Commit a5f3d8a9 by ichuang

fix handling of tail in inputtypes.math (needed saxutils.escape)

parent edeb81ce
......@@ -22,10 +22,14 @@ Each input type takes the xml tree as 'element', the previous answer as 'value',
# status is currently the answer for the problem ID for the input element,
# but it will turn into a dict containing both the answer and any associated message for the problem ID for the input element.
import logging
import re
import shlex # for splitting quoted strings
from lxml import etree
import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
log = logging.getLogger('mitx.' + __name__)
def get_input_xml_tags():
''' Eventually, this will be for all registered input types '''
......@@ -299,8 +303,18 @@ def math(element, value, status, render_template, msg=''):
# isinline = True
# html = render_template("mathstring.html",{'mathstr':mathstr,'isinline':isinline,'tail':element.tail})
html = '<html><html>%s</html><html>%s</html></html>' % (mathstr,element.tail)
xhtml = etree.XML(html)
html = '<html><html>%s</html><html>%s</html></html>' % (mathstr,saxutils.escape(element.tail))
xhtml = etree.XML(html)
except Exception as err:
if False: # TODO needs to be self.system.DEBUG - but can't access system
msg = "<html><font color='red'><p>Error %s</p>" % str(err).replace('<','&lt;')
msg += '<p>Failed to construct math expression from <pre>%s</pre></p>' % html.replace('<','&lt;')
msg += "</font></html>"
return etree.XML(msg)
# xhtml.tail = element.tail # don't forget to include the tail!
return xhtml
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