Commit a521ea23 by Chris Dodge

baseline working for importing courseware and static assets

parent bb46c5f9
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG
LOGGING = get_logger_config(ENV_ROOT / "log",
dev_env = True,
modulestore_options = {
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class MongoContentStore(ContentStore):
logging.debug( 'Using MongoDB for static content serving at host={0} db={1}'.format(host,db))
_db = Connection(host=host, port=port, **kwargs)[db]
if self.user is not None and self.password is not None:
if user is not None and password is not None:
_db.authenticate(user, password)
self.fs = gridfs.GridFS(_db)
......@@ -5,10 +5,67 @@ import mimetypes
from .xml import XMLModuleStore
from .exceptions import DuplicateItemError
from xmodule.modulestore import Location
from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent
from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent, XASSET_SRCREF_PREFIX
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def import_static_content(modules, data_dir, static_content_store):
remap_dict = {}
course_data_dir = None
course_loc = None
# quick scan to find the course module and pull out the data_dir and location
# maybe there an easier way to look this up?!?
for module in modules.itervalues():
if module.category == 'course':
course_loc = module.location
course_data_dir = module.metadata['data_dir']
if course_data_dir is None or course_loc is None:
return remap_dict
now import all static assets
static_dir = '{0}/{1}/static/'.format(data_dir, course_data_dir)
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(static_dir):
for filename in filenames:
content_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
fullname_with_subpath = content_path.replace(static_dir, '') # strip away leading path from the name
content_loc = StaticContent.compute_location(, course_loc.course, fullname_with_subpath)
mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
print 'importing static asset {0} of mime-type {1} from path {2}'.format(content_loc,
mime_type, content_path)
f = open(content_path, 'rb')
data =
content = StaticContent(content_loc, filename, mime_type, data)
# first let's save a thumbnail so we can get back a thumbnail location
thumbnail_content = static_content_store.generate_thumbnail(content)
if thumbnail_content is not None:
content.thumbnail_location = thumbnail_content.location
#then commit the content
#store the remapping information which will be needed to subsitute in the module data
remap_dict[fullname_with_subpath] =
return remap_dict
def import_from_xml(store, data_dir, course_dirs=None,
......@@ -29,56 +86,34 @@ def import_from_xml(store, data_dir, course_dirs=None,
for course_id in module_store.modules.keys():
course_data_dir = None
course_loc = None
remap_dict = {}
if static_content_store is not None:
remap_dict = import_static_content(module_store.modules[course_id], data_dir, static_content_store)
for module in module_store.modules[course_id].itervalues():
if module.category == 'course':
course_loc = module.location
course_data_dir = module.metadata['data_dir']
if 'data' in module.definition:
store.update_item(module.location, module.definition['data'])
module_data = module.definition['data']
# cdodge: update any references to the static content paths
# This is a bit brute force - simple search/replace - but it's unlikely that such references to '/static/....'
# would occur naturally (in the wild)
if '/static/' in module_data:
for subkey in remap_dict.keys():
module_data = module_data.replace('/static/' + subkey, 'xasset:' + remap_dict[subkey])
logging.debug("was {0} now {1}".format(module.definition['data'], module_data))
store.update_item(module.location, module_data)
if 'children' in module.definition:
store.update_children(module.location, module.definition['children'])
# NOTE: It's important to use own_metadata here to avoid writing
# inherited metadata everywhere.
store.update_metadata(module.location, dict(module.own_metadata))
course_data_dir = module.metadata['data_dir']
if static_content_store is not None:
now import all static assets
static_dir = '{0}/{1}/static/'.format(data_dir, course_data_dir)
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(static_dir):
for filename in filenames:
content_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
fullname_with_subpath = content_path.replace(static_dir, '') # strip away leading path from the name
content_loc = StaticContent.compute_location(, course_loc.course, fullname_with_subpath)
mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
print 'importing static asset {0} of mime-type {1} from path {2}'.format(content_loc,
mime_type, content_path)
f = open(content_path, 'rb')
data =
content = StaticContent(content_loc, filename, mime_type, data)
# first let's save a thumbnail so we can get back a thumbnail location
thumbnail_content = static_content_store.generate_thumbnail(content)
if thumbnail_content is not None:
content.thumbnail_location = thumbnail_content.location
#then commit the content
return module_store
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