Commit a4c35ac4 by Brian Wilson

Use separate retry count for calculating retry delay.

parent 7b7afd47
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Unit tests for handling email sending errors
from itertools import cycle
from mock import patch, Mock
from smtplib import SMTPDataError, SMTPServerDisconnected, SMTPConnectError
from unittest import skip
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from django.conf import settings
......@@ -93,9 +92,9 @@ class TestEmailErrors(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# Test that after the rejected email, the rest still successfully send
((_initial_results), kwargs) = result.call_args
self.assertEquals(kwargs['skipped'], 0)
expectedNumFails = int((settings.EMAILS_PER_TASK + 3) / 4.0)
self.assertEquals(kwargs['failed'], expectedNumFails)
self.assertEquals(kwargs['succeeded'], settings.EMAILS_PER_TASK - expectedNumFails)
expected_fails = int((settings.EMAILS_PER_TASK + 3) / 4.0)
self.assertEquals(kwargs['failed'], expected_fails)
self.assertEquals(kwargs['succeeded'], settings.EMAILS_PER_TASK - expected_fails)
@patch('bulk_email.tasks.get_connection', autospec=True)
......@@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ class TestEmailErrors(ModuleStoreTestCase):
@patch('bulk_email.tasks.get_connection', Mock(return_value=EmailTestException))
def test_general_exception(self, mock_log, retry, result):
Tests the if the error is not SMTP-related, we log and reraise
Tests the if the error is unexpected, we log and retry
test_email = {
'action': 'Send email',
......@@ -156,11 +155,10 @@ class TestEmailErrors(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# so we assert on the arguments of log.exception, test_email)
((log_str, _task_id, email_id, to_list), _) = mock_log.exception.call_args
self.assertIn('caused send_course_email task to fail with uncaught exception.', log_str)
((log_str, _task_id, email_id), _) = mock_log.exception.call_args
self.assertIn('caused send_course_email task to fail with unexpected exception.', log_str)
self.assertEqual(email_id, 1)
self.assertEqual(to_list, [])
# check the results being returned
((initial_results, ), kwargs) = result.call_args
......@@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ class TestEmailErrors(ModuleStoreTestCase):
entry = InstructorTask.create(course_id, "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
task_input = {"email_id": -1}
with self.assertRaises(CourseEmail.DoesNotExist):
perform_delegate_email_batches(, course_id, task_input, "action_name")
perform_delegate_email_batches(, course_id, task_input, "action_name") # pylint: disable=E1101
((log_str, _, email_id), _) = mock_log.warning.call_args
self.assertIn('Failed to get CourseEmail with id', log_str)
......@@ -196,9 +194,9 @@ class TestEmailErrors(ModuleStoreTestCase):
email = CourseEmail(course_id=course_id)
entry = InstructorTask.create(course_id, "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
task_input = {"email_id":}
task_input = {"email_id":} # pylint: disable=E1101
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
perform_delegate_email_batches(, course_id, task_input, "action_name")
perform_delegate_email_batches(, course_id, task_input, "action_name") # pylint: disable=E1101
((log_str, _, _), _) = mock_log.exception.call_args
self.assertIn('get_course_by_id failed:', log_str)
......@@ -211,9 +209,9 @@ class TestEmailErrors(ModuleStoreTestCase):
email = CourseEmail(, to_option="IDONTEXIST")
entry = InstructorTask.create(, "task_type", "task_key", "task_input", self.instructor)
task_input = {"email_id":}
task_input = {"email_id":} # pylint: disable=E1101
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
perform_delegate_email_batches(,, task_input, "action_name")
perform_delegate_email_batches(,, task_input, "action_name") # pylint: disable=E1101
((log_str, opt_str), _) = mock_log.error.call_args
self.assertIn('Unexpected bulk email TO_OPTION found', log_str)
Unit tests for LMS instructor-initiated background tasks.
Runs tasks on answers to course problems to validate that code
paths actually work.
import json
from uuid import uuid4
from itertools import cycle
from mock import patch, Mock
from smtplib import SMTPDataError, SMTPServerDisconnected
from celery.states import SUCCESS
# from django.test.utils import override_settings
from django.conf import settings
from import call_command
from bulk_email.models import CourseEmail, SEND_TO_ALL
# from instructor_task.tests.test_tasks import TestInstructorTasks
from instructor_task.tasks import send_bulk_course_email
from instructor_task.models import InstructorTask
from instructor_task.tests.test_base import InstructorTaskCourseTestCase
from instructor_task.tests.factories import InstructorTaskFactory
class TestTaskFailure(Exception):
"""Dummy exception used for unit tests."""
class TestBulkEmailInstructorTask(InstructorTaskCourseTestCase):
"""Tests instructor task that send bulk email."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestBulkEmailInstructorTask, self).setUp()
self.instructor = self.create_instructor('instructor')
# load initial content (since we don't run migrations as part of tests):
call_command("loaddata", "course_email_template.json")
def _create_input_entry(self, course_id=None):
Creates a InstructorTask entry for testing.
