Commit a4d4a3b0 by David Ormsbee

Merge pull request #650 from MITx/feature/bridger/course_grading

Feature/bridger/course grading
parents 68fe164b 68ab1973
......@@ -47,11 +47,14 @@ class ABTestModule(XModule):
def get_shared_state(self):
return json.dumps({'group':})
def get_children_locations(self):
return self.definition['data']['group_content'][]
def displayable_items(self):
child_locations = self.definition['data']['group_content'][]
children = [self.system.get_module(loc) for loc in child_locations]
return [c for c in children if c is not None]
# Most modules return "self" as the displayable_item. We never display ourself
# (which is why we don't implement get_html). We only display our children.
return self.get_children()
# TODO (cpennington): Use Groups should be a first class object, rather than being
......@@ -158,3 +161,7 @@ class ABTestDescriptor(RawDescriptor, XmlDescriptor):
return xml_object
def has_dynamic_children(self):
return True
......@@ -125,12 +125,6 @@ class CapaModule(XModule): = only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@name'))
weight_string = only_one(dom2.xpath('/problem/@weight'))
if weight_string:
self.weight = float(weight_string)
self.weight = None
if self.rerandomize == 'never':
self.seed = 1
elif self.rerandomize == "per_student" and hasattr(self.system, 'id'):
......@@ -279,7 +273,7 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
content = {'name': self.display_name,
'html': html,
'weight': self.weight,
'weight': self.descriptor.weight,
# We using strings as truthy values, because the terminology of the
......@@ -659,3 +653,12 @@ class CapaDescriptor(RawDescriptor):
'problems/' + path[8:],
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CapaDescriptor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
weight_string = self.metadata.get('weight', None)
if weight_string:
self.weight = float(weight_string)
self.weight = None
......@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ class CourseDescriptor(SequenceDescriptor):
for s in c.get_children():
if s.metadata.get('graded', False):
xmoduledescriptors = list(yield_descriptor_descendents(s))
# The xmoduledescriptors included here are only the ones that have scores.
section_description = { 'section_descriptor' : s, 'xmoduledescriptors' : filter(lambda child: child.has_score, xmoduledescriptors) }
......@@ -219,13 +219,28 @@ class XModule(HTMLSnippet):
Return module instances for all the children of this module.
if self._loaded_children is None:
child_locations = self.definition.get('children', [])
child_locations = self.get_children_locations()
children = [self.system.get_module(loc) for loc in child_locations]
# get_module returns None if the current user doesn't have access
# to the location.
self._loaded_children = [c for c in children if c is not None]
return self._loaded_children
def get_children_locations(self):
Returns the locations of each of child modules.
Overriding this changes the behavior of get_children and
anything that uses get_children, such as get_display_items.
This method will not instantiate the modules of the children
unless absolutely necessary, so it is cheaper to call than get_children
These children will be the same children returned by the
descriptor unless descriptor.has_dynamic_children() is true.
return self.definition.get('children', [])
def get_display_items(self):
......@@ -489,6 +504,18 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin, HTMLSnippet):
def has_dynamic_children(self):
Returns True if this descriptor has dynamic children for a given
student when the module is created.
Returns False if the children of this descriptor are the same
children that the module will return for any student.
return False
# ================================= JSON PARSING ===========================
This is a very very simple course, useful for initial debugging of processing code.
\ No newline at end of file
<chapter url_name="GradedChapter">
<vertical url_name="Homework1">
<problem url_name="H1P1">
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<abtest experiment="HiddenProblem">
<group name="SeeProblem" portion="1">
<problem url_name="H1P2">
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<group name="HiddenProblem" portion="0">
<problem url_name="H1P3">
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<videosequence url_name="Homework2">
<vertical url_name="Homework2Inner">
<problem url_name="H2P1">
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<problem url_name="H2P2">
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<videosequence url_name="Homework3">
<vertical url_name="Homework3Inner">
<problem url_name="H3P1">
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<problem url_name="H3P2">
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<problem url_name="FinalQuestion">
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
<optioninput options="('Correct', 'Incorrect')" correct="Correct"></optioninput>
"GRADER" : [
"type" : "Homework",
"min_count" : 3,
"drop_count" : 1,
"short_label" : "HW",
"weight" : 0.5
"type" : "Final",
"name" : "Final Question",
"short_label" : "Final",
"weight" : 0.5
"A" : 0.8,
"B" : 0.7,
"C" : 0.6
"course/2012_Fall": {
"graceperiod": "2 days 5 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds",
"start": "2010-07-17T12:00",
"display_name": "Graded Course",
"graded": "true"
"vertical/Homework1": {
"display_name": "Homework 1",
"graded": true,
"format": "Homework"
"videosequence/Homework2": {
"display_name": "Homework 2",
"graded": true,
"format": "Homework"
"problem/H2P1": {
"weight": 4
"videosequence/Homework3": {
"display_name": "Homework 3",
"graded": true,
"format": "Homework"
"vertical/Homework1": {
"display_name": "Homework 1",
"graded": true,
"format": "Homework"
"problem/FinalQuestion": {
"display_name": "Final Question",
"graded": true,
"format": "Final"
"chapter/Overview": {
"display_name": "Overview"
<course org="edX" course="graded" url_name="2012_Fall"/>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ from pprint import pprint
from urlparse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.client import Client
from django.test.client import Client, RequestFactory
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from mock import patch, Mock
......@@ -20,7 +21,9 @@ from override_settings import override_settings
import xmodule.modulestore.django
# Need access to internal func to put users in the right group
from courseware import grades
from courseware.access import _course_staff_group_name
from courseware.models import StudentModuleCache
from student.models import Registration
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
......@@ -640,3 +643,133 @@ class RealCoursesLoadTestCase(PageLoader):
