate of text that has already been submitted for grading, it will not show up in the staff grading view. It will be given the same grade that the original received automatically, and will be returned within 30 minutes if the original is already graded, or when the original is graded if not.
% endif
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