Overrides the base class version in that this creates CourseEmail.
to_option = SEND_TO_ALL
course_id = course_id or
course_email = CourseEmail.create(course_id, self.instructor, to_option, "Test Subject", "<p>This is a test message</p>")
task_input = {'email_id':}
task_id = str(uuid4())
instructor_task = InstructorTaskFactory.create(
task_key='dummy value',
return instructor_task
def _run_task_with_mock_celery(self, task_class, entry_id, task_id, expected_failure_message=None):
"""Submit a task and mock how celery provides a current_task."""
self.current_task = Mock()
self.current_task.max_retries = settings.BULK_EMAIL_MAX_RETRIES
self.current_task.default_retry_delay = settings.BULK_EMAIL_DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY
task_args = [entry_id, {}]
with patch('bulk_email.tasks._get_current_task') as mock_get_task:
mock_get_task.return_value = self.current_task
return task_class.apply(task_args, task_id=task_id).get()
def test_email_missing_current_task(self):
task_entry = self._create_input_entry()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
send_bulk_course_email(, {})
def test_email_undefined_course(self):
# Check that we fail when passing in a course that doesn't exist.
task_entry = self._create_input_entry(course_id="bogus/course/id")
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
self._run_task_with_mock_celery(send_bulk_course_email,, task_entry.task_id)
def _create_students(self, num_students):
"""Create students, a problem, and StudentModule objects for testing"""
students = [
self.create_student('robot%d' % i) for i in xrange(num_students)
return students
def _test_run_with_task(self, task_class, action_name, total, succeeded, failed=0, skipped=0):
"""Run a task and check the number of emails processed."""
task_entry = self._create_input_entry()
parent_status = self._run_task_with_mock_celery(task_class,, task_entry.task_id)
# check return value
self.assertEquals(parent_status.get('total'), total)
self.assertEquals(parent_status.get('action_name'), action_name)
# compare with entry in table:
entry = InstructorTask.objects.get(
status = json.loads(entry.task_output)
self.assertEquals(status.get('attempted'), succeeded + failed)
self.assertEquals(status.get('succeeded'), succeeded)
self.assertEquals(status['skipped'], skipped)
self.assertEquals(status['failed'], failed)
self.assertEquals(status.get('total'), total)
self.assertEquals(status.get('action_name'), action_name)
self.assertGreater(status.get('duration_ms'), 0)
self.assertEquals(entry.task_state, SUCCESS)
def test_successful(self):
num_students = settings.EMAILS_PER_TASK
# we also send email to the instructor:
num_emails = num_students + 1
with patch('bulk_email.tasks.get_connection', autospec=True) as get_conn:
get_conn.return_value.send_messages.side_effect = cycle([None])
self._test_run_with_task(send_bulk_course_email, 'emailed', num_emails, num_emails)
def test_data_err_fail(self):
# Test that celery handles permanent SMTPDataErrors by failing and not retrying.
num_students = settings.EMAILS_PER_TASK
# we also send email to the instructor:
num_emails = num_students + 1
expected_fails = int((num_emails + 3) / 4.0)
expected_succeeds = num_emails - expected_fails
with patch('bulk_email.tasks.get_connection', autospec=True) as get_conn:
# have every fourth email fail due to blacklisting:
get_conn.return_value.send_messages.side_effect = cycle([SMTPDataError(554, "Email address is blacklisted"),
None, None, None])
self._test_run_with_task(send_bulk_course_email, 'emailed', num_emails, expected_succeeds, failed=expected_fails)
def test_retry_after_limited_retry_error(self):
# Test that celery handles connection failures by retrying.
num_students = 1
# we also send email to the instructor:
num_emails = num_students + 1
expected_fails = 0
expected_succeeds = num_emails
with patch('bulk_email.tasks.get_connection', autospec=True) as get_conn:
# have every other mail attempt fail due to disconnection:
get_conn.return_value.send_messages.side_effect = cycle([SMTPServerDisconnected(425, "Disconnecting"), None])
self._test_run_with_task(send_bulk_course_email, 'emailed', num_emails, expected_succeeds, failed=expected_fails)
def test_max_retry(self):
