@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ as discussions and problems—to promote active learning. Adding a video to your
.. note:: Review :ref:`Best Practices for Accessible Media` before adding videos to your course.
.. _Step 1. Create the Video:
.. _Create the Video:
Step 1. Create the Video
@@ -81,22 +81,17 @@ Video Formats
The edX video player supports videos in .mp4, .mpeg, .ogg, and .webm format.
.. _Create Transcript:
Step 2. Create or Obtain a Video Transcript
We strongly recommend that you associate a timed transcript with your video. Transcripts can be helpful for students whose first language isn't English, or who can't watch the video or want to review the video's content. The transcript scrolls automatically while your video plays. When a student clicks a word in the transcript, the video opens to that word. You can also allow your students to download the transcript so that they can read it offline. You'll associate the transcript with the video when you create the Video component.
To create or obtain a transcript, you can work with a company that provides captioning services. EdX works with `3Play Media <http://www.3playmedia.com>`_. `YouTube <http://www.youtube.com/>`_ also provides captioning services.
Transcript Format
We strongly recommend that you associate a timed transcript with your video. Transcripts can be helpful for students whose first language isn't English, who can't watch the video, or who want to review the video's content. The transcript scrolls automatically while your video plays. When a student clicks a word in the transcript, the video opens to that word. You can also allow your students to download the transcript so that they can read it offline. You'll associate the transcript with the video when you create the Video component.
To play automatically with the video, your transcript must be an .srt file.
**To play automatically with the video, your transcript file must be an .srt file.** To create or obtain a transcript in .srt format, you can work with a company that provides captioning services. EdX works with `3Play Media <http://www.3playmedia.com>`_. `YouTube <http://www.youtube.com/>`_ also provides captioning services.
If you want to provide downloadable transcripts in a format such as .txt or .pdf in addition to your .srt transcript, see :ref:`Additional Transcripts`.
In addition to your .srt file, you can provide other transcripts with your video. For example, you can provide downloadable transcripts in a text format such as .txt or .pdf, and you can provide transcripts in different languages. For more information, see :ref:`Additional Transcripts`.
.. note:: Some past courses have used .sjson files for video transcripts. If transcripts in your course uses this format, see :ref:`Steps for sjson files`. We don't recommend that you use .sjson files.
@@ -108,8 +103,7 @@ Step 3. Post the Video Online
All course videos should be posted to YouTube. By default, the edX video player accesses your YouTube videos.
Because YouTube is not available in all locations, however, we recommend that you also post
copies of your videos on a third-party site such as `Amazon S3 <http://aws.amazon.com/s3/>`_. When a student views
a video in your course, if YouTube is not available in that student’s location or if
copies of your videos on a third-party site such as `Amazon S3 <http://aws.amazon.com/s3/>`_. When a student views a video in your course, if YouTube is not available in that student’s location or if
the YouTube video doesn’t play, the video on the backup site starts playing automatically.
The student can also click a link to download the video from the backup site.
@@ -166,7 +160,7 @@ Step 4. Create a Video Component
If you want to modify the transcript, click **Download to Edit**. You can then make your changes and upload the new file by clicking **Upload New Timed Transcript**.
- If your video has a transcript on YouTube, Studio automatically finds the transcript and asks if you want to import it. To use this YouTube transcript, click **Import from YouTube**. (If you want to modify the YouTube transcript, click **Download to Edit**. You can then make your changes and upload the new file by clicking **Upload New Timed Transcript**.)
- If your video has a transcript on YouTube, Studio automatically finds the transcript and asks if you want to import it. To use this YouTube transcript, click **Import from YouTube**. (If you want to modify the YouTube transcript, after Studio imports the transcript, click **Download to Edit**. You can then make your changes and upload the new file by clicking **Upload New Timed Transcript**.)
- If neither edX nor YouTube has a transcript for your video, and your transcript uses the .srt format, click **Upload New Timed Transcript** to upload the transcript file from your computer.
@@ -200,16 +194,19 @@ The following options appear on the **Advanced** tab in the Video component.
* **End Time**: The time, formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS), when you want the video to end.
* **HTML5 Transcript**: If you uploaded an .srt file on the **Basic** tab, the name of your .srt file appears in this field by default. You don't have to change this setting.
* **Start Time**: The time, formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS), when you want the video to begin.
* **Transcript (primary)**: The name of the .srt file from the **Timed Transcript** field on the **Basic** tab. This field is auto-populated. You don't have to change this setting.
If your transcript uses an .sjson file, see :ref:`Steps for sjson files`.
* **Show Transcript**: Specifies whether you want the transcript to show by default. Students can always turn transcripts on or off while they watch the video.
* **Transcript Display**: Specifies whether you want the transcript to show by default. Students can always turn transcripts on or off while they watch the video.
* **Start Time**: The time, formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS), when you want the video to begin.
* **Transcript Download Allowed**: Specifies whether you want to allow your students to download a copy of the transcript.
* **Transcript Translations**: The transcript files for any additional languages. For more information, see :ref:`Transcripts in Additional Languages`.
* **Video Download Allowed**: Specifies whether you want to allow your students to download a copy of the video.
* **Video Sources**: Additional locations where you've posted the video. This field must contain a URL that ends in .mpeg, .mp4, .ogg, or .webm.
@@ -231,6 +228,29 @@ You can provide your students with a downloadable transcript in a format such as
#. In the **Download Transcript** field, enter the URL for the transcript. For more information, see :ref:`Video Advanced Options`.
.. _Transcripts in Additional Languages:
Transcripts in Additional Languages
You can provide transcripts for your video in other languages. To do this, you'll work with a third-party service to obtain an .srt transcript file for each language, and then associate the .srt file with the video in Studio.
#. After you've obtained the .srt files for additional languages, upload the .srt transcript files for those languages to the **Files & Uploads** page. Make a note of the URL for each .srt file.
#. In Studio, open the Video component for the video.
#. On the **Advanced** tab, scroll down to **Transcript Translations**, and then click **Add**. Two boxes appear above the **Add** button.
#. In the box on the left, enter the ISO 639-1 language code for the language of the transcript file. To find a language code, see the second column of the `Codes for the Representation of Names chart <http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php>`_. For example, you might enter **es** for Spanish, or **ru** for Russian.
#. In the box on the right, enter the URL for the language transcript file you uploaded to the **Files & Uploads** page. For example, you might enter **/static/Video1_Spanish.srt** or **/static/Video1_Russian.srt**.
.. image:: /Images/TranscriptTranslations.png
:alt: Image of Transcript Translations fields
.. note:: Make sure that all your transcript file names are unique to each video and language. If you use the same transcript name in more than one Video component, the same transcript will play for each video. To avoid this problem, you could name your foreign language transcript files according to the video's file name and the transcript language.
For example, you may have two videos, named 12345abcde.mp4 and 54321edcba.mp4. Each video has a Russian transcript and a Spanish transcript. You can name the transcripts for the first video 12345abcde_ru.srt and 12345abcde_es.srt, and name the transcripts for the second video 54321edcba_ru.srt and 54321edcba_es.srt.