Commit a501aa94 by Nimisha Asthagiri

don't update ancestors while bulk editing.

parent 682c9fff
......@@ -405,6 +405,13 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreWriteBase):
def _is_bulk_write_in_progress(self, course_id):
Returns whether a bulk write operation is in progress for the given course.
# check with branch set to None
return course_id in self.ignore_write_events_on_courses
def _fill_in_run(self, course_key):
if is not None:
return course_key
......@@ -552,7 +559,7 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreWriteBase):
If given a runtime, it replaces the cached_metadata in that runtime. NOTE: failure to provide
a runtime may mean that some objects report old values for inherited data.
if course_id not in self.ignore_write_events_on_courses:
if not self._is_bulk_write_in_progress(course_id):
# below is done for side effects when runtime is None
cached_metadata = self._get_cached_metadata_inheritance_tree(course_id, force_refresh=True)
if runtime:
......@@ -1033,7 +1040,10 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreWriteBase):
# update subtree edited info for ancestors
# don't update the subtree info for descendants of the publish root for efficiency
if (not isPublish) or (isPublish and is_publish_root):
if (
(not isPublish or (isPublish and is_publish_root)) and
not self._is_bulk_write_in_progress(xblock.location.course_key)
ancestor_payload = {
'edit_info.subtree_edited_on': now,
'edit_info.subtree_edited_by': user_id
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