# Test that celery can hit a maximum number of retries.
num_students = 1
# we also send email to the instructor:
num_emails = num_students + 1
# This is an ugly hack: the failures that are reported by the EAGER version of retry
# are multiplied by the attempted number of retries (equals max plus one).
expected_fails = num_emails * (settings.BULK_EMAIL_MAX_RETRIES + 1)
expected_succeeds = 0
with patch('bulk_email.tasks.get_connection', autospec=True) as get_conn:
# always fail to connect, triggering repeated retries until limit is hit:
get_conn.return_value.send_messages.side_effect = cycle([SMTPServerDisconnected(425, "Disconnecting")])
self._test_run_with_task(send_bulk_course_email, 'emailed', num_emails, expected_succeeds, failed=expected_fails)
......@@ -720,18 +720,13 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
email_subject = request.POST.get("subject")
html_message = request.POST.get("message")
# TODO: make sure this is committed before submitting it to the task.
# However, it should probably be enough to do the submit below, which
# will commit the transaction for the InstructorTask object. Both should
# therefore be committed. (Still, it might be clearer to do so here as well.)
# Actually, this should probably be moved out, so that all the validation logic
# we might want to add to it can be added. There might also be something
# that would permit validation of the email beforehand.
# Create the CourseEmail object. This is saved immediately, so that
# any transaction that has been pending up to this point will also be
# committed.
email = CourseEmail.create(course_id, request.user, email_to_option, email_subject, html_message)
# TODO: make this into a task submission, so that the correct
# InstructorTask object gets created (for monitoring purposes)
submit_bulk_course_email(request, course_id,
# Submit the task, so that the correct InstructorTask object gets created (for monitoring purposes)
submit_bulk_course_email(request, course_id, # pylint: disable=E1101
if email_to_option == "all":
email_msg = '<div class="msg msg-confirm"><p class="copy">Your email was successfully queued for sending. Please note that for large public classes (~10k), it may take 1-2 hours to send all emails.</p></div>'
......@@ -1535,7 +1530,6 @@ def get_background_task_table(course_id, problem_url=None, student=None, task_ty
# (note that we don't have to check that the arguments are valid; it
# just won't find any entries.)
if (history_entries.count()) == 0:
# TODO: figure out how to deal with task_type better here...
if problem_url is None:
msg += '<font color="red">Failed to find any background tasks for course "{course}".</font>'.format(course=course_id)
elif student is not None:
......@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ def submit_bulk_course_email(request, course_id, email_id):
The specified CourseEmail object will be sent be updated for all students who have enrolled
in a course. Parameters are the `course_id` and the `email_id`, the id of the CourseEmail object.
AlreadyRunningError is raised if the course's students are already being emailed.
TODO: is this the right behavior? Or should multiple emails be allowed in the pipeline at the same time?
AlreadyRunningError is raised if the same recipients are already being emailed with the same
CourseEmail object.
This method makes sure the InstructorTask entry is committed.
When called from any view that is wrapped by TransactionMiddleware,
......@@ -188,11 +188,9 @@ def submit_bulk_course_email(request, course_id, email_id):
save here. Any future database operations will take place in a
separate transaction.
# check arguments: make sure that the course is defined?
# TODO: what is the right test here?
# This should also make sure that the email exists.
# We can also pull out the To argument here, so that is displayed in
# Assume that the course is defined, and that the user has already been verified to have
# appropriate access to the course. But make sure that the email exists.
# We also pull out the To argument here, so that is displayed in
# the InstructorTask status.
email_obj = CourseEmail.objects.get(id=email_id)
to_option = email_obj.to_option
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ def submit_task(request, task_type, task_class, course_id, task_input, task_key)
# submit task:
task_id = instructor_task.task_id
task_args = [, _get_xmodule_instance_args(request, task_id)]
task_args = [, _get_xmodule_instance_args(request, task_id)] # pylint: disable=E1101
task_class.apply_async(task_args, task_id=task_id)
return instructor_task
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from instructor_task.tasks_helper import (
from bulk_email.tasks import perform_delegate_email_batches
@task(base=BaseInstructorTask) # pylint: disable=E1102
def rescore_problem(entry_id, xmodule_instance_args):
"""Rescores a problem in a course, for all students or one specific student.