# ========= TODO: check ajax interaction here too?
class TestCourseGrader(PageLoader):
"""Check that a course gets graded properly"""
# NOTE: setUpClass() runs before override_settings takes effect, so
# can't do imports there without manually hacking settings.
def setUp(self):
xmodule.modulestore.django._MODULESTORES = {}
courses = modulestore().get_courses()
def find_course(course_id):
"""Assumes the course is present"""
return [c for c in courses if][0]
self.graded_course = find_course("edX/graded/2012_Fall")
# create a test student
self.student = ''
self.password = 'foo'
self.create_account('u1', self.student, self.password)
self.student_user = user(self.student)
self.factory = RequestFactory()
def check_grade_percent(self, percent):
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(, self.student_user, self.graded_course)
fake_request = self.factory.get(reverse('progress',
grade_summary = grades.grade(self.student_user, fake_request,
self.graded_course, student_module_cache)
self.assertEqual(grade_summary['percent'], percent)
def submit_question_answer(self, problem_url_name, responses):
The field names of a problem are hard to determine. This method only works
for the problems used in the edX/graded course, which has fields named in the
following form:
problem_location = "i4x://edX/graded/problem/{0}".format(problem_url_name)
modx_url = reverse('modx_dispatch',
'course_id' :,
'location' : problem_location,
'dispatch' : 'problem_check', }
resp =, {
'input_i4x-edX-graded-problem-{0}_2_1'.format(problem_url_name): responses[0],
'input_i4x-edX-graded-problem-{0}_2_2'.format(problem_url_name): responses[1],
print "modx_url" , modx_url, "responses" , responses
print "resp" , resp
return resp
def reset_question_answer(self, problem_url_name):
problem_location = "i4x://edX/graded/problem/{0}".format(problem_url_name)
modx_url = reverse('modx_dispatch',
'course_id' :,
'location' : problem_location,
'dispatch' : 'problem_reset', }
resp =
return resp
def test_get_graded(self):
#### Check that the grader shows we have 0% in the course
#### Submit the answers to a few problems as ajax calls
# Only get half of the first problem correct
self.submit_question_answer('H1P1', ['Correct', 'Incorrect'])
# Get both parts of the first problem correct
self.submit_question_answer('H1P1', ['Correct', 'Correct'])
# This problem is shown in an ABTest
self.submit_question_answer('H1P2', ['Correct', 'Correct'])
# This problem is hidden in an ABTest. Getting it correct doesn't change total grade
self.submit_question_answer('H1P3', ['Correct', 'Correct'])
# On the second homework, we only answer half of the questions.
# Then it will be dropped when homework three becomes the higher percent
# This problem is also weighted to be 4 points (instead of default of 2)
# If the problem was unweighted the percent would have been 0.38 so we
# know it works.
self.submit_question_answer('H2P1', ['Correct', 'Correct'])
# Third homework
self.submit_question_answer('H3P1', ['Correct', 'Correct'])
self.check_grade_percent(0.42) # Score didn't change
self.submit_question_answer('H3P2', ['Correct', 'Correct'])
self.check_grade_percent(0.5) # Now homework2 dropped. Score changes
# Now we answer the final question (worth half of the grade)
self.submit_question_answer('FinalQuestion', ['Correct', 'Correct'])
self.check_grade_percent(1.0) # Hooray! We got 100%
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from courseware import grades
from courseware.access import has_access
from import (get_course_with_access, get_courses_by_university)
import courseware.tabs as tabs
from models import StudentModuleCache
from courseware.models import StudentModuleCache
from module_render import toc_for_course, get_module, get_instance_module
from student.models import UserProfile
......@@ -484,16 +484,14 @@ def progress(request, course_id, student_id=None):
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(
course_id, student, course)
course_module = get_module(student, request, course.location,
student_module_cache, course_id)
# The course_module should be accessible, but check anyway just in case something went wrong:
if course_module is None:
raise Http404("Course does not exist")
courseware_summary = grades.progress_summary(student, course_module,
course.grader, student_module_cache)
courseware_summary = grades.progress_summary(student, request, course,
grade_summary = grades.grade(student, request, course, student_module_cache)
if courseware_summary is None:
#This means the student didn't have access to the course (which the instructor requested)
raise Http404
context = {'course': course,
'courseware_summary': courseware_summary,
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ def gradebook(request, course_id):
course = get_course_with_access(request.user, course_id, 'staff')
enrolled_students = User.objects.filter(courseenrollment__course_id=course_id).order_by('username')
enrolled_students = User.objects.filter(courseenrollment__course_id=course_id).order_by('username').select_related("profile")
# TODO (vshnayder): implement pagination.
enrolled_students = enrolled_students[:1000] # HACK!
......@@ -50,7 +50,11 @@ ${progress_graph.body(grade_summary, course.grade_cutoffs, "grade-detail-graph")
<h3><a href="${reverse('courseware_section', kwargs=dict(, chapter=chapter['url_name'], section=section['url_name']))}">
${ section['display_name'] }</a><span> ${"({0:.3n}/{1:.3n}) {2}".format( float(earned), float(total), percentageString )}</span></h3>
${ section['display_name'] }</a>
%if total > 0 or earned > 0:
<span> ${"({0:.3n}/{1:.3n}) {2}".format( float(earned), float(total), percentageString )}</span>
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