Commit a52ca363 by Will Daly Committed by Jay Zoldak

Initial BDD spec for certificates workflow

parent 8f6c07fd
from course_modes.models import CourseMode
from factory import DjangoModelFactory
# Factories don't have __init__ methods, and are self documenting
# pylint: disable=W0232
class CourseModeFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
FACTORY_FOR = CourseMode
course_id = u'MITx/999/Robot_Super_Course'
mode_slug = 'audit'
mode_display_name = 'audit course'
min_price = 0
currency = 'usd'
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ and integration / BDD tests.
import student.tests.factories as sf
import xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories as xf
import course_modes.tests.factories as cmf
from lettuce import world
......@@ -52,6 +53,14 @@ class CourseEnrollmentAllowedFactory(sf.CourseEnrollmentAllowedFactory):
class CourseModeFactory(cmf.CourseModeFactory):
Course modes
class CourseFactory(xf.CourseFactory):
Courseware courses
Feature: Verified certificates
As a student,
In order to earn a verified certificate
I want to sign up for a verified certificate course.
Scenario: I can audit a verified certificate course
Given I am logged in
When I select the audit track
Then I should see the course on my dashboard
Scenario: I can submit photos to verify my identity
Given I am logged in
When I select the verified track
And I go to step "1"
And I capture my "face" photo
And I approve my "face" photo
And I go to step "2"
And I capture my "photo_id" photo
And I approve my "photo_id" photo
And I go to step "3"
And I select a contribution amount
And I confirm that the details match
And I go to step "4"
Then The course is added to my cart
And I view the payment page
Scenario: I can pay for a verified certificate
Given I have submitted photos to verify my identity
When I submit valid payment information
Then I see that my payment was successful
And I receive an email confirmation
And I see that I am registered for a verified certificate course on my dashboard
Scenario: I can re-take photos
Given I have submitted my "<PhotoType>" photo
When I retake my "<PhotoType>" photo
Then I see the new photo on the confirmation page.
| PhotoType |
| face |
| ID |
Scenario: I can edit identity information
Given I have submitted face and ID photos
When I edit my name
Then I see the new name on the confirmation page.
Scenario: I can return to the verify flow
Given I have submitted photos
When I leave the flow and return
I see the payment page
# Design not yet finalized
#Scenario: I can take a verified certificate course for free
# Given I have submitted photos to verify my identity
# When I give a reason why I cannot pay
# Then I see that I am registered for a verified certificate course on my dashboard
#pylint: disable=C0111
#pylint: disable=W0621
from lettuce import world, step
from lettuce.django import django_url
from course_modes.models import CourseMode
from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException
def create_cert_course():
org = 'edx'
number = '999'
name = 'Certificates'
course_id = '{org}/{number}/{name}'.format(
org=org, number=number, name=name)
world.scenario_dict['COURSE'] = world.CourseFactory.create(
org=org, number=number, display_name=name)
audit_mode = world.CourseModeFactory.create(
mode_display_name='audit course',
assert isinstance(audit_mode, CourseMode)
verfied_mode = world.CourseModeFactory.create(
mode_display_name='verified cert course',
assert isinstance(verfied_mode, CourseMode)
def register():
url = 'courses/{org}/{number}/{name}/about'.format(
org='edx', number='999', name='Certificates')
world.css_click('section.intro a.register')
assert world.is_css_present('section.wrapper h3.title')
@step(u'I select the audit track$')
def select_the_audit_track(step):
btn_css = 'input[value="Select Audit"]'
def select_contribution(amount=32):
radio_css = 'input[value="{}"]'.format(amount)
assert world.css_find(radio_css).selected
@step(u'I select the verified track$')
def select_the_verified_track(step):
btn_css = 'input[value="Select Certificate"]'
assert world.is_css_present('li.current#progress-step0')
@step(u'I should see the course on my dashboard$')
def should_see_the_course_on_my_dashboard(step):
course_css = ''
assert world.is_css_present(course_css)
@step(u'I go to step "([^"]*)"$')
def goto_next_step(step, step_num):
btn_css = {
'1': 'p.m-btn-primary a',
'2': '#face_next_button',
'3': '#photo_id_next_button',
'4': '#pay_button',
next_css = {
'1': 'div#wrapper-facephoto.carousel-active',
'2': 'div#wrapper-idphoto.carousel-active',
'3': 'div#wrapper-review.carousel-active',
'4': 'div#wrapper-review.carousel-active',
# Pressing the button will advance the carousel to the next item
# and give the wrapper div the "carousel-active" class
assert world.css_find(next_css[step_num])
@step(u'I capture my "([^"]*)" photo$')
def capture_my_photo(step, name):
# Draw a red rectangle in the image element
snapshot_script = '"{}{}{}{}{}{}"'.format(
"var canvas = $('#{}_canvas');".format(name),
"var ctx = canvas[0].getContext('2d');",
"ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(200,0,0)';",
"ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 640, 480);",
"var image = $('#{}_image');".format(name),
"image[0].src = canvas[0].toDataURL('image/png');"
# Mirror the javascript of the photo_verification.html page
assert world.css_visible('#{}_approve_button'.format(name))
@step(u'I approve my "([^"]*)" photo$')
def approve_my_photo(step, name):
button_css = {
'face': 'div#wrapper-facephoto li.control-approve',
'photo_id': 'div#wrapper-idphoto li.control-approve',
wrapper_css = {
'face': 'div#wrapper-facephoto',
'photo_id': 'div#wrapper-idphoto',
# Make sure that the carousel is in the right place
assert world.css_has_class(wrapper_css[name], 'carousel-active')
assert world.css_visible(button_css[name])
# HACK: for now don't bother clicking the approve button for
# id_photo, because it is sending you back to Step 1.
# Come back and figure it out later. JZ Aug 29 2013
if name=='face':
# Make sure you didn't advance the carousel
assert world.css_has_class(wrapper_css[name], 'carousel-active')
@step(u'I select a contribution amount$')
def select_contribution_amount(step):
@step(u'I confirm that the details match$')
def confirm_details_match(step):
# First you need to scroll down on the page
# to make the element visible?
# Currently chrome is failing with ElementNotVisibleException
cb_css = 'input#confirm_pics_good'
assert world.css_find(cb_css).checked
@step(u'The course is added to my cart')
def see_course_is_added_to_my_cart(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I view the payment page')
def view_the_payment_page(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I have submitted photos to verify my identity')
def submitted_photos_to_verify_my_identity(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I submit valid payment information')
def submit_valid_payment_information(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I see that my payment was successful')
def sesee_that_my_payment_was_successful(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I receive an email confirmation')
def receive_an_email_confirmation(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I see that I am registered for a verified certificate course on my dashboard')
def see_that_i_am_registered_for_a_verified_certificate_course_on_my_dashboard(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I have submitted my "([^"]*)" photo')
def submitted_my_group1_photo(step, group1):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I retake my "([^"]*)" photo')
def retake_my_group1_photo(step, group1):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I see the new photo on the confirmation page.')
def sesee_the_new_photo_on_the_confirmation_page(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I have submitted face and ID photos')
def submitted_face_and_id_photos(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I edit my name')
def edit_my_name(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I see the new name on the confirmation page.')
def sesee_the_new_name_on_the_confirmation_page(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I have submitted photos')
def submitted_photos(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I leave the flow and return')
def leave_the_flow_and_return(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I see the payment page')
def see_the_payment_page(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I am registered for the course')
def seam_registered_for_the_course(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
@step(u'I return to the student dashboard')
def return_to_the_student_dashboard(step):
assert False, 'This step must be implemented'
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