......@@ -55,13 +55,14 @@ def rescore_problem(entry_id, xmodule_instance_args):
update_fcn = partial(rescore_problem_module_state, xmodule_instance_args)
def filter_fcn(modules_to_update):
"""Filter that matches problems which are marked as being done"""
return modules_to_update.filter(state__contains='"done": true')
visit_fcn = partial(perform_module_state_update, update_fcn, filter_fcn)
return run_main_task(entry_id, visit_fcn, action_name)
@task(base=BaseInstructorTask) # pylint: disable=E1102
def reset_problem_attempts(entry_id, xmodule_instance_args):
"""Resets problem attempts to zero for a particular problem for all students in a course.
......@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ def reset_problem_attempts(entry_id, xmodule_instance_args):
return run_main_task(entry_id, visit_fcn, action_name)
@task(base=BaseInstructorTask) # pylint: disable=E1102
def delete_problem_state(entry_id, xmodule_instance_args):
"""Deletes problem state entirely for all students on a particular problem in a course.
......@@ -103,18 +104,20 @@ def delete_problem_state(entry_id, xmodule_instance_args):
return run_main_task(entry_id, visit_fcn, action_name)
def send_bulk_course_email(entry_id, xmodule_instance_args):
"""Sends emails to in a course.
@task(base=BaseInstructorTask) # pylint: disable=E1102
def send_bulk_course_email(entry_id, _xmodule_instance_args):
"""Sends emails to recipients enrolled in a course.
`entry_id` is the id value of the InstructorTask entry that corresponds to this task.
The entry contains the `course_id` that identifies the course, as well as the
`task_input`, which contains task-specific input.
The task_input should be a dict with no entries.
The task_input should be a dict with the following entries:
`xmodule_instance_args` provides information needed by _get_module_instance_for_task()
to instantiate an xmodule instance.
'email_id': the full URL to the problem to be rescored. (required)
`_xmodule_instance_args` provides information needed by _get_module_instance_for_task()
to instantiate an xmodule instance. This is unused here.
action_name = 'emailed'
visit_fcn = perform_delegate_email_batches
......@@ -152,15 +152,16 @@ class InstructorTaskCourseSubmitTest(InstructorTaskCourseTestCase):
self.instructor = UserFactory.create(username="instructor", email="")
def _define_course_email(self):
"""Create CourseEmail object for testing."""
course_email = CourseEmail.create(, self.instructor, SEND_TO_ALL, "Test Subject", "<p>This is a test message</p>")
return # pylint: disable=E1101
def test_submit_bulk_email_all(self):
email_id = self._define_course_email()
instructor_task = submit_bulk_course_email(self.create_task_request(self.instructor),, email_id)
# test resubmitting, by updating the existing record:
instructor_task = InstructorTask.objects.get(
instructor_task = InstructorTask.objects.get( # pylint: disable=E1101
instructor_task.task_state = PROGRESS
......@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ class TestInstructorTasks(InstructorTaskModuleTestCase):
def _test_missing_current_task(self, task_class):
"""Check that a task_class fails when celery doesn't provide a current_task."""
task_entry = self._create_input_entry()
with self.assertRaises(UpdateProblemModuleStateError):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
task_class(, self._get_xmodule_instance_args())
def _test_undefined_course(self, task_class):
# run with celery, but no course defined
"""Run with celery, but with no course defined."""
task_entry = self._create_input_entry(course_id="bogus/course/id")
with self.assertRaises(ItemNotFoundError):
self._run_task_with_mock_celery(task_class,, task_entry.task_id)
......@@ -93,6 +93,10 @@ CELERY_QUEUES = {
# We want Bulk Email running on the high-priority queue, so we define the
# routing key that points to it. At the moment, the name is the same.
########################## NON-SECURE ENV CONFIG ##############################
# Things like server locations, ports, etc.
......@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ LOG_DIR = ENV_TOKENS['LOG_DIR']
#Email overrides
# Email overrides
......@@ -140,8 +144,10 @@ BUGS_EMAIL = ENV_TOKENS.get('BUGS_EMAIL', BUGS_EMAIL)
#Theme overrides
# Theme overrides
if not THEME_NAME is None:
......@@ -150,10 +156,10 @@ if not THEME_NAME is None:
# Marketing link overrides
#Timezone overrides
# Timezone overrides
#Additional installed apps
# Additional installed apps
for app in ENV_TOKENS.get('ADDL_INSTALLED_APPS', []):
......@@ -795,6 +795,17 @@ CELERY_QUEUES = {
# let logging work as configured:
################################ Bulk Email ###################################
# We want Bulk Email running on the high-priority queue, so we define the
# routing key that points to it. At the moment, the name is the same.
################################### APPS ######################################
# Standard ones that are always installed